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The Influence that the Communicative style Affects the Level of Marital Satisfaction 2)

Kang, Cha-Sun,

Counselling Psychology Major

Graduate School of Education, Cheju National University Jeju, Korea

Supervised by Professor Hur, Chul-soo

This research aims at clarifying what are the communicative styles that will exert an influence upon the level of marital satisfaction among the married couples living in the Jeju community, by means of the self-report questionnaires on the communicative style and the level of marital satisfaction among the married couples. To accomplish this aim, the following research questions were provided.


This thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Education, Cheju University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education in August, 2006

1. What relations are there between the communicative style and the level of marital satisfaction?

2. Is there any difference of marital satisfaction between husband and wife?

3. What is the level of marital satisfaction according to birth place?

4. Is there any difference between two communication style and the marital satisfaction?

5. What effect does two communication style have on the level?

The research population was selected from the common married couples living in the Jeju community, and questioned with the self-report questionnaires by distributing those to the whole Jeju community of Jeju City, North Jeju County, Soguipo City, by directly distributing them to South Jeju County, Agricultural cooperative banks, Educational institutions, Jeju Province Government, and the Jugong apartment belt in the Yeedo district area by visiting, and then were collected when the questions were responded.

The questionnaires of communicative style and the level of marital satisfaction applied to this research were compiled with the use of the Communicative Style Test(Chae Gyu-man, 1996) introduced by Chae Gyu-man, which comprises 76 questions in all, with 53 items of the proper Talking Style, 10 items of the improper Talking Style, and 13 items of the improper problem- solving Talking Style between husband and wife.

The Korean Marital Satisfaction Level Test (K-MSI), known as the

Multi-dimensional Measuring Set to check the level of marital satisfaction was arranged into 160 items in all, modified, rearranged and standardized by Guon Jung-hye and Chae Gyu-man (1998) with the Marital Satisfaction Inventory developed by Snyder(1979) to be practically suitable to the real situation in the Korean community, and the collected, processed and analyzed data were verified of Correlate, T-Test, ANOVA, Regression on the level of significant p<001,p<01,p<5 by the use of SPSS 10.0 WIN.

Followings are the research results obtained by the above process.

First, in the couple's communication and the level of marital satisfaction, a functional communicative style shows a higher rate of negative correlation ,whereas a counter-functional and so problem-solving communicative style show a higher rate of positive correlation.

Second, the level of marital satisfaction between husband and wife shows a bigger difference in the aggressive activities for the husband and a bigger difference in the Conventionalization for the wife.

Third, the level of marital satisfaction classified by the birthplace (Among whose who came from the main land provinces) has a bigger difference in the Sexual Dissatisfaction, Time Together, and Affective Communication.

Fourth, the general Talk tendency and the level of marital satisfaction show a bigger difference in the Global Distress, Affective Communication and problem-solving communication,

Sexual dissatisfaction, Time Together and that with the Dissatisfaction with Children, when the couple doesn't enjoy their Talk.

Fifth, in the influence that the communicative style exerts on the level of marital satisfaction, the Global Distress by Talking, problem-solving, Spite Talking, Fight-Capitulate, Float dialogue Style, the problem of Affective Communication by Talking, Listening, Fight Talking, Spite Talking, Compromising, the Sexual dissatisfaction by problem-solving, Float, Persuade dialogue Style, the Time Together by Talking, Problem-solving, Control talking, Avoid, and Compromising dialogue Style, the communication for the Problem-Solving by Talking, Listening, Fight Talking, Spite Talking, Fight-Capitulating, Floating and Persuading dialogue Style, the Disagreement about Finances by Talking, Fight Talking and Spite Talking, dialogue Style, the Aggressive actions by Spite Talking and Fight-Capitulating dialogue Style, the Conflict with In-Laws by Listening, controlling, Spite Talking, Floating, and Persuading dialogue Style, the Family History of Distress by problem-solving, Spite Talking dialogue Style, the Conflict over Child Rearing by Talking, problem-solving, controlling, Fight Talking, and Compromising dialogue Style, the Dissatisfaction with Children by the problem-solving, and Fight Talking dialogue Style, the Conventionalization by Talking, Listening, Fight Talking, Spite Talking and compromising dialogue Style, and the Role Orientation by the problem-solving dialogue Style respectively.

Putting all the research results together, it is clear that the communicative style will exert an influence upon the level of marital satisfaction and that such functional communicative style as speaking, hearing, problem-solving in the lower primary factors will enhance the feeling of marital satisfaction.

In addition, at the present day when the rate of divorce and the level of marital dissatisfaction among the married couples are on the rising trend, a proper functional communicative education will be helpful to foster the sense of self-care, mutual understanding and respecting the others and then to harmonize their human-relationship.

In this sense, this research will suggest a necessity of functional communicative education to be applied to all the educational spots(At all the levels of primary and secondary school, college or university, and again to the public).

부 록 목 차

<부록 1> 결혼만족도(K-MSI) 하위 요인척도 ··· 72

<부록 2> 의사소통 질문지 ··· 76

<부록 3> 결혼만족도 검사(K-MSI) ··· 78

<부록 4> 일반적 대화 경향과 인구통계학적 변인 ··· 81

감사의 글 ··· 84

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