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Learning from Nature’s Genius

문서에서 We Can Make a Difference 1 (페이지 21-31)



01 inventive 02 (i)nsect 03 make 04 why 05 (s)top

06 ⑴ bite ⑵ bug ⑶ burns ⑷ burrs 07 ⑴ search ⑵ stuck ⑶ result ⑷ only


Listen & Speak 1 A

know, painted, don’t / think, great / also, inventor / What, invent / dreamedof, drew, flying, lookedlike / Did, alsomake, machine / creativeideainspired, inventors

Listen & Speak 1 B

Have you, needle / Can, explain it / made this, imitating, mouth / howwill / know, bites, verypainful, needle, causelesspain / Howcome / lesscontact / think, useless

p.118~119 p.114~115

1 Have you heard of a mosquito needle, Jian 2


1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F

a note of = ~을메모하다, 기록하다

04 • 나는몸이좀아팠다. 그것이내가일찍떠난이유이다. • 나는 네가그토록늦은이유를알고싶다. That’s why ~. = 그것이

~한이유이다, the reason why = ~한이유

05 keep A from -ing (A가 ~하지못하게하다) = stop A from -ing

06 (1) 모기에물린자리 = a mosquito bite (2) bug spray = 방충제 (3) 타다 = burn (4) burr = 가시식물

07 (1) in search of = ~을찾아서 (2) be stuck to = ~에달라 붙다 (3) as a result of ~ = ~의결과로 (4) not only ... but also ~ = ...뿐만아니라또한 ~인

Listen & Speak 2 A-2

holder, candleslast / possible / burns, melts, tube, form / fascinated, use, longer

Listen & Speak 2 A-3

what, fascinated, special / What, special / played / How, door / be changed, table / cool

Listen & Speak 2 B

have, guest / Great, be / fascinated, fact, lived, goat, three, Why, do / saw, playing, looked, peaceful, live / have, problems / Walking, was, difficult / any, like / planning, visit / wait, adventure

Real Life Communication

What, doing / article / interesting / really / Can, more / know, bugs, slip, narrow / why, hard / help, survivors / fascinating

01 로봇소녀 Sophia가 60가지가넘는얼굴표정을보여줄수 있다는 것에 대하여 관심을 나타내는 말로 “be fascinated by”가되어야한다.

02 주원이의 방문이특별하다는 말을듣고 왜그방문이 그렇게 특별하다고 생각하는지 이유를 묻는의미로 “What makes


03 (B) 양초 받침이초를오래타도록만들어 준다는말에대한

이유를묻는다. (C) 양초가녹을때받침대아래관에서새로

운양초로만들어진다는설명을하자 (A) 그설명에대한관 심을표시한다.

01 ① 02 ④ 03 ③

시험대비 기본평가 p.120

01 ④ 02 ① 03 ③ 04 ①

05 ④ 06 ⑤ 07 ① 08 ⑤

09 ⑤ 10 ④ 11 ⑤


01 주어진문장의 So는결과를유도하는접속사이다. 다빈치가새 처럼나는기계를꿈꾸었다는문장다음인 (D)가적절한위치이 다.

02 많은발명가들에게영감을주는다빈치의아이디어는창의적이 었다고 해야 자연스럽다. artistic 예술적인, usual 일상적인, common 평범한, ordinary 평범한

03 위대화에서모나리자를그린 Leonardo da Vinci가나는것

01 “~에매료[매혹]되다”는 “be fascinated by”이다.

02 (B) 특별한것이 무엇인지물어보는말로 문장의주어 역할을 하는의문대명사 what이적절하다.

03 “She looks, talks, and even thinks like a human.”을보 면그외에도다른능력이많다고하여야한다.

04 “~에대해서알지?”라는의미로아는지묻는말은 “You know (that) ~, don’t you?”이다.

06 아는지를묻는말로 aware를포함하여 “Are you aware of


07 빈칸에는 “어째서, 왜”의뜻으로 이유를묻는 “How come”이 적절하다.


01 I’m fascinated by 02 What

03 no → many

04 You know (that) Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, don’t you?

05 dreamed, make

06 Are you aware of a mosquito needle, Jian?

07 How come


을꿈꾸어서 나는 기계를발명하려고 했다는것을 소개하지만 실제로그기계를만들지는못했기때문에 ③은이대화를통해 대답할수없다.

04 “Have you heard of a mosquito needle, Jian?”은아는지 를묻는말로 “You know ~, don’t you?”에해당한다. 05 새로운 “a mosquito needle”은통증을줄인다고하였으므로


06 주어진빈칸에들어가기에적절한말은관심을표현하는말이지 만, ⑤는알고있다는의미로빈칸에적절하지않다.

07 주어진문장은이유를묻는말로 3일동안염소처럼산것에대한 이유를묻는의미로 (A)가적절한위치이다.

08 “I can’t wait”는매우기대가된다는의미로말하는사람의기 대를나타낸다.

09 a bug robot에대한관심을표현하는말로 “~에매료되다”에해 당하는 “be fascinated by”가적절하다.

10 빈칸에들어가기에 적절한말은 why이다. 이유를말할때는 why를쓴다. ① which/that ② which/that ③ who ④ why ⑤ where

11 빈칸에들어가는것은상대의관심에대하여놀라움이나흥미를 표현하는말이적절하다.


1 ⑴ remembered ⑵ economically ⑶ but 2 ⑴ who he is ⑵ I may ask you a question

⑶ how old I was

01 ② 02 ① 03 ③ 04 ④

05 ⑤

06 He enjoys not only playing the guitar but also dancing to the music.

07 how the bird entered the water so gracefully

08 ④ 09 ③

10 Tell me why you met her last night.

11 ⑴ merely ⑵ as well ⑶ heathy ⑷ getting

⑸ knows 12 ②

13 He plays not only soccer but also tennis.

14 ① 15 ⑤ 16 ④ 17 ③

18 ②

19 ⑴ I don’t know. When does this restaurant open?

⑵ I wonder. Is this address correct?

⑶ They are a couple in the movie. They are a couple in the real world, too.


01 ② 02 ③

03 ⑴ I’m wondering how many books you have read until now.

⑵ Do you know why an elephant has a trunk?

⑶ Somi enjoys not only listening to music but also painting pictures.

⑷ He has not only a dog but also a cat.

시험대비 기본평가

01 간접의문문은 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의순서로쓰고, 의문사를제 외한문장의주어와동사는평서문의형태가되어야한다. 02 ‘not only A but also B’는 ‘A뿐만아니라 B도’라는뜻으로두

개의단어, 구, 절을연결한다.

03 (1), (2) 간접의문문은 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의순서로쓴다. (3), (4) ‘A뿐아니라 B도역시’의문장은 ‘not only A but also B’



01 간접의문문은의문사+주어+동사’의순서로 쓰므로 ‘Tell me where you are going to have dinner.’로쓰는것이적절하 다.

02 not only A but also B: A뿐아니라 B도

03 ‘They didn’t know’ 다음에 의문사절 ‘how they could reduce the noise’를평서문의형태로바꿔써야한다. 04 not only A but also B = not only A but B = not only A

but B ~ as well. = B as well as A ④ not A but B: A가 아니라 B

05 첫번째 문장에서는빈칸 뒤에 완전한 절이나오므로 what은 적절하지 않고 when 또한어색하다. 번째문장에서는동사 bought의목적어가필요하므로 what이적절하다.

06 ‘not only A but also B’에서 A B문법적으로같은형태 여야하며, enjoy는동명사를목적어로취하므로 sing을동명사 dancing으로써야한다.

07 간접의문문이므로 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의어순으로쓴다. 08 ‘not only A but also B’ ‘B as well as A’바꾸어

있으며이때동사의수는 B에맞춘다. ① Either A or B: A 또 는 B ② Neither A nor B: A B아니다

09 know의목적어로간접의문문이나오는경우이다. 의문사가있 는경우에는 ‘의문사+주어+동사’로쓰고, 의문사가없는경우에 는 ‘if[whether]+주어+동사’의어순으로쓴다.

10 간접의문문에서의문사가주어인경우에는의문사뒤에바로동 사가이어진다.

11 (1), (2) not only A but also B = not merely A but also B

= not just A but also B = not simply A but also B = not only A but B as well = B as well as A (3), (4) ‘not only A but also B’에서 A와 B는문법적으로같은형태여야한다. (4)에 서 is 다음에 not only나왔으므로 is대응하는 gets아니 라 getting에대응하는 getting을써야함에주의한다. (5) ‘B as well as A’에서동사의수는 B맞춘다.

12 ① jog → jogging ③ also → but also ④ are → is ⑤ our nation → for our nation

13 not only A but also B: A뿐만아니라 B도 14 not only A but (also) B: A뿐만아니라 B

15 ⑤ 의문사구(how much)는함께붙여써야한다. ④번의경우 동사가 guess이지만 Yes No답할있으므로의문사를 두에쓰지않았다.

16 ‘not only A but also B’에서 A B문법적으로같은형태여 야하므로, loves에맞추어 wants로써야한다.

17 첫번째문장에서는 ‘not only A but (also) B’ 구문의 but 적절하다. 두번째문장에서는 her job을묻는의문사 what이 적절하다.


01 ⑴ I’m wondering what your goal is this year.

⑵ Can you tell me if[whether] she called you last night?

⑶ Do you know who directed the movie?

⑷ What do you think I should wear?

⑸ Can you tell me what they are talking about?

02 ⑴ She wants to know if[whether] you are sick.

⑵ Can you tell me what children should wear in the swimming pool?

⑶ This tunnel is not only narrow but also dark.

03 ⑴ Dolphins can not only hear sounds clearly but also communicate over long distances.

⑵ He has experience as well as knowledge.

04 ⑴ It was not only strong but also easy to use.

⑵ He as well as you is responsible for the problem.

⑶ Not only do I study a lot, but I also play a lot.

⑷ Where do you think he might be?

⑸ I wonder if we will have good weather tomorrow.

05 why this computer won’t turn on

06 ⑴ I want to learn tennis as well as taekwondo.

⑵ He treated me to cake as well as to lunch.

⑶ She composes good songs as well as likes playing the guitar.

⑷ His brothers as well as Mark want to go to the concert.

07 c. He wondered how high the bird could fly.

08 ⑴ The director as well as actors is invited to the party.

⑵ He looks not only smart but also friendly.

⑶ Cathy not only is a smart girl but also has a warm heart.

⑷ Do you know how old he is?

⑸ What do you believe is causing this symptom?

09 ⑴ Where is the key?

⑵ How did that happen?

⑶ Could we go there?

⑷ What is wrong with the computer?


01 (1), (5) 주절뒤에간접의문문을의문사+주어+동사’의어순으 로쓴다. (2) 주절뒤에간접의문문을 ‘if[whether]+주어+동사’ 의어순으로쓴다. (3) 의문사가주어인경우에는의문사뒤에 로동사가이어진다. (4) 주절에 think 동사가있으므로의문사 를문두로보내야한다.

02 (1), (2) 간접의문문은의문사또는 if[whether]+주어+동사’의 순서로쓴다. (3) not only A but (also) B: A뿐만아니라 B 03 not only A but also B = B as well as A: A뿐만아니라 B.


04 (1) ‘not only A but also B’에서 A B문법적으로같은 형태여야하므로, strong맞추어 easy써야 한다. (2) ‘B as well as A’에서동사의수는 B맞춘다. (3) ‘Not only’ 문두에나오면, 주어와동사를의문문형식으로도치시킨다. (4) 주절에 think 동사가있으므로 의문사를문두로보내야 한다. (5) if이끄는절이 wonder목적어로쓰인간접의문문( 사절)이므로미래시제는 will써서나타내야한다.

05 직접의문문이간접의문문이 될때 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의어순 으로쓴다.

06 (1)~(3) ‘not only A but also B’ ‘B as well as A’바꾸 어쓸수있다. (4) ‘not only A but also B’ ‘B as well as A’

는 B동사의수를일치시킨다.

07 c. 하나의 의미단위로쓰이는의문사구는 하나의의문사로 급하므로, ‘의문사구(how high)+주어(the bird)+동사(could fly)’어순으로써야한다.

08 (1) ‘B as well as A’ B동사의수를일치시킨다. (2) ‘not only A but also B’에서 A B에는대등한형태의말이와야 한다. (3) ‘not only A but also B’에서 A B에는대등한 태의말이와야하므로 A B동사구가오도록고쳐야한다.

(4) 주절에 know 동사가있는간접의문문은의문사를문두로

보내지않는다. (5) 주절에 believe 동사가있는간접의문문은 의문사를문두로보내야한다.

09 간접의문문은 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의어순으로 쓴다. 의문사가 없는경우의문사대신 if whether쓰고, 의문사가주어인 경우에는의문사뒤에바로동사가이어진다. 이때주절의동사 로 believe쓰인경우의문사를앞에써야한다.


1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 확인문제


1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 확인문제

18 believe 동사가있으므로의문사를문두에써야 한다. When do you believe you’ll become a manager?

19 (1) ‘의문사+주어+동사’ 순서의간접의문문을직접의문문의어 순인 ‘의문사+동사+주어’로바꾼다. (2) ‘whether+주어+동사’ 의어순을의문문의어순으로바꾼다. (3) ‘B as well as A’를 A(in the movie)와 B(in the real world)로따로쓴다.

01From, to, works fascinates us 07Since, have, imitated, surprisingabilities

08 Let’sexplore

09high-speedtrain, had

10entered, suddenincrease, created 11wokepeopleup, caused

12tosolve, howtheycouldreduce 13 theengineerswas, insearchof 14saw, divinginto

15 howthebirdentered

16studiedmore, discovered, narrowbeak 17redesigned, byimitating

18notonly, butalso, with, less 19Oneday, washiking, with 20On, home, burrswerestuck, hair 21toknowhowthathappened

22tookacloserlookat, noticedthat, were, straight 23 ifhecouldapply, somethinguseful

24 After, testing, invented

25 tiny needles, those of burrs, the other, hairy surface

26werepressed, fastener 27 not only strong but also easy ittofindsolutionstotheirproblems.

3 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was one such imitated a bird’s wings to try to make a flying



7 Since then, more and more people have successfully imitated the surprising abilities of nature’sgenius.

8 Let’sexploresomeofthem.

9 Thehigh-speedtrainwasfirstmadeinJapan. But ithadoneproblem.

10 When the train entered a tunnel, the sudden increase in air pressure created a very loud sound.

11 Itoftenwokepeopleupandcausedheadaches.

11 Itoftenwokepeopleupandcausedheadaches.

문서에서 We Can Make a Difference 1 (페이지 21-31)

관련 문서