• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

이상과 같은 결과를 토대로 몇 가지 제언을 하면 다음과 같다.

첫째, 진로집단상담 프로그램이 고등학생의 진로의식을 향상시키는데 효 과가 있음이 검증되었으므로 학교현장에도 실시, 적용되어야 하겠다.

둘째, 일에 대한 긍정적인 태도와 21세기 고도의 정보화 시대를 살아갈 청소년들이 자신에게 필요한 다양한 정보를 신속하게 수집․분석․가공하

여 활용하는 능력과 합리적인 의사결정능력을 길러주기 위해서는 보다 효 과적이고 구조화된 프로그램 개발이 필요하다.

셋째, 진로와 직업에 대한 교육은 일정기간에 끝나는 것이 아니고 성인 이 된 후까지 일생에 걸친 생애교육이므로 연계성 있는 진로교육 프로그램 의 개발에도 관심 있는 연구가 필요하다.

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The effect of Group Counseling on Career on high school students' Vocational Maturity

O Hee Suk

Counseling Psychology Major

Graduate School of Education, Cheju National University Jeju, Korea

Supervised by Professor Hur, Chul-Soo

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Group Counseling on Career has any effect on Vocational Maturity appling to high school students or not. And we set up study problems like followings to achieve this purpose.

First, is there any effect of Group Counseling on Career on Vocational Maturity?

Second, is there any effect of Group Counseling on low ranks of Vocational Maturity?

The subjects of 24 students among 32 students were drawn from first grade classes of J girl's vocational high school located in jeju city. And they sere divided into two groups ; 12 students in counseling group and

* This thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Education, Cheju University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in August, 2004.

the other 12 students in control group, respectively. And we fulfilled pretest to be convinced that they were the same kind of groups.

The program of Group Counseling on Career used in this study was reconstructed as researcher modified and supplemented previous literatures(The development of guidance for career guidance for middle school girl students’ provided by Ministry of Education &Human Resources Development(2002) and various kinds of programs related with the career loaded on homepages related with the career) to be suitable for the purpose of this study.

We used ‘Test of Vocational Maturity Degree’ developed by Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) (developer : Im, Eon, Jung, Yun-Gyeong, and Sang, Gyeong-A, 2001) as a measure tool for Vocational Maturity. We used t-test(verification) to analyze data using SPSS WIN computing program.

The results of this study obtained through this process are as follows:

First, the program of Group Counseling on Career has an effect on growing Career Consciousness which high school students have.

Second, The program of Group Counseling on Career has an effect on improving sub-factors of Vocational Maturity such as independency, planning quality, and self-understanding, personal role cognition.

To sum up conclusion of this study, the program of Group Counseling on Career has an effect on growing Career Consciousness which high school students have and also has an positive effect on improving most of sub-factors of Vocational Maturity. That is, it provided opportunities and experiences which help high school students in career exploration stage to understand themselves and to design their career concretely.

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