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2010학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 인문계열 (영어)


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2010학년도 수시

재외국민과 외국인 특별전형

인문계열 (영어)

(30문항, 60분)

지원학부(과) 수 험 번 호

이 름

유 의 사 항

1. 문제지와 답안지에 지원학부(과) ․ 수험번호 ․ 이름 등을 정확히 쓰시오.

2. 답은 컴퓨터용 사인펜으로 표기하되, 답 이외에는 어떠한 표기도 하지 마시오.

3. 답안지 위에 있는 응시과목의 첫 번째 칸에 “영어”라고 쓰고, 마킹하시오.

4. OMR 답안지의 1번 - 30번 난에 정답을 표시하시오.

5. 답안지 제출시에 문제지도 함께 제출하시오.

2009. 8. 21 (금)

홍 익 대 학 교


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영어 2010학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 (인문계)

Ⅰ. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 표현을 고르시오.


1. After arriving at the fort, Spangler asserts that the sense of his entire innocence only made his chains more galling, whilst at the same time it often kept him from utter despair.

① claims ② suggests ③ vetoes ④ ensures

2. It is designed to be a manual containing thorough details of regulations, procedures and other information pertinent to flying aircraft in the particular country.

① vulnerable ② common ③ relevant ④ robust

3. The Emperor Penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica.

① appropriate ② prevalent ③ apt ④ irrelevant

4. My body had stopped producing hormones due to the amount of synthetic testosterone I injected into my system.

① harmful ② antiseptic ③ healthful ④ artificial

5. My mother, a prize-winning Japanese writer whose work has focused on problems of discrimination, has always intuitively been able to recognize when she is being treated unfairly.

① segregation ② differentiation

③ prosecution ④ perception

6. I was more than once admonished by a teacher not to share candy with a friend if I didn't have enough for everyone.

① fostered ② praised ③ advised ④ encouraged

Ⅱ. 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 적당한 표현을 고르시오.


7. The two candidates faced off in their first one-to-one debate of the presidential race, delivering their final arguments is better prepared for the White House.

① whose ② on that ③ on who ④ which

8. Today it seems about as easy for the average observant person to be a genuine optimist to become a brain surgeon or an Olympic gold medal winner.

① as ② that ③ enough ④ since

9. these daunting challenges, the realists say, are all those voters who are not prejudiced but genuinely feel that Obama is not the best choice for president.

① Add ② Adding to

③ Addition of ④ Added to

10. The multiple reinforcing cues of a good song music to stick in our heads, which is the reason that many ancient myths, epics, and even the Old Testament were set to music in preparation for being passed down by oral tradition across the generations.

① help ② cause ③ prohibit ④ distract

11. The town is growing rapidly, with cinderblock hotels and vacation condos springing up everywhere, the tourist dollars pouring into its coffers.

① unique to ② contrary to

③ irrelevant to ④ thanks to

12. For example, a person with high self-efficacy may engage in a more health-related activity when an illness occurs, a person with low self-efficacy would harbor feelings of hopelessness.

① because ② whereas ③ despite ④ so

13. "All men have fears, but the brave their fears, and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory" was the motto of the King's Guard in ancient Greece.

① put down ② put off

③ make up ④ keep up

Ⅲ. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 가장 어색한 표현을 고르시오.


14. So far has India moved from the '30s ideal

①that Laloo Prasad Yadav, whom no one had ever seen in anything but his native tunic and dhoti, had ②he fitted out in ③crisp new safari suits when he ④flew to Singapore last year.

15. Not only are the East Asians ①determine to resist liberalization, but Washington's efforts to pursue it ②have also been stymied by a notable,

③if unavoidable, conflict of ④interest at the U.S.

Treasury Department.


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영어 2010학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 (인문계)

16. The reason ①offered for ②unearth these notables is to determine how they died, or if they ③were as dead as they were originally said ④to be.

17. The search for the perfect mate isn't seen ①much these days, ②yet the image of the ideal wife or husband was, not ③that long ago, a standard and ④frequent resurrected cultural myth.

18. If, ①decades after their burial, somebody will always be ②wanting to bring ③celebrity to the surface, the solution may not be to bury them in

④the first place.

19. Music, particularly memorable music, would insinuate ①itself into the mind of a potential mate, ②led her to think about her ③suitor even when he was ④out on a long hunt, and predisposing her toward him when he returned.

Ⅳ. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (20-30) (20-21)

We were sitting on the sofa in the den, the fire blazing before us. Earlier in the day Jamie had fallen asleep while I read to her, and knowing she needed her rest, I slipped out of her room. But before I did, I kissed her gently on the cheek. It was harmless, but Hegbert had walked in as I'd done so, and I had seen the ___(A)___ emotions in his eyes. He looked at me, knowing that I loved his daughter but also knowing that I'd broken one of the rules of his house, even an unspoken one.

Had she been well, I know he would never have allowed me back inside. As it was, I showed myself to the door.

20. Which is the most appropriate for (A)?

① soothing ② impulsive

③ provocative ④ conflicting

21. Which can be inferred from the above passage?

① Hegbert had broken one of the rules of his house.

② Hegbert used to read the book until his daughter fell asleep.

③ As she was sick, Hegbert allowed me back inside.

④ Hegbert kissed his daughter before he got out of her room.


After high school I planned to go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My father wanted me to go to Harvard or Princeton like some of the sons of other congressmen did, but with my grades it wasn't possible. ___(A)___ I was a bad student. I just didn't focus on my studies, and my grades weren't exactly up to snuff for the Ivy Leagues. By my senior year it was pretty much touch and go whether I'd even get accepted at UNC, and this was my father's alma mater, a place where he could pull some strings. During one of his few weekends home, my father came up with the plan to put me over the top. I'd just finished my first week of school and we were sitting down for dinner. He was home for three days on account of Labor Day weekend. "I think you should run for student body president," he said. "You'll be graduating in June, and I think it would look good on your record.

Your mother thinks so, too, by the way."

22. Which is the most appropriate for (A)?

① Not that ② Therefore

③ The fact is that ④ However

23. Which can be inferred from the above passage?

① My grade was good enough to be accepted at Princeton.

② My father graduated from UNC.

③ My father usually had dinner with him on weekends.

④ My mother wanted him to run for student body president at Harvard.


He, at age fifty, had made himself into an icon of three different industries. Yet at times it seems as if he is only just getting ___(A)___. He hasn't changed fundamentally. He's still the same aggressive, opinionated, driven creator who inspires people around him to reach unimaginable heights and destroys the fragile egos of those whose skin is too thin to handle his abrupt barbs and relentless questioning. Yet now he's a middle-aged man, with three kids at home and a world of experience behind him. He is warmer, richer, more forgiving, and more understanding, but on reaching fifty, he's still the same man he always was.

"Turning fifty makes us look further ahead, but it doesn't make us more patient," he said. "You know better what questions to ask. There aren't


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영어 2010학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형 (인문계)

enough good people to do everything you want to do. So now we chew on things for a while before we decide to have the A-team go after something.

That's not the same as being more ___(B)___."

Patience is a quality that no one will see in Steve. A legion of admirers, a world of investors, a universe of music lovers, an audience of moviegoers, and a generation of digital kids are impatient to see what worlds he will conquer next.

24. Which is the most appropriate for (A)?

① frustrated ② tired ③ started ④ stronger

25. Which is the most appropriate for (B)?

① polite ② pathetic ③ patient ④ practical

26. According to the passage, he is .

① inconsistent ② a very conservative man

③ patient ④ a successful businessman (27-29)

I was walking around in the Himalayas and I stumbled onto this thing that turned out to be a religious festival. There was this baba, a holy man, who was the holy man of this particular festival with his large group of followers. I could smell good food. I hadn't been fortunate enough to smell good food for a long time, so I wandered up to pay my respects and eat some lunch.

For some reason this baba, upon seeing me sitting there eating, immediately walked over to me and sat down and burst ___(A)___ laughing. He didn't speak much English and I spoke only a little Hindi, but he tried to carry on a conversation and he was rolling on the ground with laughter. Then he grabbed my arm and took me up this mountain trail. It was a little ___(B)___, because here were hundreds of Indians who had traveled for thousands of miles to hang ___(C)___ with this guy for ten seconds and I stumble in for something to eat and he's dragging me up this mountain path.

We get to the top of this mountain half an hour later and there's this little well and pond at the top of this mountain, and he dunks my head in the water and pulls out a razor from his pocket and starts to shave my head. I'm completely stunned.

I'm nineteen years old, in a foreign country, up in the Himalayas, and here is this bizarre Indian baba who has just dragged me away from the rest of the crowd, shaving my head atop this mountain peak.

27. Which is the most appropriate for (A) and (C)?

① into ② on ③ out ④ up

28. Which is the most appropriate for (B)?

① funny ② laconic ③ economical ④ didactic 29. According to the passage, which of the

following is true?

① I got involved with a religious festival led by holy man by accident.

② The holy man made fool of me in front of his followers.

③ The holy man and I were healthy and fond of climbing the mountain.

④ I wanted to become a monk.


Wittgenstein proposed that category membership is determined not by a definition, but by family resemblance. We call something a game if it resembles other things we have previously called games. If we go to the Wittgenstein family reunion, we might find that certain features are shared by members of the family, but that there is no single physical feature that one absolutely, positively must have to be a family member. A cousin might have Aunt Tessie's eyes; another might have the Wittgenstein chin. Some family members will have Grandpa's forehead, others will have Grandma's red hair. Rather than using a static list of definitions, family resemblance relies on a list of features that may or may not be present. The list may also be ___(A)___; at some point red hair may die out of the family line (if not dye out), and so we simply remove it from our list of features. If it pops up again several generations later, we can reintroduce it to our conceptual system. This prescient idea forms the basis for the most compelling theory in contemporary memory research, the multiple-trace memory models that Douglas Hintzman worked on, and which have been recently taken up by a brilliant cognitive scientist named Stephen Goldinger from Arizona.

30. Which is the most appropriate for (A)?

① incomplete ② statistic

③ diverse ④ dynamic


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