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「~はずだ」,「ところだ」등을 동반하여 실현되지 못한 상황에 대한 화자의 불

① 사용빈도 면에서 조건표현이 78%,비조건표현이 22%로 나타났으며,의미용법 별로 가정조건,전치용법,일반조건,확정조건,열거용법,반복․습관조건,반사 실조건의 순으로 사용되고 있었다.

② 호응하는 문말표현과의 사용빈도는 確言의 비율이 62.4%로 가장 높았으며, 槪言,說明이 각각 11%,10%를 나타내고 있었다.그 밖의 可能,疑問,當爲를 제외하면 사용빈도율이 1% 미만으로 낮게 나타났다.그리고 금지표현과는 호 응하지 않았다.


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A study on conjunction 「ば」 in Japanese



DepartmentofJapaneseLanguageandLiterature SupervisorProfessorKim,Seung Han

Conjunction「ば」 means conditional expression of pre-condition and

2) In the conditional expression, general condition is necessary for the

4) The unique feature of「ば」 sentence was examined in only 「ば」

available sentences and 「ば」unavailable sentences. In the enumerating method,ifthetense ofthe end ofsentenceis「タ type」 itcannotuse「

と」,「たら」,「なら」 exceptfor 「ば」.In an expression ofstressing by accompanying 「~こそ」 and expressing progress change of post-condition according to the progress of pre-condition, only 「ば」 was available. However,ifthesubjectbetweenpre-conditionandpost-conditionissameand pre-condition ismotionalpredicate,itcannotuse「ば」 sentencewhen there isimperativeexpression attheendofsentence,thereisundesirableresultto post-condition,andwhenthereisadiscoverymethod.

5)The frequency of「ば」 sentenceand corresponding relation with the end of sentence was examined. In terms of frequency of use, conditional expression was 78% while unconditionalexpression was 22%.And in terms of semantics, subjective, prepositional, general, confirmative, enumerating, repetitiveand habitual,and semi-factualcondition wereused from a highest order.As for frequency of use with corresponding end of sentence,the confirmative expression was highest with 62.4%, while introductory and explanatory expressions took 11% and 10% respectively. Besides, the frequency ofuse was less than 1% exceptforpossibility,interrogative and oughtness.Anditisnotcorrespondedwithprohibitedexpression.

문서에서 日本語 接続助詞 「ば」 研究 (페이지 44-52)

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