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2014학년도 동국대학교 재외국민 특별전형 영어 + 수학 필답고사 문제지


Academic year: 2021

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2014학년도 동국대학교 재외국민 특별전형 영어 + 수학 필답고사 문제지

출제문항 : 영어 30문항, 수학 20문항 - 110분

지망 학과/전공 수 험 번 호 성 명

▣ [1-4] Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Despite rising awareness and warnings that poaching has pushed some species to the brink of extinction, enforcement and penalties often remain weak, and represent an insufficient _________ to poachers and smugglers.

(A) foresight (B) inception (C) hostility (D) deterrent

2. Water striders, the insects also known as pond skaters or Jesus bugs, have long baffled scientists who couldn't __________ how these creatures "walk"

on water.

(A) extol (B) explain

(C) expect (D) exclaim

3. The returning boomerang is constructed in such a way that it sails on a circular _____________ and returns to the thrower.

(A) trajectory (B) agitation (C) idiosyncrasy (D) prototype

4. Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next, Laura was confused by the _________ of her feelings.

(A) ambivalence (B) altruism (C) adversity (D) abundance

▣ [5-8] Choose the one word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined expression.

5. Warner Brothers took a chance with the 1927 film, The Jazz Singer, which starred popular artist Al Jolson and featured both singing and talking.

(A) took a risk (B) had good fortune (C) behaved randomly (D) lost an opportunity 6. A person who is attempting to communicate with a child will learn by trying out different ways of communicating to determine which is the most effective from the reactions to communication attempts.

(A) bringing about (B) taking over (C) throwing away (D) experimenting with

7. The younger musicians felt compelled to include a steady, swinging rhythm which they saw as a permanent and essential element in great jazz.

(A) perpetual (B) ephemeral (C) inconsistent (D) critical

8. The atmosphere has no definite upper limits but gradually thins until it becomes imperceptible.

(A) unreachable (B) undetectable (C) unsustainable (D) unreliable

▣ [9-13] Choose the one word or phrase that is NOT grammatically correct.

9. What is new (A) are some reports based on the finding that the changes may be (B) noticeable by the 1990s, (C) much sooner than previously (D) expected.

10. Behind the orchestra, is the stage (A) on which the actors will act, (B) at the back of which is a building painted to look like the front of a temple, (C) which the actors retire (D) when they have to change their costumes.

11. The Hubble telescope (A) relies upon certain stars to orient its observations, and astronomers (B) working on the pointing instructions for the telescope used charts (C) created in 1950, with adjustments for the movements of the stars in the (D) ensued period.

12. Scholars and writers have accused the library (A) with abandoning its commitment (B) to research and questioned how the (C) circulating library across the street could be shoehorned into a (D) treasured landmark.

13. (A) Escalated a long-simmering trade dispute with the West (B) over solar panels, China plans to impose (C) tariffs that could exceed 50 percent (D) on a material it imports from the United States and South Korea to make the panels.


Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your own emotions and those of people around you. The concept of emotional intelligence, developed by Daniel Goleman, means you have a self-awareness that enables you to recognize feelings and helps you manage your emotions. On a personal level, it involves motivation and being able to focus on a goal rather than demanding instant gratification. A person with a high emotional intelligence is also capable of understanding the feelings of others. Culturally, they are better at handling relationships of every kind.

Just because someone is deemed 'intellectually' intelligent, it does not necessarily follow they are emotionally intelligent. Having a good memory, or good problem solving abilities, does not mean you are capable of dealing with emotions or motivating yourself. Highly intelligent people may lack the social skills that are associated with high emotional intelligence. Savants, who show incredible intellectual abilities in narrow fields, are an extreme example of this: a mathematical genius may be unable to relate to people socially. ①_____, high intellectual intelligence, combined with low emotional intelligence, is relatively rare and a person can be both intellectually and emotionally intelligent.

▣ [14-18] Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

14. Prehistoric peoples most certainly took note of the recurring patterns of movements in the sky of such celestial bodies as the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, and they most certainly noted that events in their world, such as seasonal fluctuations in weather, which in turn had an effect on the lives of the plants and animals in their world, were often _____ with the movements of the celestial bodies.

(A) disagreed (B) correlated (C) done away (D) parted

15. For quite some time, all that we have been able to see of Venus is the thick clouds that surround it, and little else was known of the planet itself. Dozens of space probes were sent to Venus in the last part of the twentieth century, and most of them were destroyed before they were able to send back information about Venus's surface. One probe, however, did manage to _____ some messages before it, too, failed.

(A) comprehend (B) discard (C) manipulate (D) transmit

16. Probably the best known of the carnivorous plants is the Venus flytrap. This plant features unusual leaf tips that look like an inviting place for an insect to rest and offers the enticement of promised food. If an unwary ladybug or dragonfly settles on the leaves of the Venus flytrap, the two leaves suddenly snap shut, trapping the insect and creating a __________ for the plant.

(A) nice picture (B) cozy corner (C) delicious meal (D) prolific garden

17. Americans first grappled with the reality of bioterrorism during the 2001 anthrax attacks. Those attacks, which left five dead and 17 seriously ill, have yet to be linked to a suspect, but they did provide __________ call for government officials who are now trying to determine how to best prevent possible future bioterror attacks.

(A) a blackout (B) a collect (C) an evening roll (D) a wake-up

18. West Nile virus outbreaks are likely to flare up in the coming years, spurred on by warmer, longer mosquito seasons _________ cuts in disease-control funding that leave authorities unprepared, according to two new studies.

(A) alleviated with (B) coupled with (C) satisfied with (D) illuminated with

▣ [19-30] Read each passage and answer the questions that follow.


19. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is not one of the traits that emotional intelligence entails?

(A) managing one's feelings (B) concentrating on a goal (C) pursuing immediate happiness

(D) taking care of relationships of every kind

20. According to paragraph 2, it is true that ________.

(A) people tend to be intellectually intelligent, but not emotionally intelligent

(B) a person with good problem solving ability always attends to the feelings of others

(C) Savants with incredible intellectual abilities are usually able to mingle with people

(D) emotional intelligence is not necessarily proportionate to intellectual intelligence

21. Which of the following best fills in the blank

① (________)?

(A) Then (B) However

(C) Therefore (D) Furthermore


Never mind how well-spoken you might be now, you will never again be as adept with languages as the day you were born. Indeed, the youngest person in any room is almost always the best linguist there too. There are 6,800 languages in the world and since you can’t know where you’ll be born, you have to pop from the womb able to speak any one of them. That talent fades fast - as early as 9 months after birth some of our language synapses start getting pruned away. But well into your grammar school years, your ability to learn a second - or third or fourth - language is still remarkable.

That, it turns out, is very good for the brain.

New studies are showing that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts and even resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia longer. All of this is prompting public schools to

① (_______) language immersion programs for kids as young as kindergarteners; nowhere is that more evident than in Utah, where 20% of all public schools offer K-12 dual-language instruction, with students taking half their classes every day in English and half in either Spanish, French, Mandarin or Portuguese. To date, representatives from 22 other states have come to Utah to learn more about the program.

Today Norway can boast considerable diversity on the culinary front. Having traveled abroad, often as charter tourists, more and more people are eager to sample foreign cuisines. It has become much easier to find proper ingredients since immigrants from other cultures opened their shops in Norwegian towns. Chinese restaurants are no longer the only ethnic alternative, now that Mexican, Indian and Indonesian establishments offer new and tantalizing culinary experiences.

The process of internationalization has also brought other trends to Norway. As in many other Western countries, foreign visitors to Norway will now find a wide variety of snack bars and international chain restaurants. And a visit to a supermarket will reveal both semi-processed and fully prepared dishes, ready to be popped into the microwave oven.

A reaction to the streamlined, standardized fast foods is a tendency to return to long-standing Norwegian food traditions. In rural areas, people are once again consulting their grandmother's recipe books, and a number of national dishes such as sour milk cheese and salted lamb ribs have again become popular. The new generation of creative Norwegian chefs, who are proving as talented as the other European culinary elite, focuses on what is distinctively Norwegian.


22. According to paragraph 1, it is not true that __________.

(A) only Chinese restaurants once served foreign foods in Norway.

(B) more people cook foreign foods in Norway these days

(C) Indonesian immigrants to Norway do not run restaurants

(D) some shop owners in Norwegian towns come from abroad

23. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is not one of the trends that internationalization has introduced to Norway?

(A) more snack bars (B) more fast foods (C) more microwave ovens

(D) more international chain restaurants

24. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that __________.

(A) France is still leading the food industry in Europe (B) indigenous Norwegian foods are not rare in


(C) most Norwegian chefs work in international chain restaurants

(D) more and more restaurants in Norway employ foreign workers


25. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

(A) When language synapses start getting pruned away, it is too late to learn a second language.

(B) Not all the public school students in Utah are offered dual language instruction.

(C) Learning more than one language helps to fight certain brain diseases.

(D) Young children can learn a second language more easily than adults.

26. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) All the public schools in Utah will implement language immersion programs for kids.

(B) People with Alzheimer’s disease have had their language synapses pruned away.

(C) Infants are born with the ability to learn any of 6,800 languages in the world.

(D) Studying languages will lead to a better understanding of how the brain works.

27. Which of the following best fills in the blank

① (_______)?

(A) circumscribe (B) implement (C) alienate (D) delude


From acupuncture and Chinese herbs to coffee enemas and multivitamins, alternative medicine is a bustling industry. There are tens of thousands of supplements and holistic therapies on the market,

① (_______) in roughly $34 billion each year. Half of all Americans report using alternative medicine in some form. But, according to “Do You Believe in Magic?” by Paul A. Offit, only a handful of these therapies have proven benefits.

The book uses scientific research, case studies and Offit’s personal anecdotes as chief of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to evaluate popular alternative therapies. According to the book, only four of the more than 50,000 supplements on the market have proven positive results: omega-3 fatty acids (for preventing heart disease), folic acid (during pregnancy), and calcium and Vitamin D after menopause to protect against osteoporosis (though the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says the evidence is insufficient).

Apparent success with other therapies is due to the placebo effect, which Offit acknowledges can be powerful and is often underrated by conventional medical practitioners.

Still, Offit says that, at best, most supplements are a waste of money. At worst, using them can have dire consequences. As an example, he points to paralysis resulting from chiropractic treatment, viral infections from acupuncture needles and the link between some megavitamins and an increased risk of cancer.


28. The author of the book claims that _____________.

(A) the effects of most alternative therapies are just apparent

(B) the placebo effect needs to be underrated because it is powerful

(C) folic acid has not proven effective for any women (D) his research is consistent with what other

organizations claim

29. Which of the following best fills in the blank

① (_______)?

(A) thriving (B) diminishing (C) flourishing (D) bringing

30. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

(A) Some megavitamins are responsible for an increased risk of cancer.

(B) Acupuncture helps to prevent any potential viral infections.

(C) Using supplements not only is a waste of money but can induce terrible consequences.

(D) Only several of the supplements on the market are effective.


< 수학 >

*문제풀이는 문제사이의 여백을 이용할 것.

1.  ×행렬

가 역행렬이 존재하고

 

   

을 만족할 때

 을 구하시오.

   

   

   

 

  

2. 복소수   

 

 

에 대해,   ⋯ 의 값은?

①  

   

 

3. 


일 때,   

 의 값은? (단,  보다

크지 않은 최대의 정수이다.)

①  ②  ③  ④ 

4. 자연수 에 대해    이 성립하고

의 최대공약수와 최소공배수의 합이 91일 때 의 값


①  ②  ③  ④ 


5. ≥ 를 만족하는 양의 실수 의 최솟값은 얼마 인가?

①  ②  ③ log ④ log

6. 이 아닌 두 실수 가


를 만족할 때 4차방정식     의 서로 다른

실근의 개수는?

①  ②  ③  ④ 

7. 두 사람


에게 물이 든 물병을 주었다.

가 먼 저 1/4을 마시고

에게 남은 물을 주었고,

는 남은 물 의 1/3을 마시고 다시

에게 주었다.

는 다시 1/4을 마시고

에게 주고

는 1/3을 마시고

에게 주는 과 정을 한없이 반복했다고 할 때

가 마신 물의 양 의 비율은?

①    ②    ③    ④   

8. 부등식      ≤ 의 해는? (단,

 보다 크지 않은 최대의 정수이다.)

①    또는  ≤   

②  ≤  또는    ≤ 

③    또는  ≤   

④  ≤  또는  ≤  ≤ 


9. 꼭지점이 6개이고 변이 9개인 그래프에서 각각의 꼭 지점에 연결된 변의 수가 , , , , , 개라고 하자.

,,     인 등차수열을 이룬다고 할 때

   의 값은?

①  ②  ③  ④ 

10. ≠ 인 임의의 실수에 대해 이차곡선

         

이 항상 일정한 점을 지날 때, 이 점의 좌표는?

①   ②  ③  ④ 

11. 양의 실수 에 대하여   

 은   에서 최솟

값 를 가진다. 이때 의 값은?

① 

 ②

 ③

 ④ 

12. 연립부등식

   ≥ 

      ≥ 

     ≤ 

가 나타내는 영역의 넓이는?

①  ②  ③  ④ 


13. 다음 그림과 같이 반지름이 1인 원에 외접하는 직각이등변 삼각형의 빗변의 길이는 얼마인가?

①  

②  

③   

 ④   

14. 직선        위를 움직이는 점

에 대

하여    의 최댓값은?

①  ② 

 ③ 

 ④ 

15. 서로 다른 5권의 책을 3명에게 1권 이상씩 나누어주 는 방법의 수는?

①  ②  ③  ④ 

16. 함수     

 에 대하여

       ∘ (은 자연수)

로 정의할 때, 의 값은?

① 

 ② 

 ③ 

 ④ 


17. 다음 중 가장 주기가 짧은 함수를 찾으시오.

①    sin ②    cos

③    tan ④   tan

18.  ,       ⋯으로 정의되는


에 대하여 의 값은?

① 

19. 직선       을 직선       에 대

하여 대칭이동 하였을 때 자기 자신과 일치하게 되는 상 수  사이의 관계식은? (단, 두 직선은 서로 다르 다.)

①          

③      ④     


 

 

을 만족하는 를 모두 더하면?

①  ②  ③  ④ 



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