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정답 및 해설


Academic year: 2022

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고등 독해의 절대 자신감

정답 및 해설

리딩튜터 입문



1 1 ④ 2 ② 3 seeing 2 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 blind

3 1 ① 2 ⑤ 3 ② 4 in a tie, two points

4 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 Ford became the 38th president of the United States.

4 (1) F (2) T (3) T

01 썩은 토마토의 색다른 용도 P . 10

정답 1 ④ 2 ② 3 seeing

문제해설 1 비평가들의리뷰를바탕으로영화에평점을매겨정보를제공하는한웹사이트에대한글이므로④‘영화선택을


 ①영화를광고하는신선한방법 ②영화평론의역사

 ③온라인으로영화티켓을구매하는방법 ⑤썩은토마토:가장위험한음식

2 빈칸뒤마지막문장의토마토평점을이용해별로인영화를보는것을피할수있다는내용을통해,형편없는공 연을볼때썩은토마토를던졌다는것을추측할수있으므로,빈칸에는②terrible이가장적절하다.


3 avoid는목적어로동명사를취하므로,동명사seeing이되어야한다.

본문 ① Before watching a movie, / we might wonder / if it is going to be good or not. ② So we check many sources / to find out / what other people think about the movie. ③ The American website, / Rotten Tomatoes, / is one source / that provides other people’s opinions / in a unique way.

④ Rotten Tomatoes gathers together the opinions of hundreds of critics / and divides those opinions / into positive and negative reviews. ⑤ It then gives each movie a score / based on the percentage of positive reviews / it received. ⑥ They call this the Tomatometer rating. ⑦ A good movie’s Tomatometer rating is / 60% or above. ⑧ And it is marked with a fresh red tomato.

⑨ When less than 60% of a movie’s reviews are positive, / it is considered bad. ⑩ And it is marked with a rotten green tomato.

⑪ Why do they use tomatoes? ⑫ In the past, / angry audience members would throw rotten tomatoes at performers / during terrible stage shows. ⑬ So try using the website / to choose a movie with a fresh red tomato. ⑭ With the help of the Tomatometer rating, / you can avoid seeing an awful movie.

해석 ①영화를보기전에,우리는영화가좋을지아닐지를궁금해할것이다.②그래서다른사람들이그영화에관해어 떻게생각하는지알아내기위해우리는많은자료를확인한다.③미국의웹사이트인로튼토마토는다른사람들의





다음영화가받은긍정적인리뷰의비율을바탕으로각영화에점수를부여한다.⑥그들은이것을Tomatometer 평점이라고부른다.⑦좋은영화의Tomatometer평점은60%이상이다.⑧그리고그것은신선한빨간토마토 로표시된다.⑨영화의리뷰중60%미만이긍정적인경우에는,나쁜영화로간주된다.⑩그리고그것은썩은녹색


⑪왜그들은토마토를사용하는가?⑫과거에,화가난관중들은형편없는무대공연중에연기자들에게썩은토 마토를던지곤했다.⑬따라서신선한빨간토마토가있는영화를선택하려면그웹사이트를한번이용해봐라.


구문해설 ① [Before watching a movie], we might wonder if it is going to be good or not.

→[]는「전치사+동명사구」의형태.또는<시간>을나타내는분사구문으로,의미를명확하게하기위해접속사 를생략하지않은것으로볼수도있음.


② So we check many sources to find out [what other people think about the movie].



⑤ It then gives each movie a score based on the percentage of positive reviews [(that[which]) it received].



⑬ So try using the website to choose a movie with a fresh red tomato.



02 조금 특별한 스포츠 P . 12

정답 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 blind

문제해설 1 ⑤경기중소리를내서는안되지만,득점했을때는환호하는것이허용된다.

2 (A)사물인asport를선행사로하는주격관계대명사that이오는것이적절하다.


 (C)know의목적어역할을하는간접의문문으로「의문사+주어+동사」의어순이므로where다음에theball is가적절하다.

3 골볼은시각장애인들이하는경기라고했다.

본문 ① The Olympics are held / every four years. ② Soon after they finish, / the Paralympics are held. ③ The Paralympics are Olympics / for physically disabled people. ④ They include common sports events / such as basketball / and track and field. ⑤ But there are also some




unique games / such as goalball.

⑥ Goalball is a sport / that is played by blind people. ⑦ There are three players / on a team.

⑧ Each team tries to score points / by rolling the ball / past the other team’s goal line. ⑨ How do the blind players know / where the ball is? ⑩ They listen to the sound of bells / inside the ball. ⑪ When they hear the bells, / they run towards the ball / and try to stop it / with their body. ⑫ Since the players cannot see / and have to listen to the sounds, / the people who are watching / are told not to make any noise. ⑬ That’s why / cheering is only permitted / after a goal is scored.

해석 ①올림픽은4년마다열린다.②올림픽이끝나면곧패럴림픽이열린다.③패럴림픽은신체장애인들을위한올림 픽이다.④거기에는농구와육상경기같은일반적인경기들이포함된다.⑤하지만골볼처럼특이한경기들도있다.

⑥골볼은시각장애인들에의해이루어지는경기이다.⑦한팀에는세명의선수가있다.⑧각팀은상대팀의골 라인너머로공을굴려점수를얻으려한다.⑨눈이보이지않는선수들이공이어디있는지어떻게알수있을까?

⑩그들은공안에있는방울의소리를듣는다.⑪방울소리를들으면,그들은공이있는쪽으로달려가서몸으로공 을막으려고한다.⑫선수들이앞을볼수없고소리를들어야만하기때문에,구경하는사람들은어떤소리도내지


구문해설 ① The Olympics are held every four years.


⑫ Since the players cannot see and have to listen to the sounds, the people [who are watching] are told not to make any noise.




⑬ That’s why cheering is only permitted after a goal is scored.


03 이렇게 황당한 축구 경기가 P . 14

정답 1 ① 2 ⑤ 3 ② 4 in a tie, two points

문제해설 1 결승전에진출하기위해일부러자책골을넣어상대팀에게1점을주고연장전을이끌어내어승리한바베이도 스의경기일화에관한내용이므로①‘승리로가는이상한길’이제목으로가장적절하다.


 ④우연히승리한팀 ⑤두경쟁상대간의끝없는경기

2 자책골을넣어자신의팀을승리로이끈선수의결정이영리했다는것이적절하므로‘현명하지못한’이라는의미 의⑤unwise는적절하지않다.

3 바베이도스의한선수가자신의팀이득점할가능성이없음을직감했다는내용의(B)가가장먼저오고,그것을



만회하기위해서전략을짰다는내용의(A)가이어진후,그전략에관한구체적인내용을서술한(C)로연결되 는것이자연스럽다.

4 경기가동점으로끝나면,연장전에들어가게되고연장전에서득점한첫번째팀은2점차로이기게된다.

본문 ① Soccer teams usually try to win their games / by kicking the ball into their opponent’s net.

② But a game / between Barbados and Grenada / in the 1994 Caribbean Cup tournament / turned this strategy upside-down. ③ This happened / because the organizers of the tournament had made a special rule. ④ Any game / that ended in a tie / would go into overtime.

⑤ The first team / to score in overtime / would win the game. ⑥ This goal would also be worth two points.

⑦ Barbados needed to beat Grenada / by two goals / to reach the final game. ⑧ If Barbados won / by less than two goals, / Grenada would advance to the final game. ⑨ With few minutes remaining in the game, / Barbados led 2-1. ⑩ (B) One Barbadian player realized / that his team was unlikely to score another goal / in that time. ⑪ (A) Instead, / he planned to tie the game / to avoid winning / by only one point. ⑫ (C) So, / he shot the ball into his own net / and scored a point for the other team. ⑬ This tied the game at 2-2. ⑭ It then went to overtime, / and Barbados scored a goal / worth two points. ⑮ Because of a player’s clever decision, / they beat Grenada 4-2 / and advanced to the final game.

해석 ①축구팀은대개상대방골대에공을차서경기에서이기려고한다.②그러나1994년카리브컵토너먼트에서바 베이도스와그레나다간의경기는이전략을거꾸로뒤집었다.③토너먼트조직자들이특별한규칙을만들었기때문 에이런일이발생했다.④동점으로끝난어떠한경기든연장전에들어갈것이었다.⑤연장전에서득점하는첫번 째팀이경기에서이기게될것이었다.⑥이골은또한2점의가치가있을것이었다.


점수로승리하면,그레나다가결승전에진출하는것이었다.⑨경기에서거의몇분남지않은채로,바베이도스는2 대1로앞섰다.⑩(B)한바베이도스선수는그시간안에자신의팀이또다른골을넣을것같지않음을깨달았다.

⑪(A)대신에,그는단1점차로이기는것을피하고자경기가동점이되기를계획했다.⑫(C)그래서,그는자기팀 의골대에공을넣고상대팀에게1점을주었다.⑬이것은경기를2대2동점으로만들었다.⑭그런다음경기는연 장전에들어갔고,바베이도스는2점의가치가있는골을넣었다.⑮한선수의영리한결정때문에,그들은그레나다 를4대2로이겼고결승전에진출했다.

구문해설 ④ Any game [that ended in a tie] would go into overtime.


⑤ The first team [to score in overtime] would win the game.


⑧ If Barbados won by less than two goals, Grenada would advance to the final game.


⑨ With few minutes remaining in the game, Barbados led 2-1.






⑪ Instead, he planned to tie the game to avoid winning by only one point.



04 Do Numbers Retire? P . 16

정답 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 Ford became the 38th president of the United States. 4 (1) F (2) T (3) T

문제해설 1 특정번호가영구결번이되면그후에는다른선수들이그번호를등번호로쓰지못한다는내용의예시들이다음







2 beallowed는‘허락되다’라는뜻으로bepermitted가의미상가장유사하다.


 ①주어진거부된허용된초대된준비된 3 포드는미국의38대대통령이되었다.


4 (1)첫번째영구결번된등번호는에이스베일리라는하키선수에게주어졌다고했다.





본문 ① On sports teams, / numbers are worn on uniforms / so that players can easily be distinguished / from one another. ② But when popular or successful athletes / end their career, / their uniform number is often “retired” / by their team. ③ This means / that no other player on that team / may wear that number ever again.

④ The first professional sports team / to retire a number / was the Toronto Maple Leafs, / a Canadian hockey team. ⑤ They retired Ace Bailey’s number six in 1934, / in honor of his achievements / as a player. ⑥ In 1997, / Jackie Robinson, / the first African-American player / in Major League Baseball, / received a very special honor. ⑦ His number 42 was retired / on every MLB team! ⑧ Only the thirteen players / who were wearing number 42 at that time 6


/ were allowed to keep it. ⑨ The last player / who wore the number / was Mariano Rivera, / a pitcher for the New York Yankees. ⑩ When he retired in 2013, / the uniform number 42 left MLB with him, / and it will never be worn again.

⑪ In another interesting case, / the University of Michigan’s football team / retired number 48 / in honor of a player / named Gerald Ford. ⑫ But they did so / because of his accomplishment after he graduated. ⑬ What did he accomplish? ⑭ Well, / Ford became the 38th president of the United States.

해석 ①스포츠팀에서는선수들이서로서로쉽게구별될수있도록유니폼에번호가새겨진다.②그렇지만인기있거나

성공을거둔운동선수들이자신의선수생활을끝마칠때,그들의등번호는종종그팀에의해서‘은퇴당한다.’③이 것은그팀의다른어떤선수도다시는그번호를착용하지못한다는것을의미한다.

④영구결번을시킨최초의프로스포츠팀은캐나다의하키팀인토론토메이플리프스였다.⑤선수로서의그의업 적을기리기위하여,그들은에이스베일리의번호인6번을1934년에영구결번시켰다.⑥1997년에는메이저리그

야구사상최초의흑인선수인재키로빈슨이매우특별한영광을누렸다.⑦그의등번호인42번이모든MLB팀에 서영구결번된것이다!⑧그당시에42번을달고있던13명의선수만이그것을유지하도록허락되었다.⑨그번호 를달았던마지막선수는뉴욕양키스의투수인마리아노리베라였다.⑩그가2013년에은퇴했을때,등번호42번 은그와함께MLB를떠났고,그것은다시는착용되지않을것이다.

⑪다른흥미로운사례로,미시건대학의미식축구팀은제럴드포드라는이름의선수를기리기위해48번을영구결 번시켰다.⑫그런데그들은그가졸업한후에이룩한업적때문에그렇게했다.⑬그가이룬것은무엇일까?⑭포 드는미국의38대대통령이되었다.

구문해설 ① On sports teams, numbers are worn on uniforms so that players can easily be distinguished from one another.



④ The first professional sports team [to retire a number] was the Toronto Maple Leafs, a Canadian hockey team.



⑧ Only the thirteen players [who were wearing number 42 at that time] were allowed to keep it.

→[]는선행사Onlythethirteenplayers를수식하는주격관계대명사절이며,players가문장의주어이 므로동사는복수주어에일치시킴.





Review Test P . 18

A ③ B 1 strategy 2 unique 3 retire 4 permit C 1 ⑤ 2 ② 3 ① 4 ④ D 1 대신에,그는단

1점차로이기는것을피하고자경기가동점이되기를계획했다. 2 영화를보기전에,우리는영화가좋을지아닐지를궁 금해할것이다. 3 바베이도스가두골미만의점수로승리하면,그레나다가결승전에진출하는것이었다. 4 선수들이앞 을볼수없고소리를들어야만하기때문에,구경하는사람들은어떤소리도내지말라고당부받는다. E 1 With few minutes remaining in the game 2 what other people think about the movie 3 so that players can easily be distinguished

해석 A





⑤나아가다:다음부분이나다음단계로이동해가다 B

1 그장군은뛰어난전략으로나라를승리로이끌었다.

2 켈리는독특한디자인때문에그신발브랜드를좋아한다.

3 대부분의사람들은그들이60대일때은퇴한다.

4 우리엄마는해가진후에내가밖에나가는것을허락하지않을것이다.


1 우리는그냉장고에서나는끔찍한냄새때문에창문을열었다.

 ①유용한고마워하는발랄한유감스러운끔찍한 2 그국제영화제는매년개최된다.

 ①얻어진다 ②개최된다 ③계속된다 ④포함된다 ⑤거절된다 3 이열차에는휠체어를이용하는장애를가진사람들을위한특별한좌석이있다.

 ①장애를가진온화한혼란스러운활동적인상세한 4 팀은내가테니스에서그를이기면늘화를낸다.

 ①연락하다 ②참다 ③묘사하다 ④이기다 ⑤막다



세계의 문화

1 1 ⑤ 2 The buildings are made with thick walls 3 ④ 2 1 (1) › (2) › 2 Showing 3 ④

3 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 river, freeze

4 1 ④ 2 ⑤ 3 ⑤ 4 keep their training a secret from their owners

01 두바이의 지혜의 탑 P . 22

정답 1 ⑤ 2 The buildings are made with thick walls 3 ④

문제해설 1 과거두바이에서전통가옥을시원하게유지했던방법인바람탑에대해설명하는글이므로⑤‘두바이에서는어 떻게전통가옥을시원하게했는가’가주제로적절하다.

 ①지구에서가장더운곳 ②냉방시스템의역사

 ③두바이에서탑을쌓는다양한방법들 ④건조한기후에서사는것의어려움

2 ‘건물이 벽으로 만들어져 있다’라는 수동의 의미를 가지므로, 「be동사+과거분사」의 수동태로 표현한다.be madewith는‘…으로만들어지다’의의미이다.

3 바람탑의구조는열을감소시키기에적합한것이므로,‘생산하다’라는의미의④produce는적절하지않다.

본문 ① Dubai is / one of the hottest and driest places / on earth. ② In the past, / there was no air conditioning, / or even electricity. ③ How did people in Dubai survive / in this severe weather?

④ They invented a type of air conditioning / that did not require electricity: / the wind tower.

⑤ A wind tower stands tall / above a house. ⑥ It catches the wind / and moves it inside. ⑦ The air is cooled down / when it meets cold water / that flows / through the underground canal in the building. ⑧ This air cools the inside of the building. ⑨ The buildings are made with thick walls / and have small windows; / these help keep cool air in / and heat out. ⑩ Most houses are built very close together / with high walls and ceilings. ⑪ This also helps / create more shade / and reduce heat.

⑫ Modern buildings in Dubai / are air conditioned / and no longer use wind towers / for cooling.

⑬ However, / wind towers still remain / as an important architectural symbol / in Dubai.

해석 ①두바이는지구상에서가장덥고건조한곳중하나이다.②예전에는에어컨이없었고심지어전기조차없었다.









⑫두바이의현대식건물들은냉방장치가갖춰져있어서,냉방을위해더이상바람탑을이용하지않는다.⑬하지 만바람탑은여전히중요한건축학적상징물로두바이에남아있다.

구문해설 ④ They invented a type of air conditioning that did not require electricity: the wind tower.


⑨ ...; these help (to) keep cool air in and heat out.


⑪ This also helps create more shade and reduce heat.


02 코끼리, 사람, 개미! P . 24

정답 1 (1)(2) › 2 Showing 3 ④

문제해설 1 (1)코끼리(›)사람(2)개미(›)코끼리

2 문장에서주어역할을하므로,동명사Showing으로써야한다.

3 빈칸뒤에서개미가코끼리귀에들어가코끼리가아무것도할수없게만든다는내용이나오므로빈칸에는④


 ①그결과,개미는죽는다. ②그러나작은개미가사람을이긴다.

 ③그러나사람은코끼리를이기지못한다. ⑤그결과,마지막승자는코끼리가된다.

본문 ① In Korea, / we play a game / called kawi, bawi, bo. ② Children, / and even adults, / enjoy playing it / as a way / to decide / who gets the first turn. ③ The same game is played / almost everywhere in the world, / with some differences. ④ A version in Indonesia / is interesting and unique. ⑤ Here is / how the game is played / in that country.

⑥ Showing a closed hand / with a thumb up / is an “elephant.”

⑦ Showing an index finger / is a “person.”

⑧ Showing just the little finger / is an “ant.”

⑨ Since the elephant is big and strong, / it beats the person. ⑩ The person beats / the much smaller ant. ⑪ However, / the ant beats the much bigger elephant. ⑫ Why? ⑬ When an ant gets into an elephant’s ear, / the feeling bothers the elephant so much / that it goes crazy, / and there’s nothing / that the elephant can do / about it!

해석 ①한국에서우리는가위바위보라고불리는놀이를한다.②아이들,심지어는어른들도누가첫번째차례가될것 인지정하기위한방법으로가위바위보를하는것을즐긴다.③같은놀이가세계의거의모든곳에서조금씩다 른형태로행해진다.④인도네시아의버전은재미있고독특하다.⑤여기그나라에서이놀이를하는방법이









가훨씬큰코끼리를이긴다.⑫왜그럴까?⑬개미가코끼리귀에들어가면,그느낌이코끼리를너무괴롭혀서코 끼리는미칠것같이되고,코끼리는이에대해아무것도할수없기때문이다!

구문해설 ① In Korea, we play a game [called kawi, bawi, bo].


② ..., enjoy playing it as a way to decide [who gets the first turn].



⑨ Since the elephant is big and strong, it beats the person.


⑬ ..., the feeling bothers the elephant so much that it goes crazy, ....


03 이보다 더 추울 순 없다! P . 26

정답 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 river, freeze

문제해설 1 ③추위가휴대전화작동을방해한다고했다.

2 (A)「so+형용사[부사]+that+주어+동사」(너무…해서~하다)구문이므로that이적절하다.




3 1문단의다섯번째,여섯번째문장에서오이먀콘마을이름의의미와그유래를설명하고있다.



본문 ① Is it too cold to go out? ② A visit to the Russian village of Oymyakon / might change your ideas about cold. ③ That’s because / Oymyakon,“the Pole of Cold,” / is the coldest village on earth! ④ Oymyakon’s coldest recorded temperature was -71.2˚C. ⑤ Interestingly, / the meaning of the village’s name / is “unfrozen patch of water.” ⑥ It is named after the nearby river, / which does not freeze.

⑦ In December, / the daylight lasts / only three hours / per day, / and the town remains about




-45˚C / on average. ⑧ It’s so cold / that water freezes immediately / upon touching the air. ⑨ There are other issues: / Batteries lose their power very quickly, / pen ink freezes, / and people cannot even wear eyeglasses / because they can freeze! ⑩ Cars are often left running, / as it’s quite hard / to restart their engines / in the freezing weather. ⑪ Communication is also difficult / because the cold prevents cell phones from working.

⑫ At home, / Oymyakon’s villagers lead simple lives / without the conveniences / people enjoy in most modern cities. ⑬ They have to burn wood or coal for warmth, / and they can only buy basic goods / from the one and only store in town. ⑭ Nevertheless, / Oymyakon’s community of hunters, reindeer farmers, and fishermen / has adapted to the harsh environment / and remains happy / despite the town’s extreme conditions.

해석 ①너무추워서밖에나갈수없는가?②러시아의마을오이먀콘으로의방문은추위에대한당신의생각을바꿀지도


기온은섭씨영하71.2도였다.⑤흥미롭게도,마을이름의뜻은‘물의얼지않는부분’이다.⑥이이름은근처의강 에서따왔는데,이강은얼지않는다.

⑦12월에는,일광시간이하루에오직세시간계속될뿐이며,마을은평균적으로대략영하45도를유지한다.⑧ 날씨가너무추워서,물은공기에닿자마자즉시얼어버린다.⑨다른문제들도있는데,배터리가매우빨리방전되 고,펜의잉크는얼어버리며,사람들은안경이얼어버릴수있기때문에쓸수도없다!⑩차는종종시동을건채로




⑬그들은온기를위해나무나석탄을때야하고,마을에서단하나뿐인가게에서기본물품을살수밖에없다.⑭그 럼에도불구하고,오이먀콘의사냥꾼,순록농장주,어부들은혹독한환경에적응해왔으며,마을의극심한환경에도


구문해설 ① Is it too cold to go out?


⑩ Cars are often left running, as it’s quite hard to restart ….

→‘(목적어)를 …한 채로 내버려 두다’라는 뜻의 「leave+목적어+v-ing」 구문이 사용된Peopleoften leavecarsrunning의수동태가쓰임.


⑫ At home, Oymyakon’s villagers lead simple lives without the conveniences [(that[which]) people enjoy in most modern cities].




04 Dancing with Fighting P . 28

정답 1 ④ 2 ⑤ 3 ⑤ 4 keep their training a secret from their owners

문제해설 1 ④아프리카에서끌려온노예들에의해만들어졌다고했다.







2 카포에이라의유래를소개하는(C)가제일먼저온후,(C)에서언급된노예들이자기방어를위해훈련을했다 는내용인(B)가이어지고,무술(훈련)을춤으로위장해야했던이유가나오는(A)가이어지는것이가장자연스



3 빈칸앞에는카포에이라의신체적이점이언급되어있고빈칸뒤에는카포에이라의정신적이점이언급되어있 으므로,빈칸에는추가의의미를나타내는⑤Moreover가알맞다.


4 주인에게비밀로해야해서,노예들은카포에이라를춤처럼보이게위장했다.



본문 ① Two men are face to face. ② You may think / they are fighting. ③ But at the same time, / they look like / they are dancing. ④ Actually, / they are doing both, / as they are practicing capoeira.

⑤ Capoeira is a Brazilian art form / that combines fighting, dance, and acrobatics. ⑥ It is usually performed / by two people. ⑦ Participants look like / they are communicating with their movements, / which include kicks, spins, and flips.

⑧ (C) According to history, / capoeira was created in Brazil / about 500 years ago / by African slaves. ⑨ (B) Taken from their homes / and forced to work in the farms, / they started training / to protect themselves. ⑩ (A) However, / they had to keep their training a secret / from their owners, / so they disguised it / as a dance. ⑪ They added their traditional music, singing, and rhythm. ⑫ In this way, / capoeira continued its development / and soon became useful / not only for fighting skills / but for self-defense.

⑬ Today, / lots of people practice capoeira / all over the world. ⑭ They say / it gives them power and flexibility. ⑮ Moreover, / it gives them more self-confidence, focus, and courage.

해석 ①두명의남자가서로얼굴을맞대고있다.②당신은아마그들이싸우고있다고생각할지모른다.③하지만그와





⑤카포에이라는무술과춤,곡예를결합한브라질의한예술형식이다.⑥그것은대개두사람에의해행해진다.⑦ 참가자들은그들의동작을통해소통하는것처럼보이는데,그동작들은발차기와회전,공중제비를포함한다.


의고향에서끌려와강제로농장에서일하게되었기때문에,그들은스스로를지키기위해훈련을하기시작했다.⑩ (A)하지만,그들은주인으로부터그들의훈련을비밀로해야해서,그것을춤으로위장했다.⑪그들은그들의전통 적인음악,노래,그리고리듬을가미했다.⑫이런식으로,카포에이라는발전을계속했고곧싸움기술뿐만아니라




구문해설 ⑤ Capoeira is a Brazilian art form [that combines fighting, dance, and acrobatics].


⑦ Participants look like they are communicating with their movements,[which include kicks, spins, and flips].


⑨ [Taken from their homes and forced to work in the farms], they started training to protect themselves.



⑫ In this way, capoeira continued its development and soon became useful not only for fighting skills but (also) for self-defense.


Review Test P . 30

A 1 ⓓ 2 ⓒ 3 ⓐ 4 ⓑ 5 ⓔ B 1 shade 2 courage 3 disguised 4 adapt C 1 ① 2 ④ 3 ② 4

③ D 1 두바이는지구상에서가장덥고건조한곳중하나이다. 2 아이들,심지어는어른들도누가첫번째차례가될

것인지정하기위한방법으로가위바위보를하는것을즐긴다. 3 차는종종시동을건채로두는데,매우추운날씨에서는

엔진의시동을다시거는것이꽤어렵기때문이다. 4 이런식으로,카포에이라는발전을계속했고곧싸움기술뿐만아니 라자기방어를위해서도유용하게되었다. E 1 a type of air conditioning that did not require electricity 2 because the cold prevents cell phones from working 3 Taken from their homes and forced to work in the farms

해석 A

1 발명하다:ⓓ전에는존재하지않았던어떤것을만들다 2 결합하다:ⓒ두개또는그이상의것들을모으다 3 살아남다:ⓐ살아있다



4 수행하다:ⓑ행동하거나활동하다

5 보호하다:ⓔ사람이나물건이다치는것을막다 B

1 그소녀들은큰나무의그늘에앉아있었다.

2 멜라니는그녀의꿈을좇을용기가있다.

3 여왕은백설공주를죽이기위해노파로위장하였다.

4 그소년은새학교에잘적응한것같았다.


1 여름에모기들이나를많이괴롭힌다.

 ①성가시게하다 ②극복하다 ③제공하다 ④예측하다 ⑤만족시키다 2 거기에9시까지도착하고싶다면,너는즉시여기를떠나야한다.

 ①확실히 ②우연히 ③정확히 ④즉시 ⑤서서히 3 이번겨울극도의추위에대비하기위해,나는두꺼운코트를한벌샀다.

 ①평온한 ②극심한 ③보통의 ④어려운 ⑤온화한 4 그녀의콘서트는두시간넘게계속되었다.

 ①예상했다 ②멈췄다 ③계속되었다 ④연습했다 ⑤바뀌었다


1 1 ③ 2 pictures of your boarding pass, them on social networking sites 3 ③ 2 1 (1) T (2) F (3) T 2 ③ 3 national flags, expensive

3 1 ④ 2 ⑤ 3 ⓐ to ripen ⓑ taste 4 ② 4 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 lift it 30 times

01 비행기 티켓에 이런 정보가? P . 34

정답 1 ③ 2 pictures of your boarding pass, them on social networking sites 3 ③

문제해설 1 ‘번호가가려져있다’라는수동의의미를가진문장이되어야하므로,「be동사+과거분사」형태의수동태are coveredup이되어야한다.

2 This는앞문장의takepicturesofyourboardingpassandpostthemonsocialnetworking sites를가리킨다.

3 SNS에항공권사진을올리면참조번호나바코드를통해개인정보가유출될수있다는내용이므로,(A)와(B) 에는각각protect와display가들어가는것이적절하다.




본문 ① When you’re waiting for a flight, / you might want to let people know / that you’re going on vacation. ② So you might decide / to take pictures of your boarding pass / and post them on social networking sites. ③ This can be dangerous, / however, / because hackers can copy the reference number / on your boarding pass. ④ They can then use it / to access your account / on the airline’s website. ⑤ If they do, / they may be able to steal / your personal information, / including your passport number.

⑥ And that’s not the only problem. ⑦ Even if the numbers are covered up, / the bar code on your boarding pass / might be visible. ⑧ There are many apps / that can be used / to scan bar codes. ⑨ This can reveal / even more personal information, / including your flight itinerary. ⑩ So, / if you want to take a picture / at the airport, / take a selfie instead. ⑪ And after your flight, / be sure to destroy your boarding pass. ⑫ This is the smartest way / to stay safe and secure / when you travel.

해석 ①비행기를기다리고있을때,당신은휴가를떠날것을사람들에게알리고싶어할지도모른다.②그래서당신은

탑승권사진을찍어소셜네트워킹사이트에올리기로결정할수도있다.③그러나,이것은위험할수있는데,해커 들이당신의탑승권에적힌조회번호를복사할수있기때문이다.④그러고나서그들은그것을이용해항공사의웹 사이트에서당신의계정에접근할수있다.⑤만약그렇게한다면,그들은여권번호를포함해서당신의개인정보를


⑥그리고그것만이문제는아니다.⑦번호가가려져있어도,탑승권의바코드가보일수있다.⑧바코드를스캔하 는데사용되는앱이많이있다.⑨이것은당신의비행일정을포함하여훨씬더많은개인정보를노출할수있다.

⑩따라서,공항에서사진을찍고싶다면,대신에셀카를찍도록하라.⑪그리고비행후에는반드시탑승권을파기 하라.⑫이것은당신이여행할때안전하고안심할수있는가장현명한방법이다.

구문해설 ① …, you might want to let people know [that you’re going on vacation].



⑧ There are many apps [that can be used to scan bar codes].



⑨ This can reveal even more personal information, including your flight itinerary.




02 함부로 쓸 수 없던 그 색깔 P . 36

정답 1 (1) T (2) F (3) T 2 ③ 3 national flags, expensive

문제해설 1 (1)1800년대까지보라색염료는달팽이로만들어졌다.

 (2)1856년이전에국기에보라색염료를사용하는것은흔한일이었다.→1856년이전에는국기처럼일반적 인물건에보라색염료를사용하지않았다고했다.


2 달팽이를사용해소량의보라색염료만을만들수있었다는빈칸앞의내용과달팽이를사용하지않고인공적으 로대량의보라색염료를만들수있게되었다는빈칸뒤의내용은상반되므로역접의연결사③However가


3 보라색염료의대량생산이가능하기이전에는보라색이매우비싸서국기에쓰일수없었다고했다.


본문 ① You can see a variety of bright colors, / such as red and yellow, / in the national flags of the world’s countries. ② But you’ll rarely see the color purple / in any of the flags. ③ Why don’t countries use purple / in their national flags? ④ It is related to / how much purple dye used to cost. ⑤ Until the 1800s, / purple dye only came / from a special type of snail in the Mediterranean. ⑥ It took about 10,000 snails / to make just one gram of dye! ⑦ This made purple dye difficult to produce / and therefore extremely expensive. ⑧ Only wealthy people, / like royalty, / could afford this dye. ⑨ So it was not used / for objects as common as national flags. ⑩ However, / in 1856, / William Henry Perkin discovered a way / to make purple dye artificially / without using snails. ⑪ Because of this discovery, / large amounts of purple dye could be made cheaply. ⑫ And the color purple first became popular in the 1900s. ⑬ However, / by that time, / most national flags had already been created / without using purple in their designs.

해석 ①세계각국의국기에서당신은빨간색과노란색같은다양한밝은색상을볼수있다.②그러나당신은어떤국기 에서도보라색을거의볼수없을것이다.③국가들이그들의국기에보라색을사용하지않는이유는무엇일까?④ 그것은보라색염료가얼마나비용이들었는지와관련이있다.⑤1800년대까지,보라색염료는지중해의특별한종 류의달팽이에게서만나왔다.⑥단1g의염료를만드는데약10,000마리의달팽이가필요했다!⑦이것은보라색

염료를생산하기에어렵게만들었고그결과보라색염료를매우비싸게만들었다.⑧왕족과같은부유한사람들만 이이염료를살수있었다.⑨그래서그것은국기처럼일반적인물건에는사용되지않았다.⑩그러나1856년,윌 리엄헨리퍼킨은달팽이를사용하지않고인공적으로보라색염료를만드는방법을발견했다.⑪이발견으로인해,

많은양의보라색염료가저렴하게만들어질수있었다.⑫그리고보라색은1900년대에처음으로대중화되었다.⑬ 그러나그때쯤에는대부분국기가디자인에보라색을사용하지않고이미만들어져있었다.

구문해설 ④ It is related to [how much purple dye used to cost].





⑨ So it was not used for objects as common as national flags.


⑩ … discovered a way [to make purple dye artificially without using snails].



⑬ However, by that time, most national flags had already been created without using purple in their designs.

보라색이1900년대에처음으로대중화되었다는앞문장의과거시점(became)보다더이전에일어난일이 며국기가‘만들어진’것이므로,과거완료수동태인hadbeencreated가쓰임.

03 음식, 더 맛있게 먹으려면 … P . 38

정답 1 ④ 2 ⑤ 3 ⓐ to ripen ⓑ taste 4 ②

문제해설 1 음식을잘관리할수있는아이디어를제시하는글이므로④‘음식관리를위한유용한비법들’이제목으로적절 하다.

 ①과일을신선하게유지하는방법 ②건강한식단의비결

 ③훌륭한요리사가되는방법 ⑤충분한영양섭취의중요성 2 ‘부드러운,흐늘흐늘한’이란뜻의soft와의미가반대되는단어는⑤crispy이다.


3 get이‘…하게하다’라는의미의사역동사로쓰일때는목적격보어로to부정사를취하므로ⓐ는toripen이되 어야하고,사역동사make는목적격보어로동사원형을취하므로ⓑ는taste가되어야한다.

4 ②키위를빨리익게하기위해서는사과,배,바나나등과함께보관하면된다는내용이나온다.

 문제 해결책

①윽!국이너무짜!  사과나배를그안에넣어라.

②이키위는아직안익은것같은데. 바나나와함께보관해라.

③오,이런!쿠키가흐늘흐늘해. 쿠키를비닐봉지에넣어라.

④콜라에탄산이계속있었으면좋겠어. 베이킹소다를그안에넣어라.

⑤이수박은충분히달지않아. 각설탕몇개와함께보관해라.

본문 Useful Tips for Food Handling

① This is worth reading / whether you cook or not.

② What should I do / if I put too much salt / in my soup?

③ Don’t add water, / as this will only make the soup taste worse. ④ Instead, / you should add some cooked potatoes / for a few minutes. ⑤ They will absorb all the salt, / and then you can 18


just take them out.

⑥ How can I get kiwi fruit / to ripen faster?

⑦ Put them in a plastic bag / with an apple, a pear, or a banana. ⑧ These fruits release ethylene gases / that cause kiwis to ripen faster.

⑨ How can I keep my cookies crispy?

⑩ We usually store cookies / in a box, / and they often get soft. ⑪ Placing a few sugar cubes or some salt in the box / will prevent this. ⑫ They will absorb moisture / and keep the cookies crispy and delicious.

⑬ What can I do / to keep my soda / from going flat?

⑭ No one likes soda / without the bubbles! ⑮ Once the bottle is opened, / it should be stored upside down. ⑯ The bubbles always go to the top, / and that way / they can’t get out.

⑰ How can I make watermelon taste sweeter?

⑱ This may sound strange, / but you can put a little salt / on it. ⑲ The salty taste will make the sweet taste stronger. ⑳ But only add a little!

해석 음식 관리를 위한 유용한 비법들


②국에 소금을 너무 많이 넣었다면 어떻게 해야 할까?

③물을더넣지말아야하는데이렇게하면국물맛만더망칠뿐이기때문이다.④대신에당신은몇개의익힌감자 를몇분간넣어야한다.⑤그것들이모든소금기를흡수할것이고그런다음당신은그것들을건져내면된다.

⑥어떻게 하면 키위를 빨리 익게 만들 수 있을까?

⑦키위를사과,배또는바나나와함께비닐봉지안에넣어라.⑧이런과일들은키위를더빨리익게하는에틸렌가 스를방출한다.

⑨어떻게 하면 쿠키를 바삭바삭하게 유지할 수 있을까?


박스에넣는것은이를방지할것이다.⑫그것들이수분을흡수해서쿠키를바삭바삭하고맛있는상태로유지할것 이다.

⑬탄산음료가 김이 빠지는 것을 막으려면 무엇을 해야 할까?



⑰수박을 더 단맛이 나게 만들려면 어떻게 해야 할까?



구문해설 ① This is worth reading whether you cook or not.



⑪ [Placing a few sugar cubes or some salt in the box] will prevent this.






⑬ What can I do to keep my soda from going flat?


04 Wake Me Up, Please! P . 40

정답 1 ③ 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 lift it 30 times

문제해설 1 다양한알람시계를소개하는글이므로③‘여러가지효과적인알람시계들’이주제로적절하다.


 ①잠에서깨기위한가장좋은방법 ②수면과건강은어떤관계가있는가

 ④알람시계를발명한사람 ⑤일찍일어나는것의몇몇장점

2 시계위에체중전체가느껴지지않으면계속울린다고했으므로,체중전체를싣기위해깔개위에올라서는것 이알맞으므로빈칸에는③standonit이적절하다.



3 ‘…할시간이다’라는의미의「it’stimeto-v」구문이므로wakeup을towakeup으로고쳐야한다.


4 DumbbellAlarm(아령알람)을끄기위해서는그것을30번들어올려야한다고했다.



본문 ① Do you have a hard time / waking up in the morning?

② Here are some items / that can help you out.

③ Get rid of your loud alarm clock! ④ Now, you can wake up easier. ⑤ Our new Sunrise Pillow has several soft LED lights. ⑥ When you need to wake up, / they slowly get brighter and brighter. ⑦ It’s just like the rising sun!

⑧ Here’s an alarm clock / designed to wake up even the deepest sleepers. ⑨ The Dumbbell Alarm works / like any other alarm clock. ⑩ But when you want to turn it off, / you can’t just press a button. ⑪ You have to lift it / 30 times, / like a weightlifter.

⑫ Here’s another alarm clock / that wakes you up / without any noise. ⑬ The Quiet Alarm comes / with a special ring. ⑭ Put it on your finger / before you go to bed / and when it’s time to wake up, / the ring will vibrate. ⑮ To turn it off, / you have to shake your hand / back and forth.

⑯ The Rug Alarm makes sure / you get out of bed / in the morning. ⑰ The clock looks like a small rug. ⑱ In order to turn it off, / you have to stand on it. ⑲ Unless it feels your full weight on it, / it will keep ringing and ringing.



해석 ①아침에일어나느라힘든시간을보내고있나요?


③시끄러운알람시계는없애버리세요!④이제당신은더쉽게일어날수있습니다.⑤우리의신제품Sunrise Pillow에는몇개의은은한LED조명이있습니다.⑥여러분이일어나야할때,그조명은서서히점점더밝아집니 다.⑦그것은마치떠오르는태양과비슷하죠!


다른알람시계와마찬가지로작동합니다.⑩하지만당신이이것을끄고싶을때에는,그저버튼만눌러서는안됩니 다.⑪당신은역도선수처럼그것을30번들어올려야만합니다.

⑫어떤소음도내지않고여러분을깨워주는또다른알람시계가여기있습니다.⑬QuietAlarm(무음알람)에 는특별한반지가있습니다.⑭잠자리에들기전에그것을손가락에끼면,일어날시간이됐을때그반지가진동할


⑯RugAlarm(깔개알람)은확실하게아침에침대에서빠져나오도록해줍니다.⑰이시계는작은깔개처럼생겼 습니다.⑱이것을끄기위해서는그위에올라서야만합니다.⑲그것이그위에여러분의체중전체를느끼지못한 다면,계속해서울려댈것입니다.

구문해설 ⑧ Here’s an alarm clock [designed to wake up even the deepest sleepers].


⑮ To turn it off, you have to shake your hand back and forth.



⑲ Unless it feels your full weight on it, ....


Review Test P . 42

A ③ B 1 bubbles 2 access 3 releases 4 royalty C 1 ④ 2 ② 3 ③ 4 ⑤ D 1 바코드를스캔 하는데사용되는앱이많이있다. 2 윌리엄헨리퍼킨은달팽이를사용하지않고인공적으로보라색염료를만드는방법 을발견했다. 3 약간의각설탕이나소금을박스에넣는것은이를방지할것이다. 4 그것이그위에여러분의체중전체 를느끼지못한다면,계속해서울려댈것입니다. E 1 let people know that youre going on vacation 2 for objects as common as national flags 3 do to keep my soda from going flat

해석 A









1 그콜라병을흔들면거품이형성될것이다.

2 비밀번호를잊어버렸기때문에나는이메일계정에접근할수없다.

3 그공장은유해한화학물질을공기중으로방출한다.

4 그무덤의크기로판단해볼때,그녀는왕족이었음이틀림없다.


1 이제당신의두팔을머리위로들어올리고손바닥을맞대세요.

 ①덮다 ②(…을살)여유가되다 ③(잠에서)깨다 ④들어올리다 ⑤평가하다 2 스펀지는물을흡수하는데사용될수있다.

 ①보내다 ②흡수하다 ③연결하다 ④구성되다 ⑤변하다 3 나의휴대전화가내주머니에서진동했지만,나는무시했다.

 ①답했다 ②개발했다 ③진동했다 ④함유했다 ⑤지속했다 4 제니가멀리이사갔기때문에나는요즘그녀를좀처럼보지않는다.

 ①임시로 ②최근에 ③자주 ④매우 ⑤좀처럼…하지않다

사회 이슈

1 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 (1) free boots (2) education

2 1 ② 2 ③ 3 is as bright as a rainbow 4 (1) F (2) T (3) T 3 1 ② 2 ② 3 ④ 4 the old wheelchair symbol up with a sticker 4 1 ⑤ 2 ⓐ that ⓑ which 3 ④ 4 (1) F (2) T (3) F

01 어그부츠 개발자는 부자? P . 46

정답 1 ⑤ 2 ③ 3 (1) free boots (2) education

문제해설 1 ⑤최초개발자인스테드먼은어그부츠의권리를판것에대해화나지않는다고했다.






2 고기조각이‘붙어있는’것이므로③attaching은수동의의미인과거분사attached가되어야한다.

3 스테드먼은자신의발명품인어그부츠의권리를파는대가로매년몇켤레의공짜어그부츠와자녀의학비를낼




본문 ① Ugg boots are popular / with men and women / all around the world. ② This brand is such a hit / that it is worth / nearly $1 billion a year today.

③ The boots originated / in Australia in 1973, / when surfer Shane Stedman made them / from sheepskin. ④ He originally designed the boots / to warm his feet / after surfing / in the cold ocean. ⑤ His first pairs had / bits of meat still attached, / so they would look and smell awful / when wet. ⑥ No wonder / they were called “Ugg” boots; / they looked ugly! ⑦ At that time, / the boots were worth / only a few dollars each.

⑧ Ten years later, / a US manufacturer saw some promise / in the boots / and bought the rights. ⑨ In return, / Stedman got some free boots / each year / and just enough money / to pay for his children’s education. ⑩ But nowadays / the shoes sell / for around $200 / a pair! ⑪ Nevertheless, / Stedman is not angry / about his decision to sell. ⑫ In fact, / he still wears the boots / most days.

⑬ “I’m not upset,” he says, ⑭ “I’m proud / that my invention is so popular. ⑮ It has become / an Australian icon!”

해석 ①어그부츠는전세계남성들과여성들에게인기있다.②이브랜드는크게히트를해서오늘날에는연간거의10 억달러의가치가있다.


원래차가운바다에서서핑한후그의발을따뜻하게하기위해그부츠를만들었다.⑤최초의어그부츠는여전히고 기조각이붙어있는상태여서,물에젖으면보기에도그렇고냄새도고약했다.⑥그신발이‘어그’부츠라고불린것 도당연했다.그건흉해보였다!⑦그당시에그부츠는한켤레에겨우몇달러에불과했다.







구문해설 ② This brand is such a hit that it is worth nearly $1 billion a year today.


③ The boots originated in Australia in 1973, when surfer Shane Stedman made them from sheepskin.


⑥ No wonder they were called “Ugg” boots; they looked ugly!




관련 문서

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly

Daily mean of air pressure, air temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity and cloud amount is the average of hourly