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CHEJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Supervised by professor chin - yeol Nam)

In this research I would like to focus on to look over the actual condition of the Church Attachment Community College for Old man (write on as follows C.A.C.C.O ) in Cheju and also presentation of activation plans for it.

For this I came up with practical agreement of C.A.C.C.O's program by

grasp the situation as a general quality, a public economic quality, a

leisure activity and satisfaction of a program.

Concrete contents are as follows

First, To examine of old student's general and public economic quality.

Second, To examine of old student's program quality.

Third, To examine of join old student's status of C.A.C.C.O's program and look into satisfaction about their desire of each program.

Fourth, To draw a conclusion of C.A.C.C.O's program

For this we surveyed questioning work with C.A.C.C.O in Cheju from 29


March 2006 until 18



There is 7 schools in Cheju but we couldn't meet a person in charge at 2 schools then so we selected of 5 schools and enforced it.

For searching satisfaction of a participant who is joining C.A.C.C.O, we circulated a questionnaire to 360 people in 5 schools and collected 337 people's data but had to except 24 people's insincerity reply so total 313 people are on this research.

On the study says respondent distribution of sex is 29.1% of men, 70.9%

of women as a general character and under 70~75yers old people is the

most as 33.5%.

An education level of respondent by public economic character, 31.3%

said completed elementary education is the most and 30.4% said their average income per month is under \100,000, also 13.3% said over


38.3% said they get income from their children and it's the most. 31.6%

said their most expenses as a medical charge.

The most answer of the reason why they attend in class is to learn culture knowledge, and according to respondent a culture course is the best interesting program.

41.2% people said a lecture is the effective way of education, and over 89% answered they are satisfied to qualitative substance in the lesson.

Relationship between human lesson ranked for useful program and 86.3% said it helped a lot in real life.

The most people was satisfied with a program and they need improvement of variety program and a special instructor for old aged education.

Travel is the highest wish for leisure activity for them if they can afford

to do as financially.

Like this, overall satisfaction appeared high but when we can see the expression of improvement plans, we need to one step closer to this more than take outward their satisfaction.

Suggesting their wishing program for the future is a old man's role in church, financial life for old age, special activity, take care of old age's stress and the way how to solve it, hand acupuncture and computer lesson, and need to effort to develop a variety program to get close an actual state of their desire for that.

Therefore, I suggest activation plans for C.A.C.C.O

First, A part of education and environment program need to develop and

conduct a balanced studying as a culture side, intelligent side, social side

and religious side for life education. Especially It is necessary to publish

a special common teaching materials for study, and need to take effect by

an old aged education expert. Also, need to regular recompense support

to C.A.C.C.O's volunteers. A part of environment need a comfortable

studying and activity place on their own and to solve a inconvenience of


Second, A part of leisure and activity program, need to develop as suitable and the import program for old aged people. The most important matter of concern for old aged people is insure of better life.

Consequently, I think to make progress to enjoying activity of old aged

life to find their life worth living like a employment, volunteer program


제주지역 교회 부설 노인대학 프로그램 활성화 방안


저는 제주대학교 행정대학원 석사과정에서 석사학위 논문을 준비하고 있습 니다.

이 설문지는 제주도 내 교회에서 운영하고 있는 노인대학의 실태와 활성화 방안을 연구하기 위해서 작성되었습니다.

설문지의 응답 내용은 학문적인 목적을 위해서만 사용될 것이며 그 외에 다른 목적으로는 절대로 사용되지 않을 것입니다.

힘들고 바쁘실 줄 알지만 성의껏 응답해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

어르신의 성실한 대답은 교회부설 노인대학 프로그램을 위한 귀중한 자료 로 활용될 것입니다.

어르신의 가정에 늘 행복이 충만하길 기원합니다.

대단히 감사합니다.

2006년 3 월 일

제주대학교 행정대학원 석사과정 지도교수 남 진 열 조 사 자 강 두 성

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