• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

된 자료는 Cronbach's α, 서술적 통계분석과 t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient를 구하였으며, Hierachial multiple regression으로 분석 하 였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.

도가 높은 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있었으며, 지각된 개인적 지지와 지각된 조직 적 지지가 높을수록 조직몰입 정도가 높았다.

넷째, 대상 간호사의 조직몰입에 대한 영향요인은 지각된 조직적 지지와 회복 탄력성, 팀 간호방법과 팀/기능 업무분담 방법으로 확인되었다.

본 연구결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 제언을 하고자 한다.

1. 조직몰입에 영향을 미치는 조직적 지지와 회복탄력성 향상을 통하여 간호사 의 조직몰입을 향상시킬 수 있는 전략 마련이 필요하다.

2. 간호사들의 지각된 조직적지지 향상을 위하여 팀 간호방법을 확대 적용하는 등 간호업무체계를 개선하는 정책이 필요하다.

3. 회복탄력성과 조직몰입정도가 낮은 3년 미만의 간호사를 대상으로 한 역량 강화 교육프로그램 마련과 프립셉터 제도를 활용한 멘토 관계형성, 강인함 기르 기, 긍정적인 태도유지, 의사소통과 갈등해결 기술 등이 포함된 멘토링 프로그램 을 통해 멘토 육성을 통해 조직몰입을 높이는 전략수립이 필요하다.

4. 간호사들의 회복탄력성의 중간정도의 수준을 보이고 있어 하위영역 중 가장 낮은 점수를 보인 ‘적극적 도전’이나 ‘정서조절’ 을 높일 수 있는 방안 모색이 필 요하다.

5. 대상자를 확대하여 다양한 지역, 병원규모, 간호관리 등급이나 병원의 업무 상황을 고려한 반복연구가 필요하다.

6. 본 연구에서 사용한 회복탄력성 측정 도구인 RQT의 구성타당도 및 적용성 을 검정하거나 우리나라 상황에 적절한 회복탄력성 측정 도구의 개발과 그 적용 성을 탐구하는 추후 연구가 필요하다.


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Abstract .

The effects of Resilience and Social support on Organizational commitment of Nurses

Seung Hee Jin Department of Nursing

Graduate School of Jeju National University (Supervised by professor Jeong-Hee Kim)

The purpose of this study was to understand an effect of resilience and support on organizational commitment of nurses and to provide basic data that are useful in enhancing effectiveness of nursing organization and human resources management of small and medium sized hospitals by improving organizational commitment.

Data were collected from 195 nurses who had worked for more than 6 months in seven general hospitals, J province from March 15, to April 27, 2015. Reivich & Shattéha (2003)' RQT was translated by Kwon & Lee (2010), Weinert (1988)' PRQ-Ⅱ was translated by Kim & Kim (2011), Kim (1990)' organizational support scale, and Mowday et al. (1979)' organizational commitment questionnaire was complemented by Lee (2013) were used. The data were analyzed by using Cronbach's alpha, descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and hierarchical multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows:

First, The mean resilience score of the participants is 3.31. Among sub-factors of resilience, 'empathy' was the highest followed by impulse control, optimism, causal analysis, self-efficacy, emotional regulation and

Reaching out. The mean perceived social support score was 3.32. The mean score of perceived individual support (3.90) was higher than that of perceived organizational support (2.73). The mean organizational commitment score was 2.90, which was similar to average score of nurses who worked at small and medium sized hospitals and lower than that of nurses who worked at large sized general hospitals.

Second, resilience was significantly different in age, marital status, educational background, and total clinical experience. For perceived individual support, there was significantly different in whether there was a mentor and nursing delivery system. For perceived organizational support, there was significantly different in whether there was a mentor, nursing delivery system and clinical experience in current hospital. Also, organizational commitment was significantly different in age, marital status, position, total clinical experience, and clinical experience in current hospital, whether there is a mentor and nursing delivery system.

Third, Resilience was significantly related to perceived individual support and organizational commitment. The results indicated that the higher nurses perceived individual support and organizational support, the more they committed to their organization.

Fourth, Factors influencing the participant's of organizational commitment were perceived organizational support, resilience, team nursing method and team/function method.

Based on these results, this study suggests the following:

1. It is necessary to establish strategy which can improve organizational commitment of nurses by getting organizational support and improving the resilience.

2. It is necessary to establish hospital policies that can improve nursing delivery system such as team nursing for improving nurses' perceived organizational support.

3. It should be provided the empowerment education program for nurses whose clinical experience is less than three years. Also, it is necessary to establish strategies which can enhance organizational commitment by cultivating mentors and mentoring program that build mentor-mentee relationships, raise hardness maintain optimistic, and train the communication and conflict resolving skill.

4. It is necessary to investigate the strategies that can enhance 'reaching out' or 'emotional regulation' that showed the lowest score out of resilience.

5. Further study will be needed to consider nursing work conditions including various regions and hospital size, and the grade of nursing management.

6. Further study will be needed that tests the construct validity and the applicability of RQT and develop a instrument for measuring resilience which is suitable for Korean nursing organization.

keywords : Nurses, Resilience, Support, Organizational commitment

연구 참여 동 의 서

연구 제목 : 간호사의 회복탄력성, 사회적 지지와 조직몰입간의 관계

1. 본인은 연구에 대한 충분한 설명을 듣고 이해하였으며, 이 설문조사에 자의로 참여할 것을 동의합니다.

2. 본인은 설문지 작성 도중 설문내용에 의문이 있을 경우 언제든지 연구자에게 문의 할 수 있음을 알고 있습니다.

3. 본인은 연구에 참여하는 동안 익명성의 보장되고 이 정보들이 연구이외의 용도로 사용 되지 않을 것임에 대한 설명을 듣고 연구 참여에 동의합니다.

4. 본인은 이 연구에서 얻어진 나에 대한 정보를 현행 법률과 생명윤리심의위원회 규정이 허용하는 범위 내에서 연구자가 수집하고 처리하는데 동의합니다.

5. 연구 참여로 인한 어떠한 불이익도 없을 것이라는 것을 알고 있습니다.

6. 본인은 언제라도 이 연구의 참여를 원하지 않을 경우 언제든지 철회할 수 있고 이러한 결정이 본인에게 어떠한 해도 되지 않을 것이라는 것을 알고 있습니다.

2015년 2월 1일

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