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실전 모의고사 08 회

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M Well, I’m sure this senior class is excited to only have two weeks of school left before graduation. But this also means you only have to wear your school uniform for another two weeks. What will you do with your uniform once you leave this school forever? I’d like to propose an idea for a way these uniforms can be recycled in a useful way. Why don’t you donate your uniform to the junior class? The student union is organizing an event called “Leaving School Uniforms for Juniors” that starts tomorrow. I’ve heard the price of school uniforms will almost double next year. The uniform may be of no use to you anymore, but for some juniors, it can remove the burden of buying a new one. I hope many of you will participate in the event. Thank you.

남 음,졸업전에학교생활이2주밖에남지않아우리졸업반친구들이신 났을것으로생각합니다.그러나이것은또한여러분이앞으로2주동안 만교복을입는다는것을의미합니다.이학교문을영원히나서면여러 분은교복으로무엇을할것입니까?저는이교복들이유용한방식으로



‘후배들을 위해 교복 물려주기’라고 부르는 행사를 조직하고 있습니다.

내년에교복가격이거의두배가될것이라고들었습니다.교복은여러 분에게는더이상쓸모가없게되겠지만,일부후배들에게그것은새교 복구입의부담을없애줄수있습니다.여러분들중많은학생들이이행 사에참여하기를바랍니다.감사합니다.


교복을후배들에게기증할것을제안하며학생회에서주최하는‘후배들을위 해교복물려주기’행사에참여할것을독려하고있으므로,남자가하는말의



senior class 졸업반,상급반 graduation 졸업

recycle 재활용하다 donate 기증하다 organize 조직하다

be of no use 쓸모없다 remove 없애다,제거하다 burden 부담,짐




W I have to go back upstairs.

M What for? We’re already running late.

W I have to check the stove.

M What’s the matter?

W I might have left the burner on.

along a route you know well. For example, for a shopping list, imagine bananas in the entryway to your home, milk in the middle of the sofa, and bread on your bed. One more thing. Knowing techniques isn’t enough. You need to practice, practice, and practice.

남 오늘날 우리는 삶에서 수많은 것들에 집중해야 할 필요가 있습니다. 우 리는100년전우리의할아버지들이했던것보다하루에거의천개더

많은정보의조각들을기억하도록기대되고있습니다.그래서우리는우 리의 기억력을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 기술을 이용할 필요 가 있습니다. 그것들의 몇 가지를 여러분들에게 말씀드리겠습니다. 먼 저시각적이미지를이용하세요.단어나이름과시각적이미지를관련지 어 생각하세요. 예를 들어,RosaLuxemburg라는 이름을 기억하기

위해서장미로둘러싸여있는공원벤치에앉아있는여자를그려보세 요.둘째로문장을이용하세요.각단어의첫번째글자가여러분이기억 하기를원하는것의첫글자인문장을만들어보세요.‘E,G,B,D그리 고F’를외우기위해‘Everygoodboydoesfine’이라는문장을만 들수있습니다.셋째로약어를이용하세요.약어는모든핵심단어의첫



만들수있습니다.마지막은장소법입니다.여러분이기억하고자하는사 항을당신이잘아는경로에놓는상상을해보세요.예를들어,쇼핑리 스트를위해,집의입구의통로에있는바나나,소파한가운데있는우유,

침대위에있는빵을상상해보세요.한가지더.기법을아는것은충분 하지않습니다.여러분은연습하고,연습하고또연습할필요가있습니다.



남자는현대인에게기억력을향상시키는데도움이되는다양한기술을이용 하는것이필요하다고말한다음구체적인예를들며기억력향상기법을하 나씩소개하고있으므로,남자가하는말의주제로는이가장적절하다.







기억력을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 기술로 은유적 표현 사용에 관해서는



pay attention to ~에집중하다 associate 관련지어생각하다

picture 마음속에그리다 surrounded by ~에둘러싸여있는

initial 첫글자,머리글자 acronym 약어,약자 route 경로,길

entryway (건물)입구의통로


M Sure. I can visit again at your convenience.

W Okay. Then I’ll call you back.

남 안녕하세요. 저는RobinWilson입니다.Grace 선생님을 찾고 있습 니다.

여 저예요.전화로방문약속을하셨죠,맞죠?

남 맞습니다.시간내주셔서감사합니다.

여 사실,저는당신의프로그램에대해듣고싶었어요.

남 감사합니다.그러면제가간단하게설명하겠습니다.저희프로그램은학 생관리와학교행정의편의를위해개발되었습니다.

여 좀더구체적으로설명해주시겠어요?

남 저희프로그램을통해,학생들은수업을신청할수있습니다.또한선생 님들은출석을확인할수있습니다.

여 매우편리할것같군요.

남 저희프로그램은또다른기능을갖고있습니다.저희프로그램에서선생 님들은학생들에게과제를내줄수있고,학생들은자신들의과제를제출 할수있습니다.

여 당신의 프로그램은 우리 학교에서 정말로 필요한 것을 가지고 있는 것

같군요.우리선생님들에게당신의프로그램시연을보여주실수있으신 가요?

남 물론입니다.선생님이편리하실때방문할수있습니다.

여 좋습니다.그러면제가다시연락을드리겠습니다.


남자는학교에서필요한프로그램을소개하고있는프로그램개발자이고여 자는학교교사이므로,두사람의관계로가장적절한것은이다.


make an appointment 약속하다 convenience 편의

management 관리 administration 행정 specifically 구체적으로 register for ~을등록하다 attendance 출석 function 기능

assignment 과제 demonstration 시연




W Hello, Dave. What is that picture on your phone?

M Hi, Sharon. It is my daughter’s drawing. I took a picture of it.

W It looks very interesting and creative.

M Yes. She likes drawing pictures.

W Is it a picture of the universe? There’s a triangle-shaped spaceship in the upper right corner.

M Yes, that’s right. The title of the picture is ‘Earth from the Moon.’

W Oh, so the earth looks small and round in the upper-left corner.

M Right. What do you think of the rabbit on the moon?

W Why is there a rabbit on the moon?

M There is a traditional Korean story that a rabbit lives on the moon.

W That’s interesting. And it’s cute that the rabbit is jumping rope.

M Yes. Look at the three roses next to the rabbit.

W Your child must have a great imagination. What’s the writing on the bottom right?

M It’s her name, Sera. And she drew a heart at the end of her M No, you didn’t. I checked the stove before we left.

W Are you sure?

M Of course, I’m sure.

W Well, I have to go back upstairs anyway.

M It’s getting later every minute.

W I think I left the water running. I’m sure I left one of the faucets dripping overnight.

M No, you didn’t. Let’s go! The only thing running is the clock!

W Don’t worry! We’ve got enough time. You need to double-check everything in the house before you leave.

여 위층에올라가봐야해요.

남 왜요?우리이미늦었어요.

여 가스레인지를확인해야하거든요.

남 뭐가문제인데요?

여 내가가스레인지를켜놓은것같아요.

남 아니요,안그랬어요.우리가나오기전에내가확인했어요.

여 확실해요?

남 당연히확실하죠.

여 음,그래도위층에올라가봐야겠어요.

남 계속해서더늦어지고있잖아요.

여 내가 물을 안 잠그고 나온 것 같아요. 밤새 수도꼭지 중 하나에서 물이


남 아니요,그렇지않았어요.이제갑시다!흐르고있는것은시간밖에없어 요!

여 걱정말아요!우리는시간이충분히있어요.집을나가기전에집안에있 는모든것들을다시한번확인할필요가있어요.


여자는 재촉하는 남자에게 집을 나서기 전에 집 안에 있는 모든 것을 다시




stove 가스레인지 faucet 수도꼭지

drip (물방울이)뚝뚝떨어지다[흐르다] double-check 다시확인하다




M Hello. I am Robin Wilson. I am looking for Ms. Grace.

W That’s me. You called and made an appointment to visit by phone, right?

M Yes. Thank you for your time.

W Actually, I wanted to hear about your program.

M Thanks. Then, let me explain it briefly. Our program was developed for the convenience of student management and school administration.

W Could you explain it more specifically?

M Through our program, students can register for classes.

Also, teachers can check attendance.

W That sounds very convenient.

M Our program has another function. Teachers can give assignments to students, and students can then submit their assignments on our program.

W Your program seems to have what our school really needs.

Can you show our teachers a demonstration of your


남 문제없어요.몇부나필요하죠?

20부부탁드려요.당신이복사하는동안저는캐나다바이어에게전화해 서다음주에있을출장일정을의논할게요.

남 알겠어요.곧돌아올게요.


여자는자기일을도와주겠다는남자에게마케팅보고서를복사해달라고요 청하고있으므로,여자가남자에게부탁한일로는이가장적절하다.


order 주문하다 company 동반,같이있음 photocopy 복사하다 copy machine 복사기 break down 고장나다

business trip 출장




W What a great place! I’ve wanted to try this restaurant.

M I’ll treat you tonight, so enjoy the meal.

W But Jake, this place looks expensive. Is it okay with you?

M Don’t worry. I’ve got a 50% off discount coupon.

W Wow! 50%? Where did you get the coupon?

M They’re issuing a discount coupon to new members of their website.

W I see. I’ll register for the website and download one myself.

M Try it. Oh, here’s the menu. Hmm... I’ll have this grilled chicken. 30 dollars is not a bad price. How about you?

W Well, I’d like meatball spaghetti. Oh, wait! 22 dollars for spaghetti? That’s too expensive!

M Never mind. Remember we can have meals at half price.

Why don’t you have some garlic bread, too? It’s only 4 dollars and it’s your favorite.

W Thanks, but that’s okay. Spaghetti will do for me.

M Okay, then let’s order now.

여 정말근사한곳이네요!이식당에와보고싶었어요.

남 오늘밤은제가대접할테니맛있게드세요.

여 하지만Jake,이곳은비싸보여요.괜찮겠어요?

남 걱정하지마세요.50퍼센트할인쿠폰이있거든요.

여 와!50퍼센트라고요?어디에서그런쿠폰을얻었어요?

남 이 식당의 웹 사이트에 등록한 새로운 회원들에게 할인 쿠폰을 발급해


여 그렇군요.저도그웹사이트에등록해서다운로드받아야겠네요.

여 그렇군요.저도그웹사이트에등록해서다운로드받아야겠네요.

관련 문서