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② 너는 무엇을 하고 있니?


Academic year: 2021

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중3영어 천재(이재영) 07과 대화문 어순 ①


① 안녕, 소라(Sora)야.

1) (Sora / hi)

② 너는 무엇을 하고 있니?

2) (are / doing / what / you)

③ 나는 만화를 그리고 있어.

3) (drawing / I’m/ cartoons)

④ 나는 시험을 준비하고 있는 중이야

4) (the / preparing / exam / I’m / for)

④ 마나 애니메이션 고등학교를 위한.

5) (Mana Animation High School / for)

⑤ 오, 그래?

6) (are / oh / you)

⑥ 시험은 언제니?

7) (exam / is / when / the)

⑦ 금요일,

8) (Friday / on)

⑦ 그래서 나는 겨우 이틀 남았어.


(have / I / two / so / days / only / left)

⑧ 어떻게 되고 있니?

10) (it / how’s / going)

⑨ 그리는 것은 쉽지 않아.

11) (to / not / draw / it’s / easy)

⑨ 네가 표현하기 원하는 것을

12) (to / I / express / what / want)

⑩ 나는 더 연습했어야 했어.


(practiced / should / more / I / have)

⑪ 걱정하지 마!

14) (worry / don’t)

⑫ 너는 할 수 있어!

15) (it / can / you / make)

⑬ 고마워.

16) (thanks)

① 만나서 반갑습니다, 소라(Sora)양.

17) (you / to / Sora / nice / meet)

② 당신은 그리기 시험에서 잘 했나요?


(exam / well / you / on / did / the / do / drawing)

③ 저는 잘 모르겠어요,

19) (not / I’m / sure)

③ 하지만 최선을 다했어요.

20) (my / I / best / but / did)

④ 알겠습니다.

21) (okay)

All All Your Dreams Are Worth Chasing All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Your All All All Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Dreams Your Your Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Dreams Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Are Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth Chasing Worth Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing Chasing 천재(이)


② 07과 대화문 어순 중3영어 천재(이재영)

⑤ 면접을 시작합시다.

22) (interview / start / let’s / the)

⑥ 무엇이 당신을 지원하도록 만들었습니까

23) (apply / made / what / you)

⑥ 마나 애니메이션 고등학교에?

24) (Mana Animation High School / for)

⑦ 음, 저는 만화 그리는 것을 정말 좋아했습니다

25) (loved / I’ve / drawing / well / cartoons / really)

⑦ 제가 어린 아이였을 때부터.

26) (a / I / little / since / child / was)

⑧ 그래서, 당신은 만화가가 되기를 원하나요?

27) (artists / to / you / be / so / a / want / cartoon)

⑨ 꼭 그렇지만은 않습니다.

28) (right / not / that’s / quite)

⑩ 저는 게임 디자이너가 되길 원해요.

29) (designer / be / want / a / I / to / game)

⑪ 알겠습니다.

30) (see / I)

⑫ 당신은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까

31) (think / do / is / what / you)

⑫ 게임 디자이너가 필요한 가장 중요한 기술이?


(designer / skill / most / a / the / game / important / needs)

⑬ 저는 상상력이라고 말하겠습니다.

33) (say / I’d / imagination)

⑭ 훌륭한 디자이너는 만들어내야 합니다

34) (should / good / create / a / designer)

⑭ 게임 속에서 완전히 새로운 세상을.


(game / world / completely / in / a / new / a)

⑮ 좋습니다.

36) (good / sounds)

① 안녕, 지호(Jiho)야.

37) (Jiho / hi)

② 안녕, 앰버(Amber)야.

38) (hi / Amber)

③ 버스에서 너를 만나서 반가워.


(the / to / is / bus / see / it / you / nice / on)

④ 응, 하지만 나는 우리가 늦을까봐 걱정돼.


(be / afraid / but / late / we’re / yeah / going / I’m / to)

⑤ 응.

41) (yeah)


중3영어 천재(이재영) 07과 대화문 어순 ③

⑥ 나는 학교 축제에 늦는 것은 싫어.


(school / be / festival / hate / late / I / for / to / the)

⑦ 나도 마찬가지야.

43) (too / me)

⑧ 나는 내 알람을 맞췄어야 했어.

44) (set / should / my / I / have / alarm)

⑨ 나는 잊어먹었어.

45) (forgot / I)

⑩ 나는 이해해.

46) (understand / I)

⑪ 그것은 내게 많이 일어나


(lot / happens / to / that / a / me)

⑪ 내가 너무 피곤할 때, 역시.

48) (too / I’m / when / tired)

⑫ 너는 어때?

49) (about / how / you)

⑬ 무엇이 널 늦도록 만들었니?

50) (late / made / what / you)

⑭ 음, 나는 일찍 일어났어.

51) (up / I / early / well / got)

⑮ 하지만 내 머리를 만지는 데 시간이 좀 걸렸어.

52) (do / me / my / it / some / but / time / took / to / hair)

⑯ 오, 알겠어.

53) (I / oh / see)

⑰ 우리는 교통 체증에 갇혔어.


(jam / a / stuck / heavy / we’re / in / traffic)

⑱ 우리는 내려서 달려야해.


(off / should / and / we / get / run)

⑲ 아니, 너는 틀렸어.

56) (you’re / no / mistaken)

⑳ 차들이 다시 움직이기 시작할 거야.


(again / staring / traffic / to / the / is / move)

㉑ 내리지 말자.

58) (stay / let’s / on)

㉒ 알았어.

59) (okay)

㉓ 나는 우리가 너무 늦지 않기만을 바라.

60) (late / we’re / just / not / I / hope / terribly)

① 나는 내일 시험이 있어.


(exam / have / tomorrow / I / an)

② 나는 더 열심히 공부했어야 했어.

62) (studied / should / harder / I / have)


④ 07과 대화문 어순 중3영어 천재(이재영)

③ 그들은 모두 기뻐 보여.

63) (all / delighted / they / look)

④ 그들은 파티에서 틀림없이 즐거운 시간을 보냈을 거 야.


(at / had / must / the / they / good / have / time / party / a)

① 나는 영어를 열심히 공부하지 않았어.

65) (English / didn’t / hard / I / study)

② 나는 더 연습했어야 했어


(practiced / should / more / I / have)

② 내 말하기 기술을 향상시키기 위해.

67) (speaking / improve / skills / to / my)

③ 나는 몇몇 친한 친구들과만 어울렸어.


(friends / few / with / hung / close / only / I / out / a)

④ 나는 내가 더 많은 친구를 사귀지 않았던 것을 후회 해.


(friends / didn’t / regret / make / I / that / more)

⑤ 나는 더 많은 책들을 읽었어야 했어.

70) (read / should / more / I / have / books)

⑥ 나는 읽기를 위한 시간이 없을까봐 걱정이 돼


(for / I / afraid / reading / won’t / I’m / have / that / time)

⑥ 내가 고등학교에 갈 때.


(to / I / high / when / go / school)

⑦ 나는 내 휴대전화로 너무 많은 시간을 보냈어.

73) (cell / much / phone / spent / time / I / on / too / my)

⑧ 나는 더 자주 농구를 했어야 했어.


(often / played / should / basketball / have / more / I)

① 너는 무엇을 하길 원하니


(want / do / to / what / you / do)

① 네가 자랐을 때?

76) (you / up / when / grow)

② 나는 로봇에 관해서 일을 하고 싶어.

77) (work / want / with / I / to / robots)

③ 너는 로봇 만드는 데 관심이 있니?


(in / you / making / are / interested / robots)

④ 아니, 꼭 그렇지는 않아.

79) (quite / that’s / right / no / not)


중3영어 천재(이재영) 07과 대화문 어순 ⑤

⑤ 나는 로봇을 고치기를 원해.

80) (repair / want / robots / I / to)

⑥ 알겠어.

81) (see / I)

⑦ 그런데 왜?

82) (why / but)

⑧ 왜냐하면 나는 생각하기 때문이야.

83) (I / because / think)

⑧ 미래에 그것이 좋은 직업이 될 거라


(the / good / be / future / job / it’ll / a / in)

① 내 컴퓨터가 바이러스가 있어.

85) (computer / viruses / my / has)

② 어떻게?

86) (come / how)

③ 나는 낯선 사람으로부터 온 이메일을 열었어.

87) (stranger / e-mail / opened / from / I / an / a)

④ 나는 그러지 말았어야 했어.

88) (done / shouldn’t / that / I / have)

④ 내가 너라면,

89) (I / you / if / were)

④ 나는 지금 당장 컴퓨터 서비스 센터에서 도움을 받을



(center / from / get / right / I’d / computer / help / a / service / now)


교과서 본문은 출판사 및 공동저자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

ⓒ 2020. Minkyu Hwang.

All right reserved

⑥ 07과 대화문 어순 중3영어 천재(이재영)

중3 천재(이) 07과 대화문 어순


1) Hi, Sora.

2) What are you doing?

3) I'm drawing cartoons.

4) I'm preparing for the exam 5) for Mana Animation High School.

6) Oh, are you?

7) When is the exam?

8) On Friday,

9) so I only have two days left.

10) How's it going?

11) It's not easy to draw 12) what I want to express.

13) I should have practiced more.

14) Don't worry!

15) You can make it!

16) Thanks.

17) Nice to meet you, Sora.

18) Did you do well on the drawing exam?

19) I'm not sure, 20) but I did my best.

21) Okay.

22) Let's start the interview.

23) What made you apply

24) for Mana Animation High School?

25) Well, I've really loved drawing cartoons 26) since I was a little child.

27) So, you want to be a cartoon artist?

28) That's not quite right.

29) I want to be a game designer.

30) I see.

31) What do you think is

32) the most important skill a game designer needs?

33) I'd say imagination.

34) A good designer should create 35) a completely new world in a game.

36) Sounds good.

37) Hi, Jiho.

38) Hi, Amber.

39) It is nice to see you on the bus.

40) Yeah, but I'm afraid we're going to be late.

41) Yeah.

42) I hate to be late for the school festival.

43) Me, too.

44) I should have set my alarm.

45) I forgot.

46) I understand.

47) That happens a lot to me 48) when I'm tired, too.

49) How about you?

50) What made you late?

51) Well, I got up early.

52) But it took me some time to do my hair.

53) Oh, I see.

54) We're stuck in a heavy traffic jam.

55) We should get off and run.

56) No, you're mistaken.

57) The traffic is starting to move again.

58) Let's stay on.

59) Okay.

60) I just hope we're not terribly late.

61) I have an exam tomorrow.

62) I should have studied harder.

63) They all look delighted.

64) They must have had a good time at the party.

65) I didn't study English hard.

66) I should have practiced more 67) to improve my speaking skills.

68) I hung out with only a few close friends.

69) I regret that I didn't make more friends.

70) I should have read more books.

71) I'm afraid that I won't have time for reading 72) when I go to high school.

73) I spent too much time on my cell phone.

74) I should have played basketball more often.

75) What do you want to do 76) when you grow up?

77) I want to work with robots.

78) Are you interested in making robots?

79) No, that's not quite right.

80) I want to repair robots.

81) I see.

82) But why?

83) Because I think

84) it'll be a good job in the future.

85) My computer has viruses.

86) How come?

87) I opened an e-mail from a stranger.

88) I shouldn't have done that.

89) If I were you,

90) I'd get help from a computer service center right now.


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