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한국 중세한자음과 현대한자음 -wəl형은 현대 중국한자음에서는 -ue 형으로 대응된다

9. 한국 중세한자음과 현대한자음 -jun/l형은 현대 중국한자음에서는 -i 형, -un형, -u형, -ü형, -en형으로, 일본 상용한자음에서는 -in/t형으로 대 응된다.


1. 원전자료

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2. 논문 및 저서

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A Study on the Reception Pattern of Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese *

Based on Group Zhen(臻)

-8)Choi, Ji-soo*

In this study, we examined how Chinese pronunciation, including pronunciation of the same ancient Chinese language, was accepted in Korea and Japan, respectively, and the acceptance patterns of one consonant only Based on Group Group Zhen(臻)Group Group Group Zhen(Zhen(Zhen(Zhen(臻臻臻臻))))

Analyzing the distribution tables of each rhyme and summarizing the correspondence between the two commercial characters of Korea, China and Japan, as follows.

1. Sino-Korean -ïn type is -en type, -in type and -i type in Chinese consonants. In the Sino-Japanese, the -on type and -in type are matched.

2. Sino-Korean -ɐn type is -en type in Chinese consonants and -on/t In Sino-Japanese.

3. Sino-Korean -on/l are -un, -u, -ui and -o -en in Chinese consonants, and -on/t and -un In Sino-Japanesein.

4. Sino-Korean -un/l are -un type. -u type and -en type in Chinese consonants, and -on/t, -un/t and Jun/t type in Sino-Japanesein.

5. Sino-Korean -ən/l are -u, -i and -in in Chinese consonants, and -ot and -in in Sino-Japanesein.

6. Sino-Korean -Jən/l type is –in type in Chinese consonants and -ing type in Japanese Chinese consonants and -ii type in Sino-Japanesein.

* This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF-2018S1A5B5A07071013)

** Dongguk University, Seoul Campus

관련 문서