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12강. 연결어(구) 넣기

12-1. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Quota sampling is a technique whereby (=by what/how) the researcher chooses a sample that [reflexes / reflects] the make-up, in [numerical / numerous] terms, of the wider population. ① So, for example, unless a researcher wanted to study gender differences in first-year undergraduate psychology students, and the wider population [compromised / comprised] a 60/40 percent splitting females/males, then the sample must [comprise / be comprised] of this same [ratio / rate] of females to males. ② Thus (접속부사), in a sample population of, say, 100 participants, the sample would contain 60 females and 40 males. ③ This [quarter / quota] system can also be used for (전치사) other [factors / facts], such as age, ethnic (인종의) background, etc. ④ For example, it can be time-consuming (consume) and the researcher would still need to ⓐ (make up / how / are / the sample / consider / exactly / the subgroups / that / selected) : e.g., even if those who are selected refuse to participate — how might this affect (영향을 주다) the representativeness (represent) of the sample? ⑤

☑ 위 글의 빈칸, 선택사항을 올바른 표현으로 채우세요.

☑ 위 글에서 괄호( ) 안의 단어를 문맥에 맞게 배열하세요.70)

→정답: ⓐconsider exactly how the subgroups that make up the sample are selected

☑ 위 글에서 다음 문장이 들어갈 적절한 위치는?71) ( )

Like all techniques, quota sampling does have its drawbacks.

☑ 위 글의 문맥・어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. (빈칸, 선택, 밑줄제외 3개)72)

어색한 것 바르게 고친 것

1 unless a researcher wanted if a researcher wanted

2 splitting females/males split females/males

3 Even if those who what if those who

12-3. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The amount of distance between the teacher and his/her students and perceived

(perceive) or actual barriers can have a [signaling / significant] impact on (전치사)

communication. ① Teachers who stay securely [ensconcing / ensconced] behind the

‘barricade’ of their desk automatically create a boundary (경계) that blocks effective (효과 적인) interpersonal contact and gives a territorial (territory) feel to the room. ② The use of [distance / proximity], therefore, can be a powerful behaviour management tool. ③ Firm [reminders / remainders] and warnings are best conducted privately and individual ly(개별적인) (it reduce s(=diminish) embarrassment or threat to the student and [maximizes / minimizes] the spectator effect, one of which can fuel a challenge or counter –attack (반격/역습) ). ④ Getting down to the student’s eye level (and towering over him/her in a [threatening / threatened] way) models consideration and invites the student to respond (respond) in an equally [respective / respectful] way. ⑤

*ensconce 편히 앉히다 **proximity 근접성

☑ 위 글의 빈칸, 선택사항을 올바른 표현으로 채우세요.

☑ 위 글에서 괄호( ) 안의 단어를 문맥에 맞게 배열하세요.73)

→정답: ⓐ assuming their readers are as knowledgeable as they are about the subject

☑ 위 글에서 다음 문장이 들어갈 적절한 위치는?74) ( )

★ 그러나 교실이 교사가 개개의 학생에게 접근할 수 있는 그런 방식으로 배열되어 있지 않다면 이것은 문제가 있을 것이며 교사는 많은 사람들 앞에서 질책을 하는 것에 의지해야 할지도 모른다.

☑ 위 밑줄 친 ★의 우리말 해석을 참고하고 다음의 어구를 활용하여 주어진 조건에 맞게 영작하시오. 75)

However, / the classroom (organise) in / a way / / allow the teacher (access) individual students, this will be / and the teacher may / / (make) public /.


1. 슬래쉬 (/) 부분은 단어를 채워넣을 것 2. 괄호( ) 부분은 단어를 변형할 것


☑ 위 글의 문맥・어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. (빈칸, 선택, 밑줄제외 3개)76)

어색한 것 바르게 고친 것

1 therefore on the other hand,

2 one of which can fuel both of which can fuel

3 towering over him/her not towering over him/her

12-4. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Before language develops, emotions and touch are the primary [means / meanings]

which parent and child communicate. (A)Consequently , it would be surprising if preverbal infants had some basic understanding of other people’s emotional, nonverbal communications, ⓐ(the case / indicated / which / is / has / research / indeed). For example, infants as young as 14 months understanding [what / that] emotions are often “about” a particular event (e.g., someone is scared of (전치사) a dog) and are very [adept / adapt] at identify ing(확인/인지하다) what a person is emoting about. In addition, by 18 months, infants begin to appreciate (감상하다/인식하다) that two people can have a [same / different] emotional response about the exact same object (e.g., you like peas, but I hate them). (B)In contrast , 14-month-old infants are still [high / highly]

egocentric and [assume / resume] that everyone has the same emotional [responses / responds] to a particular object or event.

☑ 위 글의 빈칸, 선택사항을 올바른 표현으로 채우세요.

☑ 위 글에서 (A), (B)에 들어갈 알맞은 표현을 쓰세요.77)

→정답: (A) Consequently (B) In contrast

☑ 위 글에서 괄호( ) 안의 단어를 문맥에 맞게 배열하세요.78)

→정답: ⓐ which research has indicated is indeed the case.

☑ 위 글의 문맥・어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. (빈칸, 선택, 밑줄제외 3개)79)

어색한 것 바르게 고친 것

1 which parent and child communicate by which parent and child communicate

2 it would be surprising it would not be surprising

3 understanding that understand that

관련 문서