• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

103. This paper has shown that economic downturns are associated with adverse outcomes for some, but certainly not all, health indicators. There is overwhelming evidence that mental health deteriorates and the prevalence of communicable diseases appears to rise during times of economic crisis. This paper finds that higher rates of unemployment are strongly linked to lower health care use, which may have longer term consequences that are not yet evident in the available data.

104. The financial crisis has pushed many countries to undertake more in depth structural reforms such as new output-based hospital funding systems, centralisation of pharmaceutical purchasing powers and greater investments in the health information infrastructure, including additional efforts in e-prescribing, electronic health records, as well as administrative datasets. These efforts are already being used to improve quality through the establishment of targets, benchmarking, public reporting and performance management. These structural reforms have the potential to make important long-term contributions to the health system’s productivity and efficiency. As countries emerge from the crisis, the future policy agenda must continue to look towards these structural changes to provide important lessons for the future.


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