• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

강정마을 주민의 외상후스트레스장애 유병률은 26.8%(95% CI=23.54-30.04), 우울장애 유병률은 18.5%(95% CI=15.66-21.36)였고, 외상후스트레스장애와 우울장애를 동시에 갖는 동반이환 유병률은 10.7%(95%

CI=8.39-12.92)였다. 강정마을 주민 중 주관적 외상 경험을 보고한 대상자의 외상후스트레스장애 유병률은 51.0%(95% CI=44.00-58.07), 동반이환 유병률은 24.7%(95% CI=18.67-30.81)였다. 이는 국·내외 유사 연구들과 비교하면 매우 높은 유병률이다.

강정마을 주민 중 주관적 외상 경험을 보고한 대상자를 정신장애가 없는 비병적 상태 집단, 외상후스트레스장애 집단, 외상후스트레스장애와 우울장애가 동반이환 된 집단으로 나누어서 비교 분석한 결과 동반이환 집단에서 다른 두 집단과 비교하여 외상후스트레스장애 증상과 우울장애 증상 점수가 높았고, 전반적 스트레스 점수가 높았으며, 사회적 지지 결핍 점수 또한 높았다.

외상후스트레스장애와 동반이환 집단간 공통의 관련 요인은 높은 스트레스였고, 동반이환 집단에서는 사회적 지지의 결핍이 관련 요인으로 추가되었다. 사회적 지지의 결핍은 외상 사건에 노출되어 외상후스트레스장애 위험이 높은 집단에서 정신병리의 심각도를 증가시키고, 정신장애의 동시 이환률을 높인다. 향후 스트레스 지각 수준을 낮추고 안정적인 사회적 지지 체계를 제공해 주는 정책이 필요하다.



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부 록

<부록1. 개정판 사건충격척도(Impact of Event Scale-Revised; IES-R)>

※ 아래의 문항은 스트레스를 주는 사건을 경험한 후 사람들이 겪는 어려움에 관한 것입니다.


21. 늘 주변을 살피고 경계하게 된다고 느꼈다.

22. 그 사건에 대해 이야기하지 않으려고 노력했다.





< 부록 5. 자살경향성>

※ 다음은 자살경향성에 대한 질문입니다.

귀하는 지난달에 아니오 예

1. 차라리 죽는 것이 더 낫다고 생각하거나 죽기를 바랐던 적이 있습니까?

2. 자해를 하고 싶었던 적이 있습니까?

3. 자살에 대해서 생각했던 적이 있습니까?

4. 자살을 계획했었습니까?

5. 자살을 시도했습니까?

귀하는 일생 동안 아니오 예

6. 한차례라도 자살 시도를 한 적이 있습니까?



Introduction: Posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is one of the most typical psychiatric disorders that occurs after a traumatic event. Previous studies on PTSD have mostly focused on small samples that experienced specific traumatic events, and there is a lack of research on community residents who are continuously exposed to traumatic events in their communities. In addition, about two-thirds of PTSD cases are diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders, and there is a particularly high rate of comorbidity of depressive disorder in PTSD. However, only a few studies have compared groups with PTSD and groups with both PTSD and depressive disorder. Therefore, this study was conducted with the following two purposes. First, a complete survey was performed among the Gangjeong Village residents of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province; these residents form a relatively stable group for geographical reasons and were exposed to a recent traumatic event. The survey specifically targeted to investigate the prevalence of PTSD and depressive disorder as well as the comorbidity of these two psychiatric disorders among the residents. Second, the prevalence of PTSD and the comorbidity of PTSD and depressive disorder were investigated among Gangjeong Village residents who responded that they experienced subjective traumatic events. Then, the


differences in the clinical features of these two groups and associated factors for each group were investigated.

Method: The study participants were Gangjeong Village residents who were exposed to trauma related to the construction of Jeju civilian-military complex port. For the first research goal of this study, 713 (37.2%) out of 1,918 residents who consented to participate in this study and completed questionnaires were analyzed. For the second research goal, among 255 residents who responded that they experienced subjective traumatic events related to the construction of Jeju civilian-military complex port, 61 (23.9%) who were inappropriate for analysis were excluded and the remaining 194 (76.1%) residents were analyzed. The questionnaires were used to assess the participants’ general characteristics (sex, age, marital status, occupation, monthly household income, self-perceived health, smoking, drinking status, etc.); in addition, for the clinical evaluation,

Method: The study participants were Gangjeong Village residents who were exposed to trauma related to the construction of Jeju civilian-military complex port. For the first research goal of this study, 713 (37.2%) out of 1,918 residents who consented to participate in this study and completed questionnaires were analyzed. For the second research goal, among 255 residents who responded that they experienced subjective traumatic events related to the construction of Jeju civilian-military complex port, 61 (23.9%) who were inappropriate for analysis were excluded and the remaining 194 (76.1%) residents were analyzed. The questionnaires were used to assess the participants’ general characteristics (sex, age, marital status, occupation, monthly household income, self-perceived health, smoking, drinking status, etc.); in addition, for the clinical evaluation,

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