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Policy Implications(Conclusion)

문서에서 에너지경제연구원장 (페이지 56-69)


Chapter 6. Policy Implications(Conclusion)

○ For China to solve its rising energy demand it is considering variety of policies for solutions. Internally it is working on the active development of coal resources and electrical energy, the fast and effective development of oil and natural energy sector, the expansion of new renewable energy and its development and putting these priorities at the top of the political priority list. On the other hand, it is working externally to secure foreign energy sources by pursuing active diplomatic relations with energy-rich nations across the globe.

- In order to improve the energy supply structure, China is going to actively engage in coal gasification and liquefaction business, coal purifying technology and business in coal efficiency.

Meanwhile also try to decrease the dependency in oil by developing nuclear energy.

- To hasten the fast development of domestic oil and natural gas, fix up strategic mining claims and focus investment on exploration and development.

- Plan for the sector on energy supply management to be on the top priority list of the political agenda, focus on the development of energy efficiency industry and transportation and devise the advancement of energy-saving actions in the housing sector.

- For the improvement in energy-related emergency countermeasures, expand the strategic oil reserve as well as the obligation reserves of major companies. To abolish the threat against energy security, construct future oil markets and efficient energy markets.

○ In March 2008, with facing troubled governance, China reformed the system and is confronting the changes in energy policies regarding environmental changes.

- If the Chinese government is to keep its current energy management system, China would worry about a decrease in energy management efficiency, no establishing up of long-term strategic projects and the clash of opinions on political policies, which lead to the conclusion of the establishment of a far stronger and unified ‘National Energy Committee and National Energy Administration’.

- China is planning to have its Prime Minister Wen Jiabao as the chairman of the National Energy Committee to build up his strong leadership strengthen the administrative functions of energy management.

- The newly established National Energy Administration continues on the responsibilities of the Office for National Energy Leader’s Group and is also in charge of making decisions on the plans for energy strategies and energy supply and demand plans.

- Following this action the ability to establish synthetic energy plans was upgraded and the function of policy tuning was also improved.

○ However there is a limitation on the effectiveness of management on energy supply and demand in a giant nation such as China done by China’s energy policy governance, which is representing the National Energy Committee and the National Energy


- The newly established National Energy Administration especially has boundaries on effective execution of macroeconomic control regarding energy issues. In other words the National Energy Administration is still under the NDRC’s formation and it is questionable whether or not the National Energy Administration will be able to function effectively.

- NDRC is the power organ in charge of planning and regulating macroeconomic control and is also the managing committee for the Cabinet. It is foreseen that there will be difficulties for the National Energy Administration to accomplish its function of independently approving and examining projects because it will be under the control of the NDRC, which derives its power from its jurisdiction to decide energy prices and manage markets.

- The National Energy Administration only takes on the role of the undersecretary under the NDRC. However it will be virtually impossible for the National Energy Administration to play the role of mediator if there is to be a massive pursuit in energy business and the understanding of various ministries of the government contradict each other.

- The decision for a clear policy goal, the legal foundation and structure for power and jurisdiction, the mediation between related offices and industries, securing human resources beforehand and satisfaction of other such precedent actions will be important in regulating energy policy governance.

- Observing China’s management of energy supply and demand, reconstruction of the energy industry, energy diplomacy, energy trade and other evidence of China’s scope on energy governance,it is easy to tell that the current National Energy Committee and the National Energy Administration can only take on its role for a limited-time only.

- The current system is observed as unfortunate incidents that were brought on during the conversion to the big system of governance that included the conflict of interests, in other words, during the process of structural, legal and personnel reconstruction.

○ In order to secure supplies of stable oil and natural gas resources, China has been engaging in diplomatic relations with numerous countries such as Russia and Middle Asian nations. Especially in 2008 when Russia’s East Siberia-Pacific Oil (ESPO) China’s branch was finalized, it was viewed as China being offered a different chance at energy diplomacy.

- The crude oil that will be supplied through the East Siberian-Pacific Oil (ESPO) China’s branch will be supplied from the oil fields of Russia and West Siberia for the time being, but afterwards when the Russia-East Siberia development is regularly engaged and mass amounts of crude oil is produced, it means that China will have established the means to tap into this abundant resource.

○ On the other hand, China and Russia hasn’t come to an agreement on the specifics of the Altai route construction. It is because of the

different opinion on the matter of supply costs, and Russia stated that on the matter of negotiating prices of supply, the decision will have to be based on market values.

○ The best success of China’s energy diplomacy is the expansion of oil and natural gas pipelines that spread throughout Middle Asia and the step-by-step promotion of its construction.

- Middle Asian nations are blessed with abundant amount of natural resources such as crude oil and natural gas. China used the similarities in cultural and historical background along with the geographical adjacency to actively approach Middle Asia.

China’s approach to Middle Asia reaches all sectors of energy development, focusing especially on diplomatic friendship in Kazakhstan for the exploration, development and introduction of oil resources and Turkmenistan for development and introduction of natural gas.

- The result is that China was able to diplomatically construct a land route for resource transportation that stretches from the Caspian Sea’s Atyrau, West Kazakhstan to Kazakhstani border and Chinese land, Alashankou.

제목 차례

제1장 서 론 ··· 1

제2장 중국 에너지 관리체계(Governance)의 변화 ··· 3 제1절 중국 에너지관리 체계의 변화과정 ··· 3 1. 중앙계획 경제 시기 (1950 ~ 1979년) ··· 3 2. 시장경제로의 전환기 (1980 ~ 1992년) ··· 4 3. 중앙계획 경제로의 회귀 (1993 ~ 1998년) ··· 6 4. 친 시장경제 체제로의 전환 (1998 ~ 2003년) ··· 7 5. 국가발전개혁위원회의(NDRC) 및 국가에너지지도자그룹

(國家能源領導小組)체제 (2003 ~ 2008년) ··· 10 6. 국가에너지위원회 및 신 국가에너지국의 출범(2008년 3월~ ) ··· 16

제3장 중국의 에너지 수송로 확보 외교 ··· 29 제1절 중․러 석유수송로 구축 외교 ··· 29 1. 기존 육로 석유 수송망 ··· 29 2. 동시베리아-태평양 송유관(ESPO) 중국지선 ··· 30 3. 동시베리아-태평양 송유관(ESPO) 중국지선 추진과정 ··· 33 제2절 중․러 천연가스 파이프라인 구축 외교 ··· 34 1. 천연가스 파이프라인 구축을 위한 협약 ··· 34 2. 천연가스 파이프라인 구축 지연 요인 ··· 36 제3절 중국의 對 중앙아시아 에너지 수송로 구축 외교 ··· 38 1. 중국의 對 중앙아시아 국가 에너지 외교 ··· 38 2. 중국의 對 중앙아시아 에너지 수송로 구축 외교 ··· 39

3. 천연가스 파이프라인 구축 외교 및 성과 ··· 43 제4절 중국의 對 동남아 천연가스 수송로 구축 외교 ··· 48

제4장 에너지공기업의 기능과 에너지 확보 전략 ··· 50 제1절 중국 국영에너지기업의 해외 에너지 확보 기능과 전략 ··· 50 1. 국영에너지기업의 외교적 역할 ··· 50 2. 중국 에너지 공기업 재편 및 개혁 ··· 52 3. 중국석유천연가스집단공사(CNPC: China National Petroleum Corporation) ···· 53 4. 중국석유화공집단공사(China Petrochemical Corporation) ··· 58 5. 중국해양석유공사(中國海洋石油集團公司, CNOOC) ··· 61

제5장 중국의 지역별 에너지 외교 전략 ··· 63 제1절 對 러시아 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 63 1. 대 러시아 외교 활동 개요 ··· 63 2. 분야별 중․러 외교 의제 ··· 64 제2절 중국의 중동 지역 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 69 1. 중․이란 에너지 외교 관계 ··· 69 2. 중․사우디아라비아 에너지 외교 관계 ··· 73 3. 기타 중동국가들과의 에너지 외교 관계 ··· 76 제3절 중국의 아프리카 지역 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 79 1. 중국과 아프리카 지역 국가 에너지 외교 개요 ··· 79 2. 중국의 아프리카 에너지자원 확보 외교 전략 ··· 81 제4절 중국-베네수엘라 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 84 1. 중국․베네수엘라의 우호적 관계 배경 ··· 84 2. 중국-베네수엘라 에너지 협력 활동 ··· 85 3. 중국의 베네수엘라 수송애로 극복을 위한 협력 ··· 88 제5절 중국-인도의 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 89

1. 중국․인도의 에너지 협력 외교 ··· 89 2. 중국과 인도의 국영석유기업 협력 현황 ··· 91 제6절 중국-캐나다 에너지협력 활동 ··· 92 제7절 중국-카자흐스탄 에너지 외교 활동 ··· 94 1. 중국의 대 카자흐스탄 에너지 외교 전략 요인 ··· 94 2. 중국-카자흐스탄 에너지 협력 활동 ··· 95 제8절 중국 에너지 외교의 문제점 ··· 96 1. 국제적 비난을 수반한 외교전략 ··· 97 2. 對 러사아 경쟁 및 갈등 요소 ··· 100

제6장 정책적 시사점(결론) ··· 104 제1절 중국 에너지관리 체계의 변화 효과 ··· 104 1. 중국 에너지정책 주요 방향 ··· 104 2. 에너지정책 Governance 변화효과 ··· 105 3. 에너지수송망 구축을 위한 외교 성과 ··· 108 4. 중국 에너지 확보 외교 정책의 시사점 ··· 113

참고문헌 ··· 119

표 차례

<표 2-1> 중국 국영 에너지기업 ··· 11

<표 2-2> 국가에너지국(National energy Administration) 주요조직과 업무내역 ···· 20

<표 3-1> 중-러 석유수송 로드 ··· 29

<표 3-2> 중․러 천연가스 파이프라인 구축계획 ··· 37

<표 3-3> 중앙아시아․중국 송유관 구축 내역 ··· 40

<표 3-4> 중앙아시아․중국 천연가스 파이프라인 건설 추진 내역 ··· 44

<표 3-5> 중국석유화공집단공사(China Petrochemical Corporation) 조직 ··· 60

그림 차례

[그림 2-1] 중국의 에너지관리 체계(Governance) 변화 ··· 18 [그림 2-2]에너지 관리구도의 변화 ··· 19

[그림 3-1] 동시베리아-태평양 송유관 ··· 31 [그림 3-2] 중-카자흐스탄 송유관 ··· 41 [그림 3-3] 중국석유천연가스집단공사(CNPC) 조직도 ··· 55

[그림 4-1] 베네수엘라 유전지대 ··· 86

문서에서 에너지경제연구원장 (페이지 56-69)

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