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-This is a descriptive research study aiming to investigate the relationship between attitudes toward advance directive and family function in the elderly in the community and enhance implementation in drawing up advance directives.

The participants of this study were 145 elderly individuals aged 65 or older living in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, who understood the purpose of and agreed to participate in this study. Data collection was conducted from December 25, 2017 to January 20, 2018, using a structured questionnaire.

The participants' attitudes toward advance directives were measured using the Korean version of the Advance Directive Attitude Survey(ADAS), which was originally developed and modified in 2003 by Nolan and Bruder(1997) and translated into Korean by Lee(2012). Family function was measured using the Family APGAR, which was originally developed by Smilkstein(1978) and modified by Kim and Baek(2003).

The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, χ2-test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS 18.0.

1. The mean score for attitude toward advance directives was 45.75(±5.50)(out of 64 point). By subdomain, the score for “the effects of advance directive on family members” was the highest (22.61±5.22 point), followed by the scores for “opportunities to choose treatment options"

(11.13±2.48), “the effects of advance directives on treatment" (9.10±1.59), and

“illness perception" with(2.92±0.62).

2. The mean score for the level of family function was 6.41(±2.79) out of 10 point. By function, the “healthy family function group" accounted for 44.3% and scored 9.19 point, the “moderate family function group" accounted for 42.9% and scored 4.87 points, and the “severe family dysfunction group"

accounted for 12.9% and scored 2 point

3. Concerning the difference in attitude toward advance directives according to the participants' general characteristics, higher perceived health status was found to be associated with more positive attitudes toward advance directives(F=4.58, p=.012).

4. There was a significant difference in attitudes toward advance directives between the groups according to the participants' family function.

The score for attitudes toward advance directives was significantly lower in the severe family dysfunction group(F=5.85, p=.004).

5. There was a significant positive correlation between the participants' attitudes toward advance directives and family function(r=.29, p=.001).

Taken together, the results of this study demonstrated that there was a correlation between attitudes toward advance directives and family function among community elderly, and can provide baseline data for building positive attitudes toward advance directives.

Keywords: Advance directives, Attitudes toward advance directives, Elderly people, Family function.

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