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본 연구결과를 근거로 다음과 같이 제언을 하고자 한다.

첫째, 체형인식이 성인여성의 우울수준에 중요한 영향을 미치는 요인으로

밝혀짐에 따라 추후 이상형체형과 객관적인 체형, 주관적인 체형인식에 따른 우울에 관한 심층 연구가 필요하다.

둘째, 성인여성의 우울은 이상형체형에 대한 선호와 극단적인 체형인식으로 인해 비롯된다. 이러한 우울을 예방하기 위해서는 사회적 합의를 통해 각 세 대에 맞는 건강한 미에 대한 대중의 인식 변화를 유도하는 것이 필요하며, 체 형인식에 대한 무분별한 매스미디어를 비판적으로 받아들이는 학교 보건교육 이 필요하다.

참고 문헌

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나는 지난 1주일 동안 극 히 드

나는 지난 1주일 동안 극 히 드

물게 가끔 종종 대부분

13. 평소에 비해 말수가 적었다. 0 1 2 3

14. 세상에 홀로 있는 듯한 외로움을 느꼈다. 0 1 2 3

15. 큰 불만 없이 생활했다. 0 1 2 3

16. 사람들이 나에게 차갑게 대하는 것 같았다. 0 1 2 3

17. 갑자기 울음이 나왔다. 0 1 2 3

18. 마음이 슬펐다. 0 1 2 3

19. 사람들이 나를 싫어하는 것 같았다. 0 1 2 3

20. 도무지 뭘 해 나갈 엄두가 나지 않았다. 0 1 2 3


마른편임 보통임 비만임

(매우마른편임+약간마른편임) (약간비만임+매우비만임)





(과체중+ 비만)

부록2. BMI와 체형인식 분류

·○= 1군( BMI 와 체형인식 이 일치하는 군)

·△= 2군( BMI는 저체중이면서 체형인식은 비만으로 인식하는 군)

·▢= 3군( BMI는 비만이면서 체형인식은 저체중으로 인식하는 군)


Relationship between Obesity and Body Image on Depression among Women.


Yang, Eun Ok Graduate School of Public Health Ajou University

This study was to investigate the influence of obesity and body image on depressive symptoms among 3,501 women aged over 20 year-olds, to suggest helpful information for preventing depression and improving individual health. The 2008 Community Health Survey, from September to November in 2008, was used for this study, and the survey questionnaire was a Korean version of CES-D with 20 questions. It's total score range was from 0 to 60 indicating the higher scores meant higher level of depression. The data were analyzed by SAS 9.1.

The result of this study is summarized as follows:

1) The average score of depression questionnaire among 3,501 respondents was 8.05 Standard Deviation 8.83, the scores ranging from 0 to 59 points.

309 respondents (8.2%) had over 21 points, the minimum score to indicate depression.

2) The depression level was statistically significant among older women, lower education, no spouse, no occupation or working in simple labor (p=0.000).

3) For the relationship between health habits and depression level, the depression level was statistically significant among women who were smokers, no exercise or physical inactivity such as a short walk, sleeping more than the average hours, not eating breakfast or irregular eating patterns (p=0.000).

4) Women whose score of self-reported health condition was lower; those who had chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis were more likely to have depression (p=0.000).

5) The average score of depression among overweight women was the highest 8.51(±0.31) than the other BMI groups. The average score was 8.48(±0.61) for obese, 7.14(±0.48) for underweight, 6.96(±0.22) for normal weight. And the differences between BMI groups were statistically significant (p=0.015).

6) The average score of depression on body image was the highest 11.49(±0.60) for 'too thin' respondents, 9.47(±0.61) for 'too obese',

8.47(±0.38) for 'obese', 7.59(±0.40) for 'thin', 6.75(±0.20) for 'normal'. The differences between body images were statistically significant (p=0.000).

7) The average score of depression on inconsistency between BMI and body image is 7.00(±0.19) for those who answered consistency between BMI and body image, 8.83(±0.57) for those who answered inconsistency between BMI and body image, and there is significant difference in statistic analysis (p=0.002).

8) After the multiple regression, the results showed depression symptoms were more likely associated with those who answered 'too thin', 'too obese' on body image; with no breakfast; with no spouses or separated and divorced; with less than average sleeping hours; with low education,;

with arthritis; with low lebel of physical activity like walking.

In conclusion, the depression level among female adults was not relatively high. The influential factors on the depression level were general characteristics, health related behaviors and health conditions, And also subjective body image perception had a greater influence on depression than actual BMI itself. Women tended to learn and acquire a thinner ideal body image both directly and indirectly influenced by culture in a society she grew up in, by mass media and fashion magazines. These influences among young women might increase the drive to be thin to meet with the ideal body image stereotyped by the media regardless of BMI. The discrepancy between the ideal body image and the actual body image

would lead to a negative body image. The first step might be suggesting media and fashion industries to emphasize healthier body images. At school, young women should learn to adopt health habits and to accept current body image if she was not overly obese.

Key Word : obesity, body image, depression, CES-D

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