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문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 56-65)

A Study on Chinese Consumers' Purchasing Satisfaction repeat-order intention for Mobile Phones

-Focusing on SAMSUNG and HUAWEI mobile phones-

FANG YAN Advisor: Prof. Je-hong Lee Ph.D.

Department of trade, Graduate school of Chosun University

In today's fast-paced and convenient lifestyle, mobile phones are increasingly becoming an indispensable tool in people's lives. When faced with various brands of mobile phone market, what choices do consumers choose?

This article focuses on the mobile phone consumers in the Chinese market and will conduct a comparative study on the satisfaction and repurchase intentions of Korean and Chinese mobile phones. This article will compare the price, functionality, quality, brand image, customer satisfaction and repurchasing intentions of the two brands of mobile phones. By analyzing their respective advantages and disadvantages, they can guide marketers to establish correct marketing strategies

At the same time, through this article, foreign mobile phone manufacturers can prepare to enter the Chinese market or respond to the development of the Chinese market, in order to increase the market share of their products. Through this article, Chinese mobile phone manufacturers can make strategic predictions when foreign mobile phone brands enter the Chinese market. Through these research data, they can find out their drawbacks and establish corresponding strategies.

The comparative research concerning the satisfaction and repurchasing intention of the Chinese mobile phone consumers are as follows:

When Chinese mobile phone consumers purchase mobile phones, the price, function, quality and brand image of mobile phones will have a positive impact on their product satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Through the comparison of this study, the Korean mobile phone brand image is lower than that of the Chinese local brand image in China, so the Korean mobile phone should expand publicity and enhance the brand image so that the Korean mobile phone brand can successfully enter the Chinese market and take the lead in seizing the market share. At the same time, the price index of Korean mobile phones is higher than that of Chinese local mobile phone price index. If it can maintain a certain level of performance and reduce the price of mobile phones, it will hopefully occupy more of the Chinese mobile phone market.

Through the study of this article, we can conclude that if Chinese mobile phone brands want to remain first, they must improve the performance of mobile phones. This is the only way to increase customer satisfaction, which will have a positive impact on buyback intentions. If Korean mobile phones are to continue to develop and beat other countries' mobile phone brands, they must upgrade their brand image on the basis of the original and ensure the technological level while reducing the price of mobile phones.

They should do their best to meet consumer demand for mobile phones. At the same time, let consumers buy cheaper domestic mobile phones than other countries and higher quality in order to increase consumer satisfaction and have a positive impact on buyback intentions.


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중국소비자의 휴대폰고객만족도와 재구매의도에 관한 연구 -삼성과 화웨이의 휴대폰을

중심으로-몇 분 동안 이 문제에 참가할 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다. 지금 바로 시작합시다.


문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 56-65)

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