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A Study on Expansion of Recognition of Maritime Exchanges in

Gojoseon about Dadianzi Site

Song, Ok Jin (Secretary General Daehansarang)

The Dadianzi is a representative community site of the 1600 B.C. period located in the Chinese city of Aohanqi Chifeng of Inner Mongolia where 1,200 pieces of cowrie shell were excavated. In the Dadazian Site, both natural cowrie shell and replica currency shell were excavated. Also a relic similar to cowrie shell, which is made of lead(鉛貝) was unearthed.

Chinese archaeological community recognizes to some extent the possibility that the lead currency-shaped cowrie shell was not only used as an ornament or a prestige in the community at the time, but also served as a currency. After applying various experimental methods applied to cowrie shells collected from shell habitats of coastal area of East Asia, the author tested validity of arguments raised by Chinese scholars, adding a new finding. The cowrie shell relic found in the Dadianzi were easy to carry with and can be preserved for a long time due to their ability to resist corrosion. It is also widely recognized by Chinese archaeologists that it had usage of quantification which satisfies requirements of currency. This finding raises a need to correct our traditional view on

the isolated scope of trade network of the ancient people of the Northeast Asian community. The commercial or ritualistic trade practices between Lower Xiajiadian communities and it neighboring cultures and remote cultures during the Bronze Age were not extensively studied so far. The customary conception has been that the trade netwok was limited within the immediately surrounding areas. The author investigated Moneta cowrie shell’s habitat throughout in continental and maritime East Asia of both ancient times and today. As a result, shellfish from that period until now were found to habitat in coral reef areas of Jeju Island, Okinawa, and south of Taiwan and the Philippines. The finding and confirmation raise us a need to expand the trading scope of people in the Dadianzi community at the time and the existing perception of the their inter-cultural activities. The existing perception should be extended to add wide-area trade practices beyond the hundreds of kilometers of confined networks with communities including such nearby cultures as.

Gaotaishan culture(高殆山文化), Machengzi culture(馬城子文化), Daetuotou culture(大坨頭文化), Shuangtuozi culture(雙砣子文化), Yueshi culture(岳石 文化). The finding further demands us to extend the remote trading network between Lower Xiajiadian and Erlitou culture(二里頭文化) in the Yellow River basin. With a more accurate assessment of their wide world view, inter-cultural interaction and active trading practices, we can have a better understanding of the characteristics of trade, economy, and culture of people in the 1600s before A.D.

Keyword : Dadianzi Site, Gojoseon, Cowire Shell, Lower Xiajiadian Culture, Trade Range

논문투고일 : 2021년 01월 15일

게재확정일 : 2021년 02월 06일 심사완료일 : 2021년 01월 31일

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