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17 교육의 다른 부분과 비교해 볼 때 실험실이 지나치게 많다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 18 나는 실험을 하기보다 과학을 잘 아는 사람에게 물어보고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 19 나는 미래에 과학을 가르치고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 20 과학은 우리 생활을 편리하게 만든다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 21 과학자는 그들이 일하는 환경에 대해 신경 쓰지 않는다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 22 나는 어떤 문제에 대해 답을 듣는 것보다 실험으로 해결하고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 23 나는 과학실험을 할 때 전에 쓰지 않았던 방법을 사용해보고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 24 나는 휴일에 과학 실험실에서 일해보고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 25 과학자라는 직업을 지루할 것이다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 26 과학자는 다른 사람처럼 음악과 예술에 관심을 가지고 있다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 27 나는 내 생각이 잘못되었다는 것을 알았을 때 그 생각을 바꾸고,

싶지 않다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대

28 나는 과학시간이 기다려진다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 29 나는 주말에 과학관에 가보고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 30 과학 연구에 돈을 쓰는 것은 낭비다 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 31 과학자는 다른 사람들과 생김새가 비슷할 것이다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 32 과학적 사실을 실험으로 알아보는 것보다는 다른 사람에게 물어서

알아보는 것이 더 좋다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 33 과학시간이 없다면 나의 학교생활이 더 즐거울 것이다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 34 나는 신문에서 과학에 대한 이야기를 읽기 싫어한다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대 35 나는 앞으로 과학자가 되고 싶다. 매우찬성찬성보통반대매우반대

This study investigated the effects of Jeju Science Camp devised to know how the students`attitudes toward science and preference were affected by the program. 360 elementary/middle school students and 50 teachers participated in this study for 2nights and 3days. This program was divided into 8 domains and the domains have 20 specific programs.

The result shows that students’ attitude toward the science changed in a favorable way in that the students preferred trying and making by themselves in hands operated skill domain, simple inquiring in researching domain, concept stage in knowledge domain, enjoying stage in attitude domain. The students assessment on the program showed that their participating in this program was encouraged by others rather than their interests. It is highly recommended to develop a program which can motivate the students` interests because there are 23.5% of the students said that "the program was so-so and not interesting."

By analyzing the attitudes toward science shows no significant difference in changing the whole attitudes of the two groups after the camp. This is because the groups were made by the order of arrival not selecting the students and three days of experience at this camp must have been too short to influence their

attitude toward the science. Among the categories, there was the most changes in the attitudes toward science in accepting domain. We can suppose that the program is more effective for the students who have less chances to experience science activities or science camps because among the domains, small communities showed the most changes in the attitudes. The average result was generally high in the category of scientist`s commonness and the acceptance of scientific attitude but the average result was somewhat low in the category of the attitudes of scientific research and the interesting degree of the science class. By judging from the results we can see that not all the results of the categories were improved by the programs.

In conclusion, we need to develope proper programs matching to the students`

preference to get the ideal results because the programs preferred changes according to the level of gender or grades. The number of students participating in the camps are too many to control so we need new types of camps managed by dividing into genders or grades. We also need other ways to select students like science class or school recommendation. There is also a need to develope new programs satisfying the seven categories attitudes toward science.

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