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Quantum bi-photonic signals

문서에서 Quantum computations (course of lectures) (페이지 128-135)

In this situation, the use of CPU biphotons (entangled states of photons) gives an advantage compared to a purely classical CPU. To demonstrate this, we will consider the following abstract problem. Suppose you want to synthesize two polymer molecules, the chemical structure of which has the form C1 = (c11, c12, ..., c1M), C2 = (c21, c22, ..., c2M), so, what they consist of monoblocks two types a and b: cji ∈ {a, b} (see Figure 44).

The quality of such a mutual assembly of two polymers is checked by superimposing finished chains on each other: the first C1 on the second C2, and the quality criterion is the degree of gluing of these chains. Each monoblock has an external (convex) and internal (concave) surface, where the latter is equipped with a special ball located in its center.

In a fixed position, two monoblocks can stick together in one of the following cases: 1) their surfaces or half of the surfaces are completely aligned by vertical displacement, or 2) their central balls are at the same point with such a shift, as shown in the figure 44.

The physical structure of the polymer, on which the gluing depends, is determined not only by the sequence of monoblocks in the chain; the gluing also depends on an additional option: their exact location relative to each other in the chain. Neighboring monoblocks in the polymer are connected by a flexible bond, which can either give up by dx, which is a quarter of the length of the monoblock, or stretch to the same length. In these cases, we will say that the monoblock is shifted backward or forward, respectively, relative to the equilibrium position of the connection.

During the synthesis, monoblocks are installed with these restrictions and their posi-tions are fixed. Then the two chains are superimposed on each other and for each pair of overlapping monoblocks, the presence of gluing is established. It follows from the accepted restriction that if in such a pair of overlapping monoblocks they were shifted to one side, they are glued together in the same way as if there were no shifts; and if in different ones, the resulting shift is half the length of the monoblock. After that, the number of glued pairs of superimposed monoblocks is calculated and this number is considered a numerical characteristic of the assembly quality of a pair of chains.

The synthesis of chains occurs as a sequential attachment of a new monoblock to each of the existing chains - the one that first appeared at the assembly point of one and the other chain. Monoblocks are taken from the environment surrounding the growth points, where they are in chaotic motion and both types are distributed equally. In this case, you can move the newly attached monoblock either backwards or forwards by a distance of dx. We will denote the forward shift by +, the backward shift by −. Each j - th pair of monoblocks in both chains, superimposed on each other after synthesis, thus correspond to the four c1jc2js1js2j, where the last two terms are shifts s1,2j ∈ {+, −}.

It follows from our rules (see Figure 44) that the gluing corresponds to pairs of super-imposed monoblocks of the form: aa + +(−−), ab + +(−−), bb + +(−−), ba + −(−+),

Figure 44: The superposition of two polymers. The arrows indicate the direction of bond stretching (red) between adjacent monoblocks during polymer synthesis. Overlays of the form aa + +(−−), ab + +(−−), bb + +(−−), ba + −(−+) give gluing, other gluing does not give. At the bottom, all pairs give glues.

whereas pairs of a different type: aa + −(−+), ab + −(−+), bb + −(−+), ab + +(−−) do not give gluing. Note the asymmetric behavior of monoblocks of the type a and b: pairs of ab and ba are glued together in different ways with the same engines. This asymmetry looks like an asymmetry in the Bell inequality, which will give us an increase in the quality of the resulting gluing with biphoton control compared to classical control.

We assume that the growth of the polymer C1 occurs at one point, and the growth of C2occurs at another, and these points are separated by a large distance (for example, they occur in different countries). The task is to organize this synthesis so that the number of non-glued pairs of superimposed monoblocks is minimal, or, in other words, so that the number of glues is maximum.

A similar problem may arise when modeling the synthesis of a gene and an antigen in different living cells. We can create an information channel for controlling them from one center; however, with a large distance between the assembly points, such control can slow down the assembly process itself, which is a separate problem for real polymers that goes beyond our model.

We will show how to use biophoton control of the simultaneous synthesis process to

obtain quantum superiority.

So, to minimize critical (non-glued) pairs of monoblocks, we use CPU signals in the form of EPR states |Ψi = 12(|00i + |11i), and calculate the number of critical pairs that occur during such control. If the control were classical, in the notation from the previous paragraph we would have Bell’s inequality

E(a1b2+ b1b2+ a1a2− b1a2) ≤ 2. (127) Let’s accept the following agreement. The subscript indicates the assembly point (polymer number) 1 or 2. The letter a or b indicates the type of monoblock attached to the chain, the sign corresponds to the direction of the shift of this monoblock, as we agreed. The result of joining monoblocks at both assembly points is determined if, for the lower index 1 and 2, we have, first, the letter a or b, and secondly, the shift sign + or −. The letter a or b always determines the type of monoblock closest to the assembly point at the moment.

The CPU operating on the principles of classical physics can thus control the assembly only by choosing the shift sign + or − at both assembly points. The CPU selects these signs simultaneously, so that no waiting for the signal to pass between the assembly points can slow down the process: information about the sign appears at both points simultane-ously, and just at the moment when it is needed. If we allowed a time delay, it would be possible to make the assembly generally perfect, avoiding critical pairs altogether.

For the classical type of correlation between the choice of signs, we have Bell’s in-equality. For each step of the process, we keep the criticality index Cr = +1, if the overlap of the corresponding monoblocks is not critical (there is a gluing), and Cr = −1 otherwise. We are interested in the resulting number of necrotic overlays along the entire length of the chains of synthesized polymers: N onCr; our goal is to make this number the maximum.

For one pair of monoblocks, we have N onCr = 12(1 + Cr). Since all combinations of aa, ab, ba, bb for both synthesis points have the same probabilities of 1/4, for the average value of E(Cr) of the criticality index we have

E(Cr) = 1

4(a1b2 + b1b2+ a1a2 − b1a2), (128) where the letter a or b with an index denotes a random variable corresponding to the choice of the type of monoblock with the sign ±1, depending on the shift sign chosen for it.

For classical control due to Bell’s inequality for E(Cr) of the form (128) the average number of critical overlays satisfies the inequality

E(N onCr) ≤ 1 2(1 + 2

4) = 3

4 = 0.75.

In the case of quantum biphoton control, the situation will be different. Here we cannot consider a1 and b1 as random variables defined on separate sets of elementary outcomes for a2, b2, that is, the evaluation of (127) will not follow from the obvious expression a(X + Y ) + b(X − Y ) ≤ 2 for the numbers a, b, X, Y = ±1; here we should

write a1b2+ b1b02 + a01a2− b01a02 instead of the left side of the inequality (127), which will make this inequality incorrect.

For biphoton control, our random variables are defined on the same set of elementary outcomes, we do not have Bell’s inequality and must count the probabilities directly using the Born rule.

Let us assume that for each of the assembly points we have a photodetector that can be instantly oriented in accordance with the observables that we associate with a and b.

For the first and second assembly points, let these observables have the form:

a1 = σx, b1 = σz, a2 = 1

2x− σz), b2 = 1

2x+ σz) (129)

accordingly. Here we do not consider the interesting question of the practical implemen-tation of such observables.

Let’s assume that the type of the current monoblock determines the position of the detector for both points and the shift sign of the monoblock is the value of the corre-sponding observable. Since all combinations of monoblock types aa, ab, ba, bb are equally probable, we can use the formula (128) for the average value of the criticality index.

Now we have: E = E(a1b2+b1b2+a1a2−b1a2) = E(a1b2)+E(b1b2)+E(a1a2)−E(b1a2).

Using the definition of observables (129) and applying the rule for calculating the averages langleAiψ = tr(Aρψ) for all observables A taken from (129), we will find E = 2√

2 and for the average value of the number of non-critical overlays (glues) we will get the value of E(N onCr) = 12(1 + 2


4 ) ≈ 0.85. So, the use of EPR pairs of photons in the assembly control gives a significant gain in quality - a little more than 1.138 for such a formulation of the problem.


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문서에서 Quantum computations (course of lectures) (페이지 128-135)