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문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 53-69)

II. 이론적 배경

2. 제언

참 고 문 헌

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The Effects of the Peer Relationship Perceived by First Grade High School Students on the Career Maturity:

The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem Ko Jeong Hee

Major in Counseling Psychology, Graduate School of Education,

Jeju National University

Supervised by Professor Park, Jung Hwan

The purpose of this study is to verify the mediated effects of self-respect in the effects of peer relationships perceived by first-year high school students on career proficiency. The first year of high school is the most important time for peer recognition and acceptance as they choose to be psychologically independent and peerless, instead of relying on their parents.

Therefore, based on peer relationships, we want to find out the relationship between self-esteem and self-respect, which are variables related to peer relationships, and to clarify whether self-respect plays an intermediary role in the relationship between peer relationships and career maturity.

The research questions were set up as follows.

Research question 1. What is the relationship between a high school freshman's late peer relationship, career maturity, and self-respect?

Research question 2. Is self-esteem a mediated effect in relation to the peer relationship in which a high school freshman is late and career proficiency?

To carry out the above research, the survey was conducted from March 26 to April 11, 2019 on 450 students of three general high schools in Jeju City, one specialized high school in Jeju City's township area, and one specialized high school in Seogwipo City.

As a tool for measuring peer relationship, 'relative scale test' was used by Jung Mi-kyung, who modified, supplemented, and reconstructed peer relationship scale test used by Palker, Asher Ladd, Kochender, and Coleman.

In order to measure career proficiency, the Korea Educational Development Institute produced the test and used the inspection paper issued by the Korea Research Institute for Korean Studies. Also, to measure self-respect, Kim Yu-sik, Lee Sol-leaf and Choi Jae-pil used modified and complementary measures. The collected data were used in SPSS 18.0 to analyze the frequency, correlate, and return to the carrier in accordance with the procedures proposed by Baron and Kenny before the Sobel test.

Based on these findings, the results of this study are summarized as follows.

First, The peer relationship, career proficiency and self-respect of a high school freshman were found to have a significant bearing on each other. Peer relationships were shown to have a statistically significant static correlation with self-respect, and among the five sub-components of peer relationships, all four sub-components, except competition, indicated a significant correlation with self-dependence. In addition, the correlation between peer relationships and career proficiency resulted in statistically significant results.

Second, after analyzing whether self-respecting is mediated in the relationship between peer relationship and career mastery, self-respecting is found to have partial matching effect in the relationship between peers and career mastery.

Studies show that self-respect is a mediating effect between high school students' late peer and career mastery. This suggests the importance of self-respect by influencing self-respect according to how positively people perceive peer relationships, and self-respect by revealing the action of increasing career maturity.

The study is expected to provide the basis for education, programs and counseling interventions to improve self-esteem by suggesting the importance of peer relationships that students were late to enter high school and expressing that self-respect can be a factor in improving career proficiency.

Key words: peer relations, career maturity, self-respect. mediated effect

문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 53-69)

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