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단 단 단행행행본본본

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5.이홍수,『음악교육의 현대적 접근』, 세광출판사,1993 6.음악쟁이,에듀클래식

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11.『음악대사전』,세광음악출판사,1982 12.피아노 어드벤쳐 간행물 교사협회지 통권호

13.Nancy Faber&RandallFaber중앙대학교 피아노 어드벤쳐 세미나 자 료물, 2005

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번 번 번역역역서서서

1. W.Bastien,James송지혜 역,『성공적인 피아노 교수법』,음악춘추사 1997

2.맥스 W.캠프 저,안미자 역,『피아노 교수법』,이화여자 출판부, 1993

3.M.Uszler,S.Godon,S.M.Smith저,조윤수,최소영 역,『피아노 교 수법,최고의 길잡이』,뮤직필,2003

학 학


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2.김성림 『피아노 기초과정의 지도를 위한 교재의 비교 분석 연구』, 성신여자대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문,1992

3.박진희 『초급 피아노 교재를 이용한 지도방안 연구』,경원대학교 교 육대학원 석사학위논문,2006

4.전영선 『피아노 기초 교재 연구』,부산대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논 문,2004

5.최복희 『피아노 기초과정의 지도를 위한 교재의 비교 분석 연구』, 청주대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문,2003


by Jung, sung-eun Major in Music Education Graduate School of Education, Kookmin University Seoul, Korea

Selection of an appropriate textbook for children in piano education carries deep impact on the meaning of the characteristics and quality of the textbook. A pertinent textbook smoothly paves the way for children's learning and enhances the persistency of the education. In this sense, I have struggled to analyze the textbook "Piano Adventure"

and delve into its multilateral practical applications. By doing so, the following facts were revealed.

The textbook as a tool effectively exhibits two contrasting objectives as a tool for both children's pastime and learning. In other words, methods for learning are displayed in forms of play and these kind of educational purposes occur in a much higher proportion than other textbooks for other fields of professional study. To ease the understanding of this fundamental notion, the acknowledgement of the keyboard and its corresponding numbers for each fingers, rather than

the heavy presentation of the musical score before the announcement of the start of an instrumental tune alleviates the mental stress hoarded on a beginner and allows its adaptation when learning other tunes. Moreover, the successive arrangement of technical melodies of the identical patterns cause the reiterative learning of an established concept to become possible. As for harmony, efforts towards modern consonances(Jazz scale, Gipsy scale, dissonances, etc.) can be deeply felt and the colors of unique chords enable the experience of various musical feelings for children.

Technical learning at the initial stage of practicing should be started better digestion of children towards musical notions, it utilizes objects and events that easily come along children in their everyday life to

Furthermore, multifarious musical styles and different accompaniment

styles are listed as educational forms for the child's indirect learning.

The textbook induces efficient learning by handling manifold musical pieces ranging from the composition of principal themes in classical assure the nourishment of the learner's creativity and fruitful musical emotions. To accomplish such an end, the instructor should be endowed with the ability to study and choose the appropriate textbook among many others that is correctly aimed at the learner's personal characteristics and musical level.

The study of multiple textbooks, the enlightenment of various teaching models, the participation in professional learning seminars, the information exchange among peer instructors and many other continual efforts must be attained on the instructor's side to realize the conduct of selecting the right textbook.

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