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Study of the processes of paintings in middle school textbooks

Kim, Kyoung-Chul Arts education Major

Graduate School of Education, cheju National University Cheju, Korea

Supervised by Professor Park, Sung-Jin

One of the most important materials in delivering the process of education is the textbook. It will be beneficial and contributive to the development of education if we improve upon the textbooks with more concrete and systematic adjustments. It can encourage the students to have interests in art as they develop their artistic sensibility by creating works of art through various application of media, tools, techniques, and processes which are to be provided in curriculum. More importantly, they will be able to identify and differentiate the processes and media that have been used conventionally from the past on and realize the possibility of inventing and creating new methods of their own to apply their artworks.

Today fine arts have been pursuing new aesthetic value by creating and adapting new processes and experiments. This paper includes the study of characteristics and sign systems of visual art introduced in middle school curriculum focusing on the processes of paintings. By analyzing the processes, it proposes alternatives for improvements in current art textbooks for secondary education. To achieve the purposes of the paper, I researched the literature on the subject and studied all the 7 different types of textbooks. In addition, I suggested goals for each process of paintings and applications for materials, ideas or concepts, and techniques to express ideas as well as identification of visual characteristics of media. Following is the summary of the conclusion of my study.

First of all, except for a few works of drawings, most of the presented artworks in textbooks are the ones of renowned or professional artists, which prevents the students from getting familiar with the media such as oil paintings or Korean traditional paintings.

Second, compared to the featured pictures, the lack of sufficient explanation of the concept or the process makes it hard for the students to understand the concept. It would also be desirable to add the steps of the production of exampled works. For the benefit of better understanding, it can be helpful to specify the age of the student for the selected work instead of a simple line under the picture that says "By an anonymous student"

Next, there should be advanced courses for higher grades which include more sophisticated production processes for each content area as well as introduction of more diverse media.

Lastly, there should be a separate chapter solely for processes of visual art intended to encourage the students to understand and utilize freely what they learn from that chapter .

As we encounter works of art everyday, I believe that learning the processes in production of artwork is the first step and very effective in the long run. It is essential to continue the study of effective ways of teaching processes of paintings.

* A thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduste School of Education, Cheju National University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in 2006, 8.

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