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① 학교의 마지막 주입니다.


Academic year: 2021

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중3영어 동아(윤정미) SL과 본문 어순 ①

The Best Compliment Ever

① 학교의 마지막 주입니다.


(last / is / week / it / of / the / school)

② 각각 학생들은 막 뽑았습니다.

2) (just / student / picked / each / has)

② 그것 위에 이름이 있는 종이 한 장을


(on / paper / it / piece / with / a / a / of / name)

③ “반 친구들에 대한 칭찬”은 ~일 것입니다.

4) (will / “Compliments for Classmates” / be)

③ 이번 학년의 우리의 마지막 활동


(of / last / the / our / school / activity / year)

④ 모두 이름을 골랐나요?


(a / everyone / name / did / pick)

⑤ 네, 켐프 선생님(Ms. Kemp).

7) (Ms. Kemp / yes)

⑥ 학생들은 서로 이야기하고 있다.


(to / are / each / students / other / talking)

⑦ 그럼, 너는 누구의 이름을 골랐니?

9) (did / whose / you / so / name / pick)

⑧ (미소를 지으며)

10) (smiling)

⑨ 저는 보이드(Boyd)를 얻었어요(골랐어요).

11) (got / I / Boyd)

⑩ 저는 그에 대해서 할 말이 많아요.

12) (him / lot / have / to / I / say / a / about)

⑪ 너는 어때, 베쓰(Beth)야?

13) (Beth / about / what / you)

⑫ (걱정스러운 표정으로)

14) (worried / looking)

⑬ 어, 나는 피터(Peter)의 이름을 골랐어요.

15) (Peter’s / I / name / uh / picked)

⑭ 피터(Peter)? ⑮ 오, 저런!

16) (oh / Peter / no)

⑯ 그것은 쉽지 않을 거야.


(easy / won’t / to / it / be / find)

⑯ 그를 칭찬할 무언가를 찾는 것은.

18) (on / to / him / something / compliment)

⑰ 그래.

19) (yeah)

⑱ 그는 말을 많이 하지 않아


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② SL과 본문 어순 중3영어 동아(윤정미) (much / doesn’t / he / talk)

⑱ 그리고 하루 종일 그의 책상에 그냥 앉아있어.

21) (day / at / just / long / his / and / desk / sits / all)

⑲ (그녀의 머리를 긁적이며)

22) (her / scratching / head)

⑳ 음, 무언가를 찾아야 하겠다.


(to / I’ll / find / well / have / something)

① 베쓰(Beth)는 집에서 이야기하는 중입니다.

24) (home / is / talking / Beth / at)

① 활동에 대해 그녀의 부모님과


(about / her / the / with / parents / activity)

② 모두 칭찬의 긴 목록을 갖고 있어요,


(lists / has / of / everyone / long / compliments)

② 다른 급우들에 대해, 저만 빼고요.


(except / other / for / for / classmates / me)

③ 저는 피터(Peter)를 무엇에 대해 칭찬해야할지 모르겠어 요.


(Peter / what / don’t / to / I / compliment / know / on)

④ 주의 깊게 생각해라.

29) (carefully / think)

⑤ 무언가가 있을 거야.


(something / should / there / be)

⑥ 음, 그는 깨끗해요.

31) (he’s / well / clean)

⑦ 그는 매일 그의 얼굴을 씻어요.

32) (face / washes / every / he / day / his)

⑧ 그것은 칭찬이 아니야.

33) (compliment / not / that’s / a)

⑨ 모두가 그것을 하잖아.

34) (does / everybody / that)

⑩ 다시 시도해봐.

35) (again / try)

⑪ 나는 네가 발견할 수 있을 거라 확신한다.

36) (can / sure / find / I’m / you)

⑪ 그에 대해서 말할 무언가 좋은 것을

37) (say / good / about / something / to / him)

① 다음 날,

38) (next / the / day)

① 학교에서 사고가 났습니다.


(accident / is / at / there / an / school)


중3영어 동아(윤정미) SL과 본문 어순 ③

② 보이드(Boyd)의 발이 자전거 거치대에 끼었습니다.

40) (stand / stuck / foot / in / Boyd’s / a / it / bicycle)

③ (허공에 팔을 올리고)

41) (the / arms / air / with / in)

④ 도와줘! ⑤ 나는 도움이 필요해!

42) (help / I / help / need)

⑥ 가만히 있어.

43) (still / stay)

⑦ 내가 네 발을 빼려고 애쓰는 중이야.

44) (out / pull / trying / your / I’m / foot / to)

⑧ (비명을 지르며)

45) (screaming)

⑨ 아얏! ⑩ 그거 아파!

46) (that / ouch / hurts)

⑪ 내가 도와줄게.

47) (me / let / help)

⑫ 잠깐만 기다려.

48) (a / just / minute)

⑬ 피터(Peter)는 학교 주방으로 달려갑니다,

49) (the / runs / school’s / Peter / to / kitchen)

⑬ 그리고 버터를 가지고 돌아옵니다.

50) (with / comes / butter / and / back)

⑭ 나는 네 발에 이 버터를 바를 거야.


(your / put / going / foot / this / I’m / butter / to / on)

⑮ 뭐라고? ⑯ 버터?

52) (butter / what)

⑰ 그냥 침착하게 있어봐.

53) (stay / just / calm)

⑱ (보이드(Boyd)의 발을 가리키며)

54) (foot / to / pointing / Boyd’s)

⑲ 와! ⑳ 그것이 효과가 있어!

55) (its’ / wow / working)

㉑ 보이드(Boyd)의 발이 거치대 밖으로 나옵니다.

56) (stand / coming / foot / out / Boyd’s / of / is / the)

① 베쓰(Beth)는 그녀의 부모님과 저녁을 먹고 있습니 다.


(parents / dinner / is / with / Beth / her / eating)

② 그녀는 그들에게 보이드(Boyd)에게 일어났던 일에 대해 말합니다.


(Boyd / about / tells / what / she / happened / to / them)

③ 오늘 학교에서 작은 사고가 있었어요.


(today / little / was / accident / there / at / school / a)


④ SL과 본문 어순 중3영어 동아(윤정미)

④ 보이드(Boyd)의 발이 자전거 거치대에 끼었어요.

60) (stand / stuck / foot / in / Boy’d / a / got / bicycle)

⑤ 오, 저런!

61) (no / oh)

⑥ 그래서 그가 어떻게 그의 발을 빼냈니?

62) (out / he / how / get / so / his / did / foot)

⑦ 피터(Peter)가 그의 발에 버터를 발랐어요,

63) (on / put / his / Peter / foot / butter)

⑦ 그러고 나서 그것을 빼냈어요.

64) (it / then / out / and / pulled)

⑧ 그것은 정말 창의적이었구나.

65) (creative / was / that / really)

⑨ 지저분하지만 창의적이야.

66) (but / messy / creative)

⑩ 음. ⑪ 창의적이라고요?

67) (creative / hmm)

⑫ 그것도 칭찬이 될 수 있을까요, 아빠?

68) (a / that / compliment / can / be / Dad)

⑬ 물론이지.


⑬ (sure)

① 학교의 마지막 날입니다,


(last / is / day / it / of / the / school)

① 그리고 학생들을 서로를 칭찬하고 있습니다.


(other / are / the / complimenting / each / students / and)

② 조앤(Joanne), 너는 베쓰(Beth)에 대해 무슨 칭찬을 가 지고 있니?


(Beth / what / you / Joanne / have / compliment / for / do)

③ 베쓰(Beth), 너는 항상 활기차.

73) (cheerful / you’re / Beth / always)

④ 너는 또한 모두에게 친절하고 공평해.


(everybody / and / also / fair / you’re / to / kind)

⑤ 고마워, 조앤(Joanne).

75) (Joanne / thanks)

⑥ 네가 그렇게 말해주다니 정말 친절하구나.

76) (so / of / so / you / it’s / to / nice / say)

⑦ 베쓰(Beth), 이제 네 말을 들어보자.

77) (from / let’s / you / Beth / hear / now)

⑧ 너는 피터(Peter)의 이름을 골랐지.

78) (name / picked / you / Peter’s)


중3영어 동아(윤정미) SL과 본문 어순 ⑤

⑨ (망설이며)

79) (hesitating)

⑩ 음, 저는 피터(Peter)가 창의적이라고 생각해요.

80) (Peter / I / is / well / think / creative)

⑪ 피터(Peter)야, 너는... 어... 창의적이야.

81) (creative / you’re / Peter / uh)

⑫ (부끄러워하며) ⑬ 정말?

82) (really / shyly)

⑭ 무엇이 네가 피터(Peter)가 창의적이라고 생각하도록 만 들었니?


(creative / think / made / Peter / what / is / you)

⑮ 긴 침묵 후에


(pause / a / after / long)

⑯ 보이드(Boyd)의 발이 끼었을 때,

85) (got / Boyd’s / stuck / when / foot)

⑯ 며칠 전에 자전거 거치대에


(stand / the / the / in / other / bicycle / day)

⑯ 피터(Peter)가 버터를 사용해서 그것을 빼냈어요.

87) (butter / out / got / by / Peter / it / using)

⑰ 그것이 창의적이었어요.

88) (was / that / creative)

⑱ 응!



⑲ 다른 누구도 그것을 하는 것을 생각하지 못했어.

90) (of / else / doing / nobody / thought / that)

⑳ 나는 그것을 몰랐어.

91) (that / didn’t / I / know)

㉑ 음, 그렇다면, 나도 그가 창의적이라고 생각해.

92) (creative / also / then / think / well / he’s / I)

㉒ (자신 있게)

93) (confidently)

㉓ 그래, 피터(Peter)야, 너는 창의적이야!

94) (ARE / Peter / creative / yeah / you)

㉔ 고마워, 베쓰!

95) (Beth / thanks)

㉕ 그것은 최고의 칭찬이야!


(compliment / the / ever / it’s / best)


교과서 본문은 출판사 및 공동저자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

ⓒ 2020. Minkyu Hwang.

All right reserved

⑥ SL과 본문 어순 중3영어 동아(윤정미)

중3 동아(윤) SL과 본문 어순


1) It is the last week of school.

2) Each student has just picked 3) a piece of paper with a name on it.

4) “Compliments for Classmates” will be 5) our last activity of the school year.

6) Did everyone pick a name 7) Yes, Mr. Kemp.

8) Students are talking to each other.

9) So, whose name did you pick?

10) (smiling) 11) I got Boyd.

12) I have a lot to say about him.

13) What about you, Beth?

14) (looking worried)

15) Uh, I picked Peter’s name.

16) ⑭ Peter? ⑮ Oh, no!

17) It won’t be easy to find

18) something to compliment him on.

19) Yeah

20) He doesn’t talk much

21) and just sits at his desk all day long.

22) (scratching her head)

23) Well, I’ll have to find something.

24) Beth is at home talking

25) with her parents about the activity.

26) Everyone has long lists of compliments 27) for other classmates, except for me.

28) I don’t know what to compliment Peter on.

29) Think carefully.

30) There should be something.

31) Well, he’s clean.

32) He washes his face every day.

33) That’s not a compliment.

34) Everybody does that.

35) Try again.

36) I’m sure you can find

37) something good to say about him.

38) The next day,

39) there is an accident at school.

40) Boyd’s foot is stuck in a bicycle stand.

41) (with arms in the air) 42) ④ Help! ⑤ I need help!

43) Stay still.

44) I’m trying to pull your foot out.

45) (screaming)

46) ⑨ Ouch! ⑩ That hurts!

47) Let me help.

48) Just a minute.

49) Peter runs to the school’s kitchen 50) and comes back with butter.

51) I’m going to put this butter on your foot.

52) ⑮ What? ⑯ Butter?

53) Just stay calm.

54) (pointing to Boyd’s foot) 55) ⑲ Wow! ⑳ It’s working!

56) Boyd’s foot is coming out of the stand.

57) Beth is eating dinner with her parents.

58) She tells them about what happened to Boyd.

59) There was a little accident at school today.

60) Boyd’s foot got stuck in a bicycle stand.

61) Oh, no!

62) So how did he get his foot out?

63) Peter put butter on his foot 64) and then pulled it out.

65) That was really creative.

66) Messy but creative.

67) ⑩ Hmm. ⑪ Creative?

68) Can that be a compliment, Dad?

69) Sure.

70) It is the last day of school,

71) and the students are complimenting each other.

72) Joanne, what compliment do you have for Beth?

73) Beth, you’re always cheerful.

74) You’re also kind and fair to everybody.

75) Thanks, Joanne.

76) It’s so nice of you to say so.

77) Beth, let’s hear from you now.

78) You picked Peter’s name.

79) (hesitating)

80) Well, I think Peter is creative.

81) Peter, you’re ... uh ... creative.

82) ⑫ (shyly) ⑬ Really?

83) What made you think Peter is creative?

84) (after a long pause) 85) When Boyd’s foot got stuck 86) in the bicycle stand the other day, 87) Peter got it out by using butter.

88) That was creative.

89) Yeah!

90) Nobody else thought of doing that.

91) I didn’t know that.

92) Well, then, I also think he’s creative.

93) (confidently)

94) Yeah, Peter, you ARE creative!

95) Thanks, Beth!

96) It’s the best compliment ever!


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