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In order to elucidate the differences in infection processes between Chi and iEPS5, I tried to find a method for detection of phage DNA path during infection in the microscope. Among several DNA staining materials, SYBR-gold was selected for its ability to penetrate the phage capsid (113, 145, 205).

SYBR-gold is an unsymmetrical cyanine dye that binds to RNA, ssDNA, and dsDNA (145). Phages inject its DNA into host bacteria only when they remain bound to their specific receptor on the bacterial surface. Binding a fluorophore such as SYBR-gold to the phage DNA does not alter the phage infection process. Moreover, after injection inside the host, the fluorophore bound to the phage DNA keeps its fluorescence (145).

The SYBR-gold-labeled iEPS5 was mixed with the host bacteria and incubated for 1 h at the same condition used for in vitro adsorption assay.

When viewed under an epifluorescence microscope, the fluorescent phages were seen as a small spot corresponding to individual phage particles that were stained because of the diffusion of SYBR-gold through the capsids.

Interestingly, from 1 to 20 min after infection, some flagella had fluorescence (GF), but that fluorescence seemed to move to the cytosol of the bacteria (Fig. 45). These observations suggest that the SYBR-gold-labeled phage DNA may travel through the flagella to the inside bacteria

DNA, the genome of iEPS5. At 1 h after infection, several bacteria fluoresced because the SYBR-gold-labeled iEPS5 genome was inside their cytosol (Fig. 45). The presence of fluorescent flagellar filament probably resulting from the flagellar filled with the SYBR-gold-labeled iEPS5 DNA suggests that flagella itself could be a passage for injection of phage genome during infection. These observations were not seen with Chi, indicating different infection process between Chi and iEPS5.

These sequential displays of phage infection have not been reported before in the flagellatropic phage. Compared to the flagella-bound form of phage showed as a fluorescent dot (Fig. 46), these flagella filled with GF implied that flagella itself could be a passage for transportation of phage genome during infection. Flagellin is a 20-nm-thick; a 10 to 15-μm-long hollow tube and has a narrow channel with a diameter of 2.5~3.0 nm (41, 124). The size of DNA is ~2 nm in diameter. Therefore, the flagellin channel could be a pathway for phage DNA. Mechanism of DNA injection through flagella filament should be elucidated for better understanding of phage DNA injection.

Figure 45. Visualization of bacterial cells carrying the specific gene transferred by SYBR-gold-labeled iEPS5 (1). Magnification = 1,000X.

Figure 46. Visualization of bacterial cells carrying the specific gene transferred by SYBR-gold-labeled iEPS5 (2). The image at right down side is an enlarged picture indicating a flagellum filled with SYBR-gold-labeled DNA and flagella-bound phages with arrow, respectively. Magnification = 1,000X.


The first step in the infection process is the adsorption of the phage to the bacterial cell, which is mediated by the tail fibers or by some analogous structure on those phages (120). The tail fibers attach to specific receptors on the bacterial cell and the host specificity of the phage is usually determined by the type of tail fibers that a phage has. The nature of the bacterial receptor varies for different bacteria as explained in introduction.

These receptors are on the bacteria for other purposes and phages have evolved to use these receptors for infection.

In this study, a novel phage, iEPS5, of the Siphoviridae family was isolated.

Genome sequencing of iEPS5 and its narrow host range suggested that iEPS5 has a specific receptor for its infection. In the genome, iEPS5 has a gene encoding tail fiber, which is related to phage adsorption. Tail fiber was also identified in the TEM analysis. Along with these results, a variety of lines of evidence support the hypothesis that iEPS5 is flagellatropic. First, all resistant mutants were related to flagellar biosynthesis and its assembly from the random mutant library screening. Most of the structural components of the flagellum of Salmonella are exported through a flagellum-specific pathway, which is a member of the family of type III

membrane in the central pore of the MS ring as export apparatus, therefore, the mutants could not assembled functional flagellar filament (61, 154). The hook-associated protein (HAP), FlgK has roles both in flagellar biosynthesis and assembly by regulating the anti-sigma factor, FlgM, which inhibits σ28 (FliA) prior to completion of the hook-basal body (HBB) structure (8).

Therefore, the flgK mutant has been known to produce an intermediate structure that is unable to assemble the HAPs or filament but is able to secrete FlgM, FliC, and FliD (109). Finally, the flagellar specific sigma factor, FliA is an important regulator for activating class 3 promoters, leading to late flagellar gene expression (124). In conclusion, all these mutants have no flagellar filament assembled, but a fully formed HBB complex in their membranes. From these observations, it can be inferred that flagellin could be the site of viral adsorption and that iEPS5 does not bind to the basal body in a way that would allow infection. Also I assessed the sensitivity of flagellin mutant to iEPS5 infection because Salmonella Typhimurium has two types of flagellin genes (fliC and fljB) under control of flagellar phase variation (24). Each single mutant, which lacks of fliC or fljB respectively, was motile on the agar plate and sensitive to iEPS5, but, double mutant (fliC/fljB) was non-motile and resistant to phage infection supporting that both types of flagellar filament are the binding sites of iEPS5 for infection (data not shown).

The most important role of flagella in the bacteria is a movement by rotating their flagellar filaments. The flagellar motor consists of five proteins: MotA and MotB, which function as the stator and conduct the passage of protons to drive flagellar rotation, and the three switch proteins that are part of the rotor, FliG, FliM, and FliN. The passage of protons through MotA and MotB channels causes a conformational change in MotA (the power stroke) and direct interactions of MotA with the carboxyl terminus of FliG turning a ring of FliG molecules (123, 124). iEPS5 expectedly could not infect motA mutant that has paralyzed flagella. In both of TEM analysis and adsorption assay, motA mutant could not bind to the non-rotating flagella suggesting that not just a flagellar filament, but functionally rotating flagellin is required for iEPS5 infection through proper adsorption to its receptor.

Chemotaxis, the ability of some bacteria to sense and respond to their chemical environment by moving toward attractants and away from repellents, has under the ability to regulate the frequency with which their flagella switch between CW and CCW rotation (182). CCW rotation results in ‘smooth swimming’ of the bacterium in an approximately linear path, whereas the switch to CW rotation causes the bacterium to tumble (85). In this event, the CheY acts as a determinant of flagellar rotation for its

binds to an assembly of proteins called the ‘switch’ at the base of the flagellar motor. It is a binding event that results in the change of direction of the flagella from the default CCW to CW rotation (182). Therefore, cheY deleted mutant shows CCW-biased rotating flagella but the cheY over-expressing mutant characterizes CW-biased rotation in its flagella (174).

Interestingly, iEPS5 could infect cheY mutant as wild-type, but when CheY increased in the cytoplasm, the EOP of iEPS5 was reduced gradually and finally iEPS5 could not infect fully CW-biased bacteria. Therefore, it is concluded that CCW-rotating flagella is required for proper binding and infection of iEPS5 to its host.

The flagellar filament is a supercoiled assembly of a single protein, flagellin, and is made of 11 protofilaments, which are longitudinal helical arrays of subunits (34, 125). Each protofilament can have one of two slightly different conformational states, L- and R-type (97, 172). Therefore, there can be 12 distinct polymorphic forms. This polymorphic supercoiling of the filament can be essential for bacterial taxis. In Salmonella enterica, flagellar motor rotates CCW for run, with several flagellar filaments in a left-handed helical shape forming a bundle and propelling its movement.

The motor reverses its rotation and transforms the left-handed helical form to a right-handed one causing the bundle to fall apart (34, 125). The left-handed flagellar supercoil consists of 9L/2R (normal), and the right-left-handed

ones are 7L/4R (semicoil), 6L/5R (curly I), or 5L/6R (curly II), implying that the number of the R-type protofilaments need to be increased for transformation to the right-handed supercoils (34, 125, 129). In the bi-stable protofilament model predicts, the intersubunit repeat distances of the L- and R-type protofilaments were 52.7 Å and 51.9 Å, respectively (207). The difference of 0.8 Å would be responsible for the binding of iEPS5 to the flagellar filament. Therefore, I tested the infection ability of iEPS5 to the two different strains having 11L/0R (SJW1660) and 0L/11R (SJW1655) flagella, respectively. Unexpectedly, iEPS5 could infect both strains (data not shown) indicating that the difference of 0.8 Å between L- and R-type protofilaments is not crucial for phage infection.

A serially conducted experiment for identifying the receptor for iEPS5 revealed that iEPS5 infected to Salmonella by adsorption to the motile but only CCW-rotating flagellar filament on the cell surface. This infection mechanism of iEPS5 appears to be different from what is known about the mechanism of infection of the flagellatropic coliphage Chi, where attachment to the active flagellar filament is an intermediate step, improving the efficiency of infection (177). Phage Chi could infect both mutants lacking filaments and mutants with polyhooks supporting that its ultimate receptor is the basal body of flagellar assembles (174). Moreover,

on the flagellar surface are essential to infection by Chi in the manner of a nut on a bolt (174). Recently, two flagellar-dependent phages (ΦOT8 and ΦAT1) were identified and characterized by a group. Both phages could not bind to non-motile and non-flagellated bacteria (58, 59). In this study, iEPS5 could not infect the mutants lacking filament suggesting a possibility that it would inject its DNA into the flagellum. Flagellin is a 20-nm-thick;

a10 to 15-μm-long hollow tube and has a narrow channel with a diameter of 2.5~3.0 nm (41, 124). Therefore, this channel of flagellin could be a pathway for phage DNA. To suggest this new infection mechanism for flagellatropic phage like iEPS5, it is remained to elucidate the injection of phage DNA to the flagellar filament.


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