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The purpose of this study is to find out perception types of self-determination in community mental health settings for people with psychiatric disabilities and social workers. For this purpose, this study adopted Q-methodology which was developed mainly to study on the subjective conceptualization of related people on research theme. The 34 selected Q-statements form each of 46 subjects were classified into a normal distribution using a 9 point scale. The collected data analyzed using a Quanl PC program.

This study found out three major types of perception of self-determination in com-munity mental health settings for people with psychiatric disabilities and social workers.

Three types are ‘leading type as an absolute right’, ‘dependent type as an relative value’ and ‘reactive type as an latent capacity’

This research finding can be used to make clear understanding on diverse voices of related groups about self-determination for people with psychiatric disabilities and this result will attribute to development empowerment practice and professional training program.

A Study on the Subjective Perception Type of

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