• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

2.1 Gmax, Gmed and TFL Muscle Activity

There was no significant difference in Gmax muscle activity among SHA-N, MR, and LR (F2, 17 = 2.286, p = 0.132). However, the study found significant differences in Gmed muscle activity (F2, 17 = 6.455, p = 0.009) and TFL muscle activity (F2, 17 = 3.965, p = 0.039) among the three hip abduction exercises. SHA-MR showed significantly greater Gmed muscle activity than SHA-N did (p = 0.003). SHA-LR produced significantly greater TFL muscle activity than SHA-N did (p = 0.010) (Table 2, Figure 5).

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2.2 Gmax/TFL and Gmed/TFL Muscle Activity Ratios

There was no significant difference in the Gmax/TFL muscle activity ratio among SHA-N, MR, and LR (F2, 17 = 3.206, p = 0.066). However, there were significant differences in the Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio (F2, 17 = 6.925, p = 0.006) and the Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratio (F2, 17 = 6.769, p = 0.007) among the three hip abduction exercises. SHA-MR produced a significantly greater Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio than did SHA-N (p = 0.001) and SHA-LR (p = 0.010). SHA-MR also resulted in a significantly greater Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratio than did SHA-N (p = 0.002) (Table 2, Figure 6).

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Table 2. Comparison of muscle activity in the gluteus maximus, medius and the tensor fasciae latae among different hip abduction exercises


aSHA-N: Side-lying hip abduction with neutral hip.

bSHA-MR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip medial rotation.

cSHA-LR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip lateral rotation.

dGmax: Gluteus maximus.

eGmed: Gluteus medius.

fTFL: Tensor fasciae latae.

gMean ± Standard deviation of % maximal voluntary isometric contraction.

hMean ± Standard deviation

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Figure 5. Comparison of muscle activity in the gluteus maximus, medius, and the tensor fasciae latae among different hip rotations during side-lying hip abduction exercises.

SHA-N: Side-lying hip abduction with neutral hip.

SHA-MR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip medial rotation.

SHA-LR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip lateral rotation.

*indicates a significant difference by Boferroni adjustment (p < 0.017).

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Figure 6. Comparison of muscle activity ratio in the gluteus maximus, medius, and the tensor fasciae latae among different hip rotations during side-lying hip abduction exercises.

Gmax, Gluteus maximus.

Gmed, Gluteus medius.

TFL, Tensor fasciae latae.

SHA-N: Side-lying hip abduction with neutral hip.

SHA-MR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip medial rotation.

SHA-LR: Side-lying hip abduction with hip lateral rotation.

*indicates a significant difference by Boferroni adjustment (p < 0.017).

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The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether Gmax, Gmed, and TFL muscle activity and Gmax/TFL, Gmed/TFL, and Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratios would be different in different hip rotations during SHA exercises (SHA-N, SHA-MR, and SHA-LR) in subjects with Gmed weakness. The study found that Gmed muscle activity and the Gmed/TFL and Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratios were significantly greater in SHA-MR than in SHA-N or SHA-LR in subjects with Gmed weakness. To the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to examine the effects of different hip rotations in SHA exercise on the muscle activity of the hip abductors in subjects with Gmed weakness.

Gmed muscle activity was significantly greater in SHA-MR, compared to SHA-N (by 16.12%). Gmed muscle activity in SHA-MR was also greater, by 12.38%, when compared to SHA-LR; however, this difference was not statistically significant. These findings partially support our research hypothesis that Gmed muscle activity would increase more in SHA-MR, compared to other SHA exercises. The results are in accordance with previous results (unpublished data). Earl (2004) also showed that Gmed muscle activity was significantly greater in hip abduction with MR exercise than in hip abduction with LR exercise during single-leg stance. Compared with previous studies (unpublished data) that recruited healthy subjects, subjects with weak Gmed muscles showed 16.04%

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more activation (healthy vs. weak Gmed: 45.30% vs. 61.34% of MVIC) during SHA-MR. Additionally, the current study found that Gmed muscles (61.34%

MVIC) were more active than all the other muscles (Gmax: 23.67%, TFL: 38.51%

MVIC) during SHA-MR. The results indicate that this exercise is very effective in targeting Gmed weakness and in preferentially activating the Gmed muscles. The findings may have clinical relevance.

TFL muscle activity was significantly greater in SHA-LR than in SHA-N (8.94%). This finding is in agreement with data reported by McBeth et al. (2012), who reported that TFL activity (70.9 ± 17.2%MVIC) was significantly greater than Gmed muscle activity (53.0 ± 28.4%MVIC) during SHA-LR. The authors of this previous study explained that gravity on the lower extremity would pull the hip joint backward (hip extension); thus, the TFL would be challenged to maintain a neutral position during SHA-LR. The position difference of the hip joint in SHA-MR may also explain the increased Gmed muscle activity in the present study, compared to other exercises. The possible mechanism for these findings may be that the Gmed muscles counteract the anterior roll of the pelvis in the transverse plane during SHA-MR. To overcome the greater external torque, the Gmed would be likely to generate greater force. Another possible mechanism for these findings is the positioning of the Gmed in the highest position in the transverse plane of the upper thigh while sustaining SHA-MR. Thus, SHA-MR may become a preferable position to increase Gmed activation in the frontal plane.

Compared with previous studies that recruited healthy subjects, the TFL was more

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active in subjects with weak Gmed muscles by 7.87%, 5.91%, and 3.81% during SHA-N, MR, and LR, respectively. People with Gmed weakness might compensate by using the TFL muscles to perform the exercises (Fredericson and Wolf 2005).

The Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio significantly increased in SHA-MR by 49.76% and 42.99%, compared with SHA-N and SHA-LR, respectively. These Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio results support the research hypothesis. There is no previous study about the Gmed/TFL activity ratio during SHA; thus, comparison of the results to other work is not possible. However, by following the muscle activity ratio of the Gmed to the TFL during SHA, this study demonstrates that SHA-MR is the best exercise for increasing the Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio among the three SHA exercises.

Gmax muscle activity and the Gmax/TFL muscle activity ratio were not significantly different among SHA-N, SHA-MR, and SHA-LR. However, the Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratio was significantly greater in SHA-MR, compared to SHA-N (by 24.94%). Additionally, the Gmax was not activated to levels consistent with Gmed and TFL and no Gmax/TFL ratio was over 1 in this study, suggesting the muscle activity of the Gmax was less than that of the TFL.

Previous studies (McBeth et al. 2012; Selkowitz, Beneck, and Powers 2013) also reported that TFL muscles had significantly greater activity that Gmax muscles during SHA. Gmed and TFL muscles are primary hip abductors (Neumann 2010).

On the other hand, the Gmax is the primary hip lateral rotator (Neumann 2010)

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and the Gmax may be a secondary hip abductor in SHA exercises compared to the Gmed and TFL (Selkowitz, Beneck, and Powers 2013). Thus, SHA is not effective for targeting the Gmax and Gmed synchronistically.

This study has some limitations. First, this study was a cross-sectional study;

thus, long-term effects of SHA-MR cannot be determined. Second, crosstalk might have occurred between the Gmed and TFL muscles, although the study took all safety measures to insure the reliability of the EMG signal. Further studies should investigate the long-term effects of SHA-MR on Gmed performance.

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This study investigated the effects of different hip rotations on Gmax, Gmed, and TFL muscle activity and on the Gmax/TFL, Gmed/TFL, and Gmed/Gmax muscle activity ratios during SHA exercises in subjects with Gmed weakness. Gmed muscle activity was significantly greater in SHA-MR than in SHA-N. TFL muscle activity was significantly greater in SHA-LR than in SHA-N. The Gmed/TFL activity ratios in SHA-MR were significantly greater than were those in SHA-N and SHA-LR. The Gmed/Gmax activity ratios in MR were significantly greater than those in SHA-N. Thus, SHA-MR is the most effective exercise for greater Gmed muscle activation and for a higher Gmed/TFL muscle activity ratio among the three SHA exercises.

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국문 요약

중둔근 약화가 있는 대상자의 고관절 외전 시 세 가지 다른 고관절 회전이 고관절 외전근 활성도에

미치는 영향

연세대학교 대학원 물리치료학과 이 지 현

중둔근의 약화는 하지 손상과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 특히 중둔근 약화가

있는 대상자는 일상생활에서 약화된 중둔근을 보상하기 위해 대퇴근막장근

을 이용할 가능성이 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 중둔근 약화가 있는

대상자에게 옆으로 누운 자세에서 외전 운동 시 고관절 회전을 달리 했을

때 고관절 외전근인 대둔근, 중둔근, 대퇴근막장근에 미치는 영향을 알아

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보았다. 본 연구를 위해 중둔근 약화가 있는 19명의 대상자가 참여하였고,

각 대상자는 고관절 중립 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동, 고관절 내회전 상태

에서 고관절 외전 운동, 그리고 고관절 외회전 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동

을 실시하였다. 대둔근, 중둔근, 대퇴근막장근의 근활성도는 표면 근전도

장비를 사용하여 측정하였고, 일방향 반복 측정 분산분석을 통해 대둔근,

중둔근, 대퇴근막장근의 세가지 고관절 외전 운동간의 유의성을 알아보았

다. 세 가지 외전 운동에서 유의한 차이가 있을 때 사후검정으로 본페로니

검정을 실시하였다. 통계학적 유의수준은 α = 0.05로 하였다.

연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 중둔근의 근활성도는 고관절 내회전 상태

에서 고관절 외전 운동 시 고관절 중립 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동 시보다

유의하게 높았다. 그리고 대퇴근막장근의 근활성도는 고관절 외회전 상태

에서 고관절 외전 운동 시 고관절 중립 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동 시보다

유의하게 높았다. 2) 중둔근/대퇴근막장근 근활성도비와 중둔근/대둔근 근

활성도 비는 고관절 내회전 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동 시 고관절 중립상

태에서 고관절 외전운동 혹은 고관절 외회전 상태에서 고관절 외전 운동

- 40 - 시보다 유의하게 높았다.

그러므로, 고관절 회전을 달리하면서 고관절 외전 운동 시 중둔근 근활

성도를 증진시키는 운동방법으로는 고관절 내회전 상태에서 고관절 외전

운동을 하도록 추천한다.

핵심 되는 말: 고관절 외전, 고관절 회전, 대둔근, 대퇴근막장근, 중둔근.

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