• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between father 's parenting attitude, external aggression and emotional intelligence perceived by junior high school students, and to examine the influence of father's parenting attitude perceived by middle school students on external aggression and the mediating effect of emotional intelligence. For this purpose, this study set up the following research problems.

Research questions 1. What is the relationship between parenting attitude, emotional intelligence, and external aggression perceived by middle school


Research Problem 2. Does emotional intelligence have a mediating effect on the relationship between father's rearing attitude and external aggression perceived by middle school students?

In order to solve this research problem, 372 students from two junior high schools in junior high school were interviewed from March 27, to April 3, 2017.

First, the 'parent - child rearing attitude perception test' scale (total 40 items, 5 point Likert) was used to measure father 's child rearing attitudes perceived by middle school students. Second, I used the test items of Lim Eun Hye (2002) (total 32 items, 3 points Likert) to measure emotional intelligence. Third, to measure extrinsic aggression, self - reported peer conflict scale (20 items, 3 - point Likert) of Marsee, Kimonis and Frick (2004)

The collected data were subjected to three-step mediated regression analysis according to the procedures proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986), followed by frequency analysis, correlation analysis and SPECT for Windows 18.0. The results of this study are summarized as follows.

First, there was a significant correlation between parenting attitude, emotional intelligence, and external aggressiveness of middle school students.

other words, father 's parenting attitude showed a statistically significant positive correlation with emotional intelligence, and all four sub - factors of father' s parenting attitude showed a significant correlation with emotional intelligence. The correlation between father 's rearing attitude and external aggression showed a positive correlation with amulet. Second, emotional intelligence showed partial mediation effect on the relationship between father 's rearing attitude and external aggression.

This study is significant in that the emotional intelligence has mediating effects on the relationship between father 's rearing attitude and external aggression perceived by junior high school students. This suggests the importance of emotional intelligence by affecting the emotional intelligence according to the father 's parenting attitude and emotional intelligence showing the effect of lowering the external aggressiveness.

This study suggests the direction of father 's parenting attitude and emotional intelligence can be a factor that lowers the external aggressiveness of middle school students' children, so it is used as the basis of education and counseling intervention for improvement of emotional intelligence I expect to be.

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