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투고일자: 2015. 01. 20. 게재확정일자: 2015. 03. 23. 최종수정일자: 2015. 03. 24.

The Limits and Possibilities of Political-economy Paradigm in Korean Media Studies

Yung-Ho Im

Professor, Dept. of Communication, Pusan National University

While dramatic shifts in the media environment underscore the emerging importance of structural approaches in media studies. political economists in Korea have failed to meet such demands. It is particularly noteworthy that their most serious weakness lies in economic theories. This paper aims to examine major problems in political economic approaches in Korea and suggest some research agenda and directions for the future.

Above all, political economists need to scrutinize and elaborate both microscopic and macroscopic frameworks. On the microscopic level, they may learn tremendous implications from the “audience-commodity” thesis and recent debates on “information goods” among Korean economists. For the more macroscopic part, it is urgently needed to delve into mid-level issues that may illuminate specific ways the media capital operates: trends in the accumulation of capital, the influence of technological innovation, changes in the labor process, and the relations among production, circulation and consumption sectors.

K E Y W O R D S political economy, audience commodity, information goods, media industry

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