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이란 전통 목공예[Moaraq] 전시회

문서에서 2016 한국 가을 축제 종합보고서 (페이지 48-56)

3. 내용

테헤란 모아락 전시회 : 10.23-26 - 장소 : 이란 문화재청 전시장

이스파한 모아락 전시회 : 10.16-20 - 장소 : 이맘광장 전통공예 전시관

동 행사에는 본직과 당관직원들 및 아국지상사협회장 등 다수의 아 국기업인이 참여하여 행사 실시함.

이란 문화재청에서는 동 행사의 취지를 높게 평가하고 아국기업의 이란 사회에 대한 공헌활동에 대하여도 긍정적으로 언급함.

대사관에서 모아락 전시회에 작품을 출품한 이란 작가들을 11.9.(목) 대사관저로 초청하여 격려하였으며 우수 작품 1점을 구매함.

4. 기타(평가 및 향후 참고사항)

동 행사는 주재국 다수 언론에서 보도한 바, 우리기업이 단순히 영리 적 목적을 위해서만 활동하는 것이 아니라 주재국 사회의 건전한 일 원으로서 이란 사회 문화 발전에 관심을 갖고 기여하는 모습을 시현 함으로써 우리기업의 주재국내 이미지 개선 및 향후 활동 여건 개선 효과를 거둔 것으로 평가됨.

앞으로도 여사한 취지의 주재국 사회 문화 공헌 활동을 전개하여 한-이란 우호관계 유지 확대 및 우리기업의 주재국내 긍정적인 이미 지 유지를 위한 노력을 지속적으로 전개할 필요가 있음.

이란 문화재청에서는 금번 행사를 확대하여 2017년도에 서울에서 이란 공예전시회를 개최할 의사를 밝히고 우리측의 협조를 요청하였 는 바, 2017년 양국 문화 교류의 해 기념사업으로 추진할 예정임.

you would say how pretty it is but when looking at an artistic work you would say how beautiful and meaningful it is.

He pointed that it is now time to link handicrafts with mechanical industries. From our point of view handicrafts and mechanical industries are complementary to each other not contrary. Mechanical industries could be practical while handicrafts could be the spirit of the products, thus handicrafts are ready to cooperate closely with heavy industries such as automobile, digital industries and architecture.

Mr Motlagh also mentioned I hope we could have a meeting with Korean and Iranian companies to discuss in this regard and artists could also express their opinions .We are ready to hold exhibition on wooden works in Tehran, Isfahan and one of Korean cities.

It should be noted that Isfahan wooden works fair was also held from 16 to 20 October 2016 in Isfahan and the current exhibition in Tehran is open to public from 23~26 Oct. from 09:00 to 16:00 at building No.1 of ICHTO.

● (Date: 24 Oct. 2016, News source: Hamshahri Online)

Wooden arts exhibition inaugurated.

● (Date: 23 Oct. 2016, Source: Mirase Aria ,the news website of ICHTO)

“It’s time to link Handicrafts with Mechanical Industries “ ,said Mr. Motlagh At inauguration ceremony of wooden arts exhibition.0.

According to Public Relations Department of Cultural Heritage Organization, the inauguration ceremony of Wooden arts exhibition was held at 10:00 on 23 Oct.

2016 in building No.1 of ICHTO,with the presence of Mr. Namvar Motlagh , Deputy for Handicrafts and Traditional Arts of ICHTO and Korean Ambassador,15 top Korean companies in Iran ,artists and interested people in wooden arts .

The artworks of Mosaic, fretwork, woodturning, etc are displayed in this show which id sponsored by Korean Embassy in Iran.

During this ceremony Mr.Namvar mentioned wood is the first material shaped and used by humans as a tool. Wood brings life with itself. Symbols and legends will bring self-scrutiny in culture, in fact wood is like a mirror which reflects our real self not our superficial self.

Mr. Bahman Namvar Motlagh went on by saying:” this is why we don’t feel as aliens while being in a place made of wood, since human has been accompanied by wood from the cradle to the coffin. This is why the works made by artists on the wood is more important than gardener’s works because artists enliven a lifeless object but gardeners take care of a living creature. When you look at a landscape,

Mr. Bahman Namvar Motlagh went on by saying:” this is why we don’t feel as aliens while being in a place made of wood, since human has been accompanied by wood from the cradle to the coffin. This is why the works made by artists on the wood is more important than gardener’s works because artists enliven a lifeless object but gardeners take care of a living creature. When you look at a landscape, you would say how pretty it is but when looking at an artistic work you would say how beautiful and meaningful it is.

He added unfortunately with humanism philosophy, a distance has emerged between human and nature and this difference has caused earth destruction and start of environmental crisis. It is now time to return to Mother Nature, and today humans have no choice but joining to the nature. Therefore, I should appreciate South Korean Embassy, a country involved in digital arts, for proposing to hold such an exhibition.

He pointed that it is now time to link handicrafts with mechanical industries. From our point of view handicrafts and mechanical industries are complementary to each other not contrary. Mechanical industries could be practical while handicrafts could be the spirit of the products, thus handicrafts are ready to cooperate closely with heavy industries such as automobile, digital industries and architecture.

Mr Motlagh also mentioned I hope we could have a meeting with Korean and Iranian companies to discuss in this regard and artists could also express their opinions .We are ready to hold exhibition on wooden works in Tehran, Isfahan and one of Korean cities.

One of Korean companies’ representative s in Iran also said in this event that what adds to this exhibitions value is that such exhibitions could develop two countries relations in economy and culture. I request to take this opportunity to facilitate two Korean people’s love for Iranian art.

Hamshahri online- South Korean ambassador to Tehran said: Korean Embassy in Iran would like to introduce Iran’s wooden arts’ quality to Korean people since most of Korean people are not aware of Iranian art although they love this art.

According to ISNA , Kim seung-Ho mentioned at the inauguration ceremony of wooden arts in: “this exhibition provided a rare opportunity and an honor for Iranian artists. I testify the commitments of Korean government with IRI for holding such exhibition. In fact two exhibitions were held by Tehran and Isfahan Cultural Heritage and Handicrafts and Tourism Organizations and by the sponsorship of South Korean Embassy.

He went on by saying “by holding such exhibitions we, Korean people send our sincere wishes for a permanent stay as a part of Iranians in your country. Many Korean companies continued their activities in Iran during sanctions era; even Korean government continued its oil imports from Iran. Iran is always a trade partner for us.

He also added Iran is a good friend and companion of ours .Holding such exhibition and sponsoring it shows that how we are approaching to Iranian art. Korean Embassy in Iran intends to introduce quality of Iran’s wooden arts to Korean people since they love Iranian art although most of them are unfamiliar with it.

During this exhibition which was started on 23 October 2016 at building No.1 of Cultural Heritage and Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, Deputy for Handicrafts and Traditional Arts of this organization said that wood is the first material shaped and used by humans as a tool. Wood brings life with itself. Symbols and legends will bring self-scrutiny in culture, in fact wood is like a mirror which reflects our real self not our superficial self.

H.E. Kim Seung-Ho also mentioned that today Korean government and companies are here as a friend in order to structure a new chapter of relations under a newer approach based on cultural relations existing between two nations.

During this exhibition, precious artworks of Iranian artists in mosaic, fretwork, woodturning, etc were displayed.

● (Date: 23 Oct. 2016, source: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting)

Inauguration of Wooden arts Exhibition

South Korea’s cooperation with Iran Cultural Heritage Organization for promoting handicrafts

According to IRIB reporter a wooden artworks fair has been inaugurated in Cultural Heritage Organization in Tehran with the presence of South Korean Ambassador, Deputy for Handicrafts of this organization and a number of artists. During this exhibition 15 top Korean companies expressed their intention to support Iran’s handicrafts exhibitions.

Mosaic, fretwork, woodturning, etc. were among the wooden arts exhibited in this fair which will be open to public till 26 October 2016 while another wooden art fair were held in Isfahan several days ago.

countries relations.

According to ISNA, this exhibition is open to public from 23~26 October 2016 from 09:00 to 16:00 at building No.1 , Cultural Heritage and Handicrafts and Tourism Organization.

● (Date: 23 Oct. 2016, News source: Khabar News Channel)

Exhibition of wooden works in Tehran

The exhibition of wooden works was held in Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization with sponsorship of South Korean Embassy.

According to Khabar News Channel’s reporter,Mr.Bahman Namvar Motlagh, Deputy of Handicrafts of this organization said: “the commercialization of handicrafts and traditional arts is a great goal and in this regard ,exporting and selling are not the only ways and in line with this approach this wooden arts exhibition is held with sponsorship of 15 big Korean electronic and car-manufacturing companies.

Ms. Puya Mahmudian, Director General for Handicrafts’ Exports and Trade also mentioned that recognizing specifications of Iran’s handicrafts and traditional arts and the feasibility of using them in cars accessories and cell phone accessories are amongst the proposes South Korean companies are studying in Iran’s handicraft market.

문서에서 2016 한국 가을 축제 종합보고서 (페이지 48-56)

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