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This study explored three issues in regard to disability among Korean older persons. First, preva-lence of disability was assessed. Second, differences among no disability, moderate disability, and severe disability were compared. Third, effects of socio-demographic characteristics, chronic condi-tions, health behaviors, psycho-social constructs on the level of disability were examined.

4,155 older people(65 and over) selected from the data of Korea longitudinal study of aging(KLoSA) were used for chi-square test, ANOVA, and multinomial regression analysis.

Findings suggested that 9.6% of the sample were severely disabled, and 15.8% were moderately disabled. It was also found that three groups(no disability, moderate disability, severe disability) showed significant differences regarding to age, socio-economic status, chronic conditions, health behaviors, depression, perceived health, and social support. Finally, stroke was the most salient pre-dictor of severe disability. It was also strongly related with moderate disability. Regular exercise was found to reduce the chances of both severe disability and moderate disability. Among psycho-social variables, depression and perceived health status were related with severe disability. While contacts with friends and social activities reduced the chances of severe disability, living with spouse and contacts with children was found to reduce the chances of moderate disability.

According to these results, implications including special attention to cerebrovascular diseases, enhancement of exercise programs, prevention and reduction of depression, increasing social support in later life were discussed.

A Study on the Factors Affecting Late-life

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