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VI. Discussions

4. Limitation and future research

This study could not execute SEM, linear regression nor PLS analysis due to its small sample size. However, despite its small sample, constructs are showing relationship between IT governance determinants variable to various IT decision areas and also relationship between IT governance and organizational cultural factors for innovation. In the future, if larger sample is available, SEM, linear regression or PLS method can be applied with same research framework.

The singularities are observed during the analysis. This can be future study subject. Exploitation showed opposite direction in the result. The direction can be changes as sample size grows, however, if it is not even when the sample size increases, further analysis on this topic can be a good subject for future study.

A longitudinal study for causal relationship between IT governance and organizational culture for innovation capability can also be a future study subject. In the literature review on this study suggests that there is no generally accepted causal relationship between organizational culture and IT governance.

Examining the causal relationship through the longitudinal studies could expand the evidence for the relationship.

A further study on relationship between information characteristics and IT architecture or business application needs can be another good study subject. Information can be

characterized by many aspects such as tacit-nature of information. Since, information intensity affects IT architecture and business application needs, one may assume that characteristics of information that organization process can also influences IT governance arrangement.


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