• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

이상과 같은 결론을 토대로 몇 가지 제언을 하면 다음과 같다.

첫째, 본 연구에서는 참가 대상자가 s 요양원으로 한정되어 있었으나 일 반 노인, 병원 입원 노인 등의 집단을 구성하여 효과를 검증해 보는 후속 연구도 생각해 볼 수 있다. 연구결과의 일반화를 위해서 보다 큰 표본을 활용하고, 다양한 집단을 대상으로 프로그램의 효과를 검증하고 보완하는 것이 필요하다.

둘째, 본 연구는 노인의 요구조사에 기초한 프로그램이 아니라 개발자의 의도에 의한 프로그램이 개발되었다. 복지 시설 거주 노인의 무력감 인지 정도를 사전에 파악하고 이를 기반으로 무력감을 완화할 수 있는 적합한 내용을 개발하는 후속 연구가 요구된다.


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A study on the traditional fairy tale program development geared toward alleviating elderly people's sense of

helplessness and an analysis of its effects


Bang Kyoung Ja

Counselling Psychology Major

Graduate School of Education Cheju National University Jeju, Korea

Supervisal by Professor Hur, chul-soo

The purpose of this study was to develop a traditional fairy tale program geared toward alleviating elderly people's sense of helplessness who were housed in welfare facilities and to determine its effectiveness. The research questions were posed as follows:

1. How could traditional fairy tales in Jeju be reconstructed?

2. In which way should a program about traditional fairy tales in Jeju be developed?

3. What effect does a program about traditional fairy tales in Jeju have on institutionalized elderly people's sense of helplessness?

After relevant domestic literature and materials were gathered and analyzed, a program was prepared by using traditional fairy tales in Jeju. The first session was planned to explain the object and schedule of the program and to let participants introduce themselves and write a letter of pledge. The second session was titled 'What and who remains in my memory.' Participants would look back on their lives by sharing the same experience as the given fairy tales describe. The third

* This thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Education, Cheju University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in August, 2005

session was titled 'My life curve,' and provided the enrichment activity of what's unfolded in the second session by having them reflect on their lives more deeply.

The fourth session was titled 'What do you want to say to your children, and offered a chance for participants to talk to their children in the place of mothers depicted by fairy tales and to write an oral letter to them. The fifth session was titled 'What should it be like to lead a good life as an elderly person,' in which they could arrange their lives by completing unfinished sentences after listening to a fairy tale and guessing how its characters would feel. Under the title 'What's important to me and what I expect from people.' the sixth session had them infer about the other parts of a traditional fairy tale after listening to some part of it, and let them think of what's gold in their lives with reference to what its characters regard as gold. The seventh session titled 'My life and my story' let them share how they feel about the program, taking some refreshments.

The subjects in this study were 20 elderly people who were selected from the dwellers at S nursing home in Bukjeju-gun, Jeju-do. After their sense of helplessness was tested, 20 people were selected by random sampling, who felt less lethargic, resided there for six or more months, were able to be involved in group activities and communicate and consented to participate in the study. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group with 10 each.

The program was implemented by utilizing traditional fairy tales in Jeju on Saturdays and Sundays from December 4 through 26. The experimental group took part in the program in seven 60-minute sessions between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m, and the last session was conducted between 1:30 and 3 p.m., in which some refreshments were provided.

Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed by carrying out pretest and posttest and observing the participants.

The instrument used to assess their sense of helplessness was Park Jeong-mun(2001)'s revised version of Miller(1983)'s Helplessness Inventory, which was put to use with no modification.

The findings of the study were as follows:

First, the traditional fairy tale program was effective in easing the institutionalized elderly people's sense of helplessness.

Second, the traditional fairy tale program served to relieve the institutionalized elderly people's sense of emotional helplessness, one of helplessness subfactors.

Third, the traditional fairy tale program contributed to alleviating the institutionalized elderly people's sense of daily helplessness, one of helplessness


Fourth, the traditional fairy tale program had an effect on weakening the institutionalized elderly people's sense of academic helplessness, one of helplessness subfactors.

Fifth, the elderly people, who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their families, considered their families more important than themselves, and they didn't even think of how they should lead their lives. Elderly people had to wrap up their lives and were scarcely receptive to new things, and given such characteristics, programs geared toward the elderly should be unfolded in a sequential, phase-in way, and they should be designed to help them to build a better image of themselves and look at their lives positively. It's attempted in this study to develop the program flexibly in light of the physical and sociopsychological features of elderly people among whom broad individual variances existed. The effort by this study is expected to lay the groundwork for developing a wide variety of specialized programs in consideration of their needs and to give them a wider choice.

Sixth, the program was prepared to ease institutionalized elderly people's sense of helplessness by reviewing relevant literature, and that program was actually applied. All the attempts paved the way for boosting the applicability of fairy tales in Jeju to the elderly.

Seventh, elderly people had a strong tendency to talk about themselves only without listening to others. In order to direct their conversation in the right direction and make a program work, conversation rules should be prepared, and every participant should be exhorted to abide them.

Eighth, as the fairy tale program geared toward alleviating a sense of helplessness turned out to be effective, its application will contribute to preventing institutionalized elderly people from being helpless and improving their quality of life.

The attempt by this study to ease institutionalized elderly people's sense of helplessness by taking advantage of fairy tales in Jeju is expected to stir up the development of more specialized programs for institutionalized elderly people.

부 록

<부록 1> 제주 전래 동화 프로그램 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥59

<부록 2> 프로그램 시 사용되었던 Work sheet ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥66

<부록 3> 조사 설문지 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥69

<부록 4> 제주 전래동화 자료‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥72

<부록1>제주 전래 동화 프로그램

제 1회기: 동화의 세계로

본 제주 전래 동화 활용 프로그램을 이해한 후 프로그램에 대한 참여 동기를 유발 한다.

음악 tape, 서약서, 이름표, 사인펜, 자기소개 Work sheet

활 동 내 용

․ 분위기 조성 활동

- 호흡을 고르게 하고 머리를 앞, 뒤로 천천히 움직이도록 하고 난 다음 좌, 우로 움직이도록 한다. 먼저 리더가 시범을 보이고 구성원들이 따라하도록 한다.

1) 프로그램 소개하기

- 책 한 권과 밥 한 그릇을 상자 속에 넣고, 다시 다른 상자 속에 넣고 또 다시 상자에 넣어서 포장한 뒤에 제시하고 안에 어떤 것이 들어 있을지 생각해 보게 한다.

- 상자를 하나씩 하나씩 열어 보고 마지막에는 상자 뚜껑을 열지 않은 상태에서, 상자를 흔들거나 만져서 안에 들어 있는 것을 맞춰보게 한다.

- 책과 밥이 들어 있음을 확인시켜 주고 이들의 공통점을 생각해 보게 한다.

- 제주 전래동화를 통한 이야기 나누기 활동임을 알린다.

- 동화를 듣고 이야기를 나누는 과정을 통해 자신과 타인을 이해하기 위한 목적 을 설명한다.

- 프로그램 일정을 알린다.

2) 자기 소개하기

- work sheet에 맞춰 모든 구성원이 자기 소개를 한다(진행자 시범) - 진행자가 준비해 둔 이름표를 나눠 준다.

- 이름표 뒷면에 자신이 알아차릴 수 있는 표시를 한다.

- 자신이 표시한 것을 구성원에게 제시하고 설명한다.

3) 서약서 작성하기

- 프로그램의 원활한 진행을 위해 함께 지켜야 할 규칙에 대해 이야기 나눈다.

- 준비해 둔 복사물의 내용에 대한 구성원의 동의를 구하고 리더가 정한 것 이외 에도 지켜야 할 규칙을 정한다.

- 서약서를 작성하고 서명한다.

․ 참여자 간의 느낌 나누기 및 프로그램에 대한 소감 나누기 ․ 다음 회기 안내하기

․ 자연스럽고 허용적인 분위기를 형성한다.

․ 이름표에 자기 인식 표시(색깔, 마크)를 남의 도움없이 하도록 한다.

․ 집단의 이야기를 집단 밖으로 끌고 가지 않도록 한다.

관련 문서