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Academic year: 2022

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◐ 9. Keep Your Eye on Sound(02)

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

In medicine, ultrasound is used to obtain pictures of internal parts of the body. Ultrasonic pulses are sent into the body by a transmitter attached/attaching to the skin and are reflected from parts inside the body that are of a different density, structure, or elasticity.

All the reflected information is processed to give a picture of the parts of the body.

Ultrasound is also thought to be less harmful than X-rays and is used in situations which/where X-rays are considered dangerous such as looking at an unborn baby. Used ultrasonic imaging of the baby, doctors can determine its stage of development, identify twins and find any problems in the baby's development.

Also, ultrasound enables doctors perform ‘trackless' surgery, which/that does not require cutting the skin. It is seen as safer and more effective than other techniques.

1.z b1 ) 윗 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?

① 초음파의 특징

② 초음파의 의학적 활용

③ 초음파의 산업적 쓰임

④ 초음파를 이용한 수술의 어려움

⑤ 태아의 형체 구별 방법

2.z b2 ) 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 것끼리 바르게 짝지어진


① attached - which - which

② attaching - where - that

③ attached - where - which

④ attached - which - that

⑤ attaching - where - which

3.z b3 ) 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 곳은?

They can also clear the smoke, making the tiny bits of carbon in the smoke come together to form heavier


Ultrasonic sound waves can also clear away fog. ① The ultrasound waves shake the tiny drops of fog together into heavy raindrops, which fall to the ground, and the sky clear. ② Then they fall to the ground, and the skies are free from smoke. ③ This costs a lot of money, though. Perhaps a cheaper way of cleaning the sky will be found.

Ultrasonics is at present a young science. ④ It is at a very exciting point in its development Scientists have lots of new ideas about it. ⑤ Keep your eyes open for the new and amazing discoveries that are sure to be made.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

This is the secret : Sound moves in waves, and when sound waves travel through the air fast enough, they heat up anything they hit. Dr. Rudnick's siren pushes the sound waves along so fast that people cannot hear the sound, although dogs, cats, dolphins, and bats may. Sound waves that travel so fast that people cannot hear them are called ‘________.’

At first, ultrasonic waves did not seem to be of much use. Scientists knew they were a new source of power but did not put them to work. Then the scientists learned how to point these waves, like a flashlight, at any object or spot.

What good is this siren? Well, when the sound waves from the siren are turned on a pot of water, the water will boil in two minutes. Paper ________ in front of the siren goes up ________ flames in a few seconds.

4.z b4 ) 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① 음파가 부딪치는 것은 어떤 것이든 뜨거워진다.

② 처음부터 초음파는 쓰이는 곳이 많을 것 같았다.

③ 초음파는 이동이 너무 빨라서 사람이 들을 수 없다.

④ 사이렌에서 나오는 음파가 2분 안에 물을 끓일 것이 다.

⑤ 사이렌 앞에 종이를 들고 있으면, 몇 초만에 타오를 것이다.


2006년 2학기 중간고사 대비

7차 교육과정

★문제은행형 감수자 : 서하나 (주) 교육지대


5.z b5 ) 문맥상 빈칸에 들어가기에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지 어진 것은?

① ultrasound - held - in

② sound - hold - on

③ ultrasound - hold - in

④ ultrasound - hold - with

⑤ sound - held - in

6.z b6 ) 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 알맞은


At first, ultrasonic waves did not seem to be useful.

ⓐ Scientists knew they were a new source of power.

ⓑ Then the scientists learned how to point these waves, like a flashlight, at any object or spot. ⓒ What good is this siren? Well, when the sound waves from the siren are turned on a pot of water, the water will boil in two minutes. ⓓ Paper held in front of the siren goes up in flames in a few seconds. ⓔ

But they did not put them to work.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ

④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

The (sensible / sensitive ) way to boil an egg is in a pot of water on a hot stove. Dr. lrving Rudnick of the University of California, however, thought he could boil an egg just by talking to a pot of water. He figured he would have to keep on saying, "Boil, boil, boil!" for the next twenty thousand years. (Since / Though ) he wouldn't be around quite that long, he did some more thinking. He thought he could make the water boil if he had thirty-five million people all say. "Boil!" at the same time through a telephone receiver pointed at the water. But, of course. this wouldn't work either. Next, the scientist had a steel siren made. Its sound was (alike / like) thirty-five million voices all saying, "Boil!" at the same time. And it worked.

7.z b7 ) 괄호 안에 가장 알맞은 단어로 짝지은 것은?

① sensible Though like

② sensitive Since like

③ sensible Since alike

④ sensitive Though alike

⑤ sensible Since like

8.z b8 ) 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은?

① 이론적으로는 소리를 이용하여 물을 끓일 수 있다.

② 강철을 이용하면 사람 목소리보다 효과적으로 수온 을 높일 수 있다.

③ 전화수화기를 이용하는 방법은 실패할 것으로 생각 했다.

④ 달걀을 삶는 가장 좋은 방법은 초음파를 이용하는 것이다.

⑤ lrving 박사는 달걀을 삶을 수 있는 여러 방법을 연 구했다.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Ultrasound is used to ⓐ obtaining pictures of internal parts of the body. Ultrasonic pulses are sent into the body by a transmitter ⓑ attached to the skin and are reflected from parts inside the body that are of a different density, structure, or elasticity. All the ⓒ reflected information is processed to give a picture of the parts of the body. Ultrasound is thought to be less harmful than X-rays and is used in situations where X-rays are considered dangerous. Using ultrasound imaging of the baby, doctors can determine its stage of development, identify twins and find any problems in the baby's development. ( ), ultrasound enables doctors ⓓ to perform 'trackless' surgery, which does not require ⓔ cutting the skin. It is seen as safer and more effective than other techniques.

9.z b9 ) 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 잘못된 것은?

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ

④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

10.z b1 0) 글의 흐름상 빈곳에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은


① For example ② As a result ③ However

④ Also ⑤ Instead

11.z b1 1) 괄호 안에 가장 알맞은 것은?

You lecture on how to use the computer was ( ) great help to beginning computer users.

① by ② for ③ of

④ in ⑤ with


12.zb 12 ) 내용상 괄호 안에 가장 알맞은 단어는?

Sound waves work through movement in the air.

When you hit a drum, it vibrates. That vibration hits the air molecules next to the drum, pushing them away. Then they hit other molecules, causing continuous movement in the air. When these vibrations finally hit your ears, your brain ( ) them as sound.

① denies ② refuses ③ exchanges

④ likes ⑤ interprets

13.zb 13 ) 다음 정의에 해당하는 단어는?

( ) : a small sign of damage that makes an object not perfect.

① particle ② flaw ③ injury

④ dirt ⑤ track

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

What can you do with ultrasonic sound waves? One of their early uses was in locating submarines. They are still used for the same purpose, but now they are also used to find the depth of the ocean and to locate schools of fish and objects in the deep sea.

Ultrasound can be used in industry for a number of purposes as well. It can help find flaws in metals.

Ultrasound is also used for delicate cleaning. Objects are placed in a liquid and subjected to ultrasound, which (loose) the dirt particles.

14.zb 14 ) 윗 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?

① The discovery of ultrasound

② History of Ultrasound

③ The uses of Ultrasound

④ Ultrasound in Industry

⑤ Dangers from Ultrasound

15.zb 15 ) (loose)를 어법에 맞게 올바른 형태로 고쳐 쓰


16.zb 16 ) 주어진 단어를 이용하여 다음 문장을 영어로


the pulse, the time, measure, take, return

우리는 진동이 돌아오는데 걸린 시간을 측정한다.

→ We

(필요한 단어를 추가하고 단어를 어법에 맞게 고쳐쓸것)

※ 괄호 안에 알맞은 영어 단어를 순서대로 쓰시오.

17.z b1 7)

우리는 공기오염 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾아낼 필요 가 있다.

→ We need to come up ( ) a solution to the problem of air pollution.

18.z b1 8) 다음 각 (A),(B),(C)에 들어갈 말을 골라 바르

게 짝지은 것으로 가장 알맞은 것은?

The sensible way to boil an egg is in a pot of water on a hot stove Dr. Irving Rudnick of the University of California, however, thought he could boil an egg just by talking to a pot of water. He figured he would thousand years. Since he wouldn't be around quite that long, he did some more thinking. He (A) (caught up with/came up with) another idea. He thought he could make the water boil if he had thirty-five million people all say, "Boil!" at the same time through a telephone receiver pointed at the water. But, of course, this wouldn't work either. Next, the scientist had a steel siren (B) (making/made). Its sound was like thirty-five million voices all (C) (saying/said), "Boil!" at the same time And it worked.

(A) (B) (C)

① caught up with making saying

② came up with made said

③ caught up with made said

④ caught up with making said

⑤ came up with made saying

19.z b1 9) 글의 흐름상 괄호 속에 가장 알맞은 말은?

Ultrasonic sound waves can also clear away fog.

The ultrasound waver shake the tiny drops of fog together into heavy raindrops, which fall to the ground, and the sky clears. They can also clear the smoke, making the tiny bits of carbon in the smoke come together to form heavier pieces. Then they fall to the ground, and the skies are ( )smoke. This costs a lot of money, though Perhaps a cheaper way of cleaning the sky will be found. Ultrasonics is at present a young science. It is at a very exciting point


in its development Scientists have lots of new ideas about it. Keep your eyes open for the new and amazing discoveries that are sure to be made.

① of use ② lack of ③ free from

④ plenty of ⑤ of value

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

In medicine, ultrasound is used to obtain pictures of internal parts of the body. Ultrasonic pulses are sent into the body by a transmitter attached to the skin and are reflected from parts inside the body that are of a different density, structure, or elasticity. All the reflected information is processed to give a picture of the parts of the body. Ultrasound is also thought to be less harmful than X-rays and is used in situations (A) X-rays are considered dangerous such as looking at an unborn baby. Using ultrasonic imaging of the baby, doctors can determine its stage of development, identify twins and find any problems in the baby's development. Also, ultrasound enable doctors to perform 'trackless' surgery, (B) does not require cutting the skin. It is seen as safer and more effective than other technique.

20.zb 20 ) 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① There are many uses of ultrasound.

② Ultrasound can be used to look at an unborn baby.

③ Trackless surgery is possible thanks to ultrasound.

④ Doctors find ultrasound too dangerous to be used in surgery.

⑤ Internal parts of the body have a different density

21.zb 21 ) 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A),(B)에 들어갈 말이 바르

게 짝지어진 것은?

① where - where ② how - where

③ where - when ④ where - which

⑤ which - that

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

(A) Plenty! One of their early uses was in location submarines. They are still used for the same purpose, but now they are also used to find the depth of the ocean and to locate schools of fish and objects in the deep sea. (B) A pulse of ultrasound is sent out into the water, reflected from some object and then received back at the ship. The time taken for the

pulse to return is measured and used to calculate the distance of the object from the ship. (C)

Ultrasound can be used in industry for a number of purposes as well. It can help find flaws in metals. A pulse of ultrasound is aimed at the metal and any flaws reflect the pulse, allowing their size and location to be determined (D) Ultrasound is also used for delicate cleaning. Objects are placed in a liquid and subjected to ultrasound, which loosens the dirt particles. (E)

22.z b2 2) 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?

What can you do with ultrasonic sound waves?

① (A) ② (B) ③ (C)

④ (D) ⑤ (E)

23.z b2 3) 위 글의 요지로 가장 알맞은 것은?

① Definition of Ultrasound

② The Uses of Ultrasound

③ Keep your Eye on Sound

④ How to Clear Away Fog

⑤ The Importance of Ultrasound

24.z b2 4) 밑줄 친 they나 them이 가리키는 대상이 다른


Sound moves in waves, and when sound waves travel through the air fast enough, they heat up anything they hit. Dr. Rudnick's siren pushes the sound waves along so fast that people cannot hear the sound, although dogs, cats, dolphins, and bats may. These sound waves that travel so fast that people cannot hear them are called 'ultrasonic waves."

At first, ① they did not seem to be very useful.

Although scientist were aware of the fact that ② they were a new source of power, ③ they were not put to work. Then they came to learn how to point the ultrasonic waves. ④ They were able to point these waves, like a flashlight, at any object or spot. When

⑤ they are turned on a pot of water, the water will boil in two minutes.

25.z b2 5) 다음 중 어법에 맞지 않는 부분을 찾고, 바른

표현으로 고쳐 쓰시오.

The sensible way to boil and egg is in a pot of


water on a hot stove. Dr. Irving Rudnick of the University of California, however, thought he could boil an egg just by talking to a pot of water. He figured ① he would have to continue saying, "Boil, boil, boil!" for the next twenty thousand years.

Since he wouldn't be around quite that long, he did some more thinking. This time, he thought ② he would be able to make the water boil if ③ he got thirty-five million people to say, "Boil!" at the same time through

④ a telephone receiver which was pointed at the water. But, of course, this wouldn't work either. Next,

⑤ the scientist had a steel siren to be made. Its sound was like thirty-five million voices all saying Boil!" at the same time. And it worked.

26.zb 26 ) (A), (B), (C) 각 밑줄 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱

말을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Ultrasound can be used for (A)industrial / industrious purposes as well. It can help find flaws in metals. A pulse of ultrasound is aimed at the metal and any flaws reflect the pulse, allowing their size and location to be determined. Ultrasound is also used to (B)cleaning / clean things delicately. Objects are placed in a liquid and (C)subject / subjected to ultrasound, which loosens the dirt particles.

(A) (B) (C)

① industrial cleaning subject

② industrial clean subjected

③ industrial clean subject

④ industrious clean subjected

⑤ industrious cleaning subject

27.zb 27 ) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

In medicine, doctors use ultrasound to obtain pictures of internal parts of the body. Ultrasonic pulses are sent into the body by a transmitter attached to the skin and are reflected from parts inside the body that are of different density, structure, or elasticity. All the reflected information is processed to give a picture of the parts of the body. Ultrasound is also thought to be less harmful than X-rays and is used in situations where X-rays are considered dangerous such as looking at an unborn baby. Using ultrasonic imaging of the baby, doctors can determine its stage of development, identify twins and find any problems in the baby's development. Also, ultrasound enables doctors to perform 'trackless' surgery, which does not require cutting the skin. It is seen as safer

and more effective than other techniques.

① Ultrasonic imaging is a technique that visualizes internal parts of the body.

② All the internal body parts have a different density, structure, or elasticity and therefore reflect ultrasound differently.

③ X-rays are considered harmful, especially for the fetus, while ultrasound is not.

④ Ultrasound enables doctors to perform dangerous surgery, such as the surgery on unborn babies.

⑤ 'Trackless' surgery is thought to be safe an effective and does not leave scars.

28.z b2 8) 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

What good I ultrasound? Ultrasonic sound waves can clear away fog. The ultrasound waves shake the tiny drops of fog together into heavy raindrops, which fall to the ground, and the sky clears. They can also clear the smoke, making the tiny bits of carbon in the smoke come together to form heavier pieces. Then they fall to the ground, and the skies are free from smoke. This costs a lot of money, though. Perhaps a cheaper way of cleaning the sky will be found.

① The mechanism of ultrasound in stopping raindrops from falling.

② The relationship between ultrasonics and weather forecasting.

③ Methods of keeping the sky free from harmful smoke.

④ The application of ultrasound in clearing away fog and the smoke

⑤ The urgent need to find a cheaper way of cleaning the sky.

29.z b2 9) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적

절한 것은?

What can you do with ultrasonic sound waves?

Plenty! One of their early uses was in tracking submarines.

(A) Here's how they do it. First, they send out a pulse of ultrasound into the water. The pulse reflects off the bottom of the ocean and then is received back at the ship.

(B) Then, the scientists measure the time taken for the pulse to return. Using that time, they can


calculate the distance from the ship.

(C) Even today, ultrasonic waves are used for the same purpose. However, nowadays scientists are using ultrasound to find the depth of the ocean as well.

① (A) → (B) → (C) ② (A) → (C) → (B)

③ (B) → (C) → (A) ④ (C) → (A) → (B)

⑤ (C) → (B) → (A)

30.zb 30 ) 다음 글 뒤에 올 내용을 순서에 맞게 나열한

것을 고르시오.

The sensible way to boil an egg is in a pot of water on a hot stove.

ⓐ Since he wouldn't be around quite that long, he did some more thinking.

ⓑ Dr. Irving Rudnick of the University of California, however, thought he could boil an egg just by talking to a pot of water.

ⓒ This time he came up with another idea. He thought he could make the water boil if he had thirty-five million people all say, "Boil!" at the same time through a telephone receiver pointed at the water. But, of course, this wouldn't work either.

ⓓ He figured he would have to keep on saying, "Boil, boil, boil!" for the next twenty thousand years.

ⓔ Next, the scientist had a steel siren made. Its sound was like thirty-five million voices all saying,

"Boil!" at the same time. And it worked.

① ⓐ → ⓑ → ⓒ → ⓓ → ⓔ

② ⓐ → ⓒ → ⓔ → ⓑ → ⓓ

③ ⓑ → ⓓ → ⓐ → ⓒ → ⓔ

④ ⓑ → ⓓ → ⓒ → ⓐ → ⓔ

⑤ ⓒ → ⓐ → ⓑ → ⓓ → ⓔ

31.zb 31 ) 윗 글 ⓔ에서 work의 의미와 같은 것을 고르시


① to do a job that you are paid for

Many young people in the area have never worked

② to do the activities and duties that are part of your job.

Sally isn't working tomorrow.

③ to spend time and effort doing something I've been working int he garden all afternoon.

④ to be effective or successful.

I've never found a diet that works.

⑤ when you use physical or mental effort in order to achieve something

Looking after children can be hard work.


국내 최대의 기출 문제 서비스를 제공하고 있는 족보닷컴에서는 최고의 적중률과 정답률 100%를

위해서 열과 성을 다하고 있습니다.

그러나 일부 편집 과정 상의 오류 등으로 인하여 오답이 있을 수 있으므로 반드시 정답 여부를

확인하시고 이용하시기 바랍니다.

- 시험이 있는 세상, 족보가 함께합니다! -

1) ② 2) ③ 3) ② 4) ② 5) ① 6) ② 7) ⑤ 8) ④ 9) ① 10) ④ 11) ③ 12) ⑤ 13) ② 14) ③ 15) loosens

16) measure the time taken for the pulse to return 17) with

18) ⑤ 19) ③ 20) ④ 21) ④ 22) ① 23) ② 24) ④

25) ⑤ the scientist had a steel siren made 26) ②

27) ④ 28) ④ 29) ④ 30) ③ 31) ④


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