• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

치아우식증은 만성질환으로 비교적 흔한 질환이다. 이는 청소년기 심각한 질환 으로, 현재 우리나라 청소년 유병률은 16.5%로 높은 수치를 보이고 있다.

본 연구는 청소년 비만과 치아우식증 간의 관련성 분석 및 치아우식증에 영향 을 주는 관련요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 통계분석 결과, 비만, 가구소득, 흡연, 구 강검진은 치아우식증 관련요인으로 확인되었으나 음주는 확인되지 않았다. 성별 에 따른 특이성은 가구소득, 흡연, 구강검진에서 확인되었다.

현재 우리나라는 학교불소용액양치사업 및 치아홈메우기사업에도 불구하고 청 소년의 치아우식증 유병률이 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 따라서 국가와 지역사회 는 치아우식증에 많은 관심을 가지고 예방 정책을 수립하여야 할 것이다. 또한 향후 청소년을 대상으로 비만, 흡연, 구강검진의 중요성에 관한 교육 및 예방프 로그램을 체계적으로 실시한다면 청소년 치아우식증 유병률이 감소될 것으로 사 료된다.

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부 록

Appendix Table 1. Dental caries according to univariate logistic regression analysis

Variable Male*

OR : Odds ratio, CI : Confidence Interval, * : Crude model

Effect OR p-value OR p-value ho_incm 2 vs 1 0.104 0.022 0.506 0.0055 1.505 0.343 6.598 0.5843 ho_incm 3 vs 1 0.056 0.011 0.281 0.0006 0.431 0.081 2.288 0.3199 ho_incm 4 vs 1 0.098 0.024 0.407 0.0016 0.454 0.108 1.914 0.2791 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 0.588 0.181 1.914 0.3747 1.226 0.246 6.114 0.8019 BS10_1 2 vs 1 0.280 0.028 2.796 0.2751 2.454 0.247 24.366 0.4399

BD1 2 vs 1 5.268 1.007 27.569 0.0491 0.411 0.021 8.182 0.5567

ho_incm 2 vs 1 1.110 0.290 4.245 0.8781 0.952 0.219 4.145 0.9474 ho_incm 3 vs 1 0.623 0.183 2.128 0.4476 0.532 0.134 2.121 0.3682 ho_incm 4 vs 1 0.404 0.123 1.324 0.1334 0.364 0.071 1.852 0.2209 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 2.458 0.760 7.948 0.1318 0.732 0.169 3.179 0.6751 BS10_1 2 vs 1 0.863 0.320 2.331 0.7701 7.191 2.004 25.804 0.0028

BD1 2 vs 1 5.118 1.514 17.295 0.009 1.464 0.454 4.727 0.5206

ho_incm 2 vs 1 0.206 0.049 0.856 0.0301 0.916 0.168 5.003 0.9182 ho_incm 3 vs 1 0.250 0.060 1.046 0.0575 1.323 0.291 6.024 0.7137 ho_incm 4 vs 1 0.089 0.020 0.384 0.0014 0.396 0.078 2.003 0.2586 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 3.648 1.127 11.803 0.0311 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <.0001

BS10_1 2 vs 1 1.261 0.326 4.876 0.7345 0.971 0.097 9.733 0.9796

BD1 2 vs 1 0.511 0.195 1.340 0.1701 2.191 0.512 9.382 0.2859

ho_incm 2 vs 1 0.381 0.070 2.080 0.2614 0.589 0.115 3.012 0.521

ho_incm 3 vs 1 1.077 0.182 6.376 0.9339 0.805 0.133 4.861 0.8107 ho_incm 4 vs 1 0.273 0.046 1.627 0.1517 0.133 0.019 0.936 0.0429 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 1.562 0.464 5.258 0.4669 2.696 0.684 10.624 0.154

BS10_1 2 vs 1 2.512 0.966 6.528 0.0586 13.057 1.280 133.24 0.0306

BD1 2 vs 1 1.994 0.752 5.288 0.1629 0.889 0.219 3.604 0.8675

ho_incm 2 vs 1 0.107 0.023 0.494 0.0046 0.143 0.033 0.615 0.0096 ho_incm 3 vs 1 0.080 0.024 0.270 <.0001 0.097 0.015 0.622 0.0145 ho_incm 4 vs 1 0.041 0.011 0.159 <.0001 0.074 0.009 0.617 0.0167 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 0.411 0.076 2.225 0.2983 3.077 0.573 16.537 0.1874

BS10_1 2 vs 1 2.384 0.817 6.956 0.1104 0.519 0.103 2.613 0.4222

BD1 2 vs 1 0.836 0.319 2.194 0.7133 1.168 0.328 4.150 0.8086

ho_incm 2 vs 1 0.561 0.112 2.795 0.4758 0.234 0.037 1.472 0.1196 ho_incm 3 vs 1 1.161 0.210 6.436 0.8624 0.063 0.008 0.466 0.0075 ho_incm 4 vs 1 1.367 0.244 7.661 0.7194 0.118 0.015 0.908 0.0403 HE_BMI_g 2 vs 1 0.860 0.230 3.215 0.8204 8.149 2.065 32.166 0.0033

BS10_1 2 vs 1 1.915 0.562 6.527 0.2953 0.839 0.190 3.700 0.814

BD1 2 vs 1 0.493 0.138 1.767 0.274 1.300 0.171 9.890 0.7974


Appendix Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of major variables and dental caries according to age and gender

- 52 - Appendix Table 3. Confirmation of exemption from IRB

- 54 - [ABSTRACT]

Relationship between Adolescent Obesity and Dental Caries -Using the Fifth Korean National Health and

Nutrition Examination Survey-

Yunhee Seo Graduate School of Public Health Ajou University

(Supervised by Professor Dae Yong Kang, Ph.D.)

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between adolescent obesity and dental caries. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting dental caries in addition to obesity. Using data from the fifth year (2010-2012) of the National Health and Nutrition Survey, 1,646 adolescents were studied. Data were analyzed by t-test, 𝑥2 -test, univariate logistic regression analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis using SAS 9.4(Statistical analysis system version 9.4). In the case of integrating the data of the 5th National Health and Nutrition Survey (2010-2012), the integrated weight was calculated, and this study was analyzed by applying each weight to each group.

Obesity, household income, smoking, and oral examinations were found to be related to dental caries among adolescents, but drinking was not identified as a related factor. Household income, smoking, and oral examinations showed specificity according to gender. In addition, the proportion of dental caries according to obesity, household income level, smoking status,

and oral examination was statistically significant. Considering these relevant factors, countries and communities should establish preventive policies related to dental caries. Therefore, education on the importance of obesity, smoking, and oral examinations for future adolescents will have a positive effect in reducing dental caries in adolescents.

Keywords : Adolescent, Obesity, Dental caries, Korean National Health and Nutrition Exmination Survey

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