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본 연구에서는 산업체 근로자들의 근무시간이 길어질수록 대사증후군의 위험 율이 높아짐을 알 수 있었다. 대사증후군과 독립변수들의 상관관계를 확인한 결과 근로시간이 대사증후군과 서로 유의한 상관관계를 보였으며, 8시간 이하 근무 근로자에 비해 10시간 이상 근로자의 대사증후군 비차비가 성별, 연령뿐 만 아니라 교육, 음주, 흡연, 운동, 수면시간, 근속년수를 보정하였을 경우에도 유의하게 관련이 있었다. 대사증후군과 독립변수들의 상관관계를 확인한 결과 근로시간과 수면시간이 서로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 따라서 근로시간이 길 어질수록 대사증후군의 유병률이 높아짐을 알 수 있었다.

이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 근로시간이 업무효율 및 근로자의 만족감을 떠나서 건강문제, 즉 대사증후군에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 판단하여 근로자의 적 정 근로시간이 지켜질 수 있도록 관리하는 것이 필요하다고 고려된다.

결론적으로 산업체 근로자들의 근무시간이 길어질수록 대사증후군의

발생위험이 비교적 높음을 알 수 있었다. 근로자들의 대사증후군의 예방을

위해서 근로시간의 적정한 평가와 근로시간을 배분을 위한 차별화된 노동

프로그램의 개발을 위한 노력이 필요할 것이다.

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Association of working hours with metabolic syndrome among industry workers

Jin-Hui Park Graduate School of Public Health Ajou University

Supervised by Professor Kyoung Bok Min, M.D.,Ph.D.

In this study, it is in order to examine the association between metabolic syndrome and the working hours of industrial workers. According to the data of the OECD, South Korea has recorded the highest working hours. Long working hours and to see the relevance of the metabolic syndrome, 8 where the medical examination results and the data collected using a questionnaire, a total of 224 parts by SPSS version 18.0 statistical data analysis.

In the final analysis, excluding the respondents applied to the poor subjects of the 197 people, 10.7% of the 21 people with the metabolic syndrome was observed.

The results of logistic regression analysis of working hours is significantly correlated with metabolic syndrome was confirmed. Significant correlation between age and gender confirmed but education, alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise, sleep, a negative correlation between length of service were identified. Gender, age, education, alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise, sleep time, tenure and compensation in case workers working less than 8 hours over 10 hours compared to the workers was significantly increased odds ratio of metabolic syndrome. Therefore, I found that the more working time becomes longer, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is high.

The significance of this study is to be that tried to first research on the relationship

between the metabolic syndrome and an increase in working hours in the country.

The limitations of this study is the first, it is composed of health workers, lack of representativeness, and living in the community than in the general population is likely to be included in healthy people Second, because fewer patients with metabolic syndrome factors and did not verify the relevance of in-depth analysis. Third, the metabolic syndrome-related factors in smoking, drinking, exercise, etc. were investigated for. However, it was not investigated for eating.

Working hours, can affect the metabolic syndrome predict that workers can be kept in proper working hours, it is considered necessary to ensure management.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, working hours, industrial workers

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