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A Study on Prefinal Endings, ‘-Get (겠)-’ and ‘-Deo (더)-’

for Chinese Learners

Ting-Ting Yu

The role of grammatical training of Korean is very important in order to enhance Korean language ability of Korean learners of foreigners. It is not easy to understand Korean language's 'ending system' because it is very complicated and various. Especially for Chinese learners, it could be more difficult. Chinese language does not have the developed ending system like Korean language because it is the isolating language. Korean language's endings are divided into final endings and prefinal endings according to their positions. And among them, prefinal endings, ‘-Get (겠)-’ and ‘-Deo (더)-’

tend to be very often used in the daily life of Korea. Furthermore, learners of foreigners have difficulties in learning them and there are a lot of errors in them because they have the complicated characteristics in tense, aspect, and mood categories. This study first restricted the Korean language's prefinal endings, ‘-Get-’ and ‘-Deo-’ syntactically focusing on these points, reviewed them accordingly, and suggested efficient teaching and learning plans.

Chapter 2 introduced the meaning of prefinal endings, the concept and category of syntactic constraints, and syntactic constraints of the prefinal endings as the theoretical background of the study and described teaching methods of the Korean language. The prefinal endings are shown between the stem and final ending of predicates. Final endings mean grammatical morpheme shown in the longest distance from the stem of predicates when

they are utilized, while prefinal endings means grammatical morpheme shown before final endings by considering their appearance positions.

Syntactic constraints can be constraints that must just create grammatical sentences and prevent ungrammatical sentences. 'Syntactic constraints of prefinal endings' that will be handled in this paper means the phenomenon that prefinal endings are static when being applied to sentences and the endings which cannot be matched with each other must not be applied together. Korean language education are mainly teaching methods of translating traditional grammar and audiolingual teaching methods. By 1980, various foreign teaching methods began to be known. In 1980s, systemic reaction and silent way teaching method were presented. And in 1990s, communication-centered teaching methods were introduced. Studies on grammar education and task-centered teaching methods of speaking by utilizing communication teaching methods were conducted by Lee, Hae-yeong (1998) and Hyeon, Yun-ho (2001). 5 level teaching models that are commonly handled here are examined.

Chapter 3 discussed syntactic constraints of prefinal endings, ‘-Get-’ and

‘-Deo-’. For the prefinal ending, '-Get-', syntactic constraints shown according to the meanings of 'guess', 'will', and 'possibility and ability' and 'selective constraints aspect' with connective endings were analyzed.

Examining person constraints of the prefinal ending, '-Get'' shown according to sentence types, subjects of the first person are constrained in case that predicates show the meanings of 'guess' as verbs in declarative sentences, but constraints of subjects of the first person is solved when verbs, the predicates, have no arbitrariness or are expressed as the past. When '-Get-' is used as the meaning of 'will', subjects of the second and third persons are constrained. It's because speakers cannot decide other persons' will except the speakers themselves. On the other hand, persons are not constrained when '-Get-' shows the meanings of 'possibility and ability'. In interrogative

sentences, the 2nd person is constrained when predicates shows the meanings of 'guess' as verbs. At this moment, it shows the meaning of 'will', not 'guess', because listeners themselves are the main agents of behaviors. The 1st and 3rd persons are constrained when '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'will'. This is because listeners cannot decide other persons' will except themselves. Persons are not constrained when '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'possibility and ability'. Examining if predicates are constrained, predicates are not constrained when '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'guess'. Generally, '-Get-' applies to verbs only when it represents 'will.' This is because adjectives and 'substantive + Ida (이다)' cannot make speakers active agents.

However, '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'will' if adjectives and 'substantive + Ida ' can express speakers' self-controlling power. '-Get-' applies to verbs only when it shows the meaning of 'possibility and ability.' This is because adjectives and 'substantive + Ida ' cannot have activity. Examining if the tense is constrained, the tense is not constrained when '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'guess'. However, the past tense is constrained when '-Get-' shows the meaning of 'will'. This is because 'will' of the past things cannot be expressed as it expresses psychological attitudes of the main agents of judging the things or behaviors that do not happen yet and could take place in the future. However, the past things can represent will of the future at that time in quotations. Usually, '-Get-' applies to the present tense when it shows the meaning of 'possibility and ability' and the past and future tense is constrained. As speakers' psychological attitudes about facts of the past or the future are shown, '-Get-' does not show the meaning of 'possibility and ability' but 'guess' of the past or the future. Examining sentence types of '-Get-', proposative and imperative sentences are constrained. This is because proposative and imperative sentences cannot be matched with '-Get-' that shows the meaning of 'guess', 'will', and 'possibility and ability' as they ask other persons to behave. When '-Get-' shows the meaning of

'will', exclamatory sentences are constrained. This is because expressions of 'will' cannot be matched with exclamatory sentences because speakers show their strong feelings in them. When '-Get-' is used with connective endings, there are the cases of being constrained. The connective endings that can or is okay not to be connected to '-Get-' include -Go (고) and -(Eu(으))Myeo (며)(List).' The connective endings that can have suitable sentences when they must be connected to '-Get-' include ‘-Eu(으)na(나), -Jiman (지만), -Neundae (는데) / -Eu(으), and ndae (ㄴ데)’ used as the meanings of 'confrontation and contrast' and ‘-Eu(으)ni니, -Eu(으)nikka(니까), and -Eu (으)meuro(므로)’ done as the meanings of 'reason and causes.' The rest connective endings that cannot be connected to '-Get-' include ‘-Eu (으)Myeonseo(면서), -Myeo(며), -Ja(자), -Jamaja(자마자)’, used as the meaning of 'simultaneous' and ‘-Go(고), -Aseo(아서)/Eoseo(어서)’ done as the meanings of 'chronological sequence', and ‘-Daga(다가)’ done as the meaning

'will', exclamatory sentences are constrained. This is because expressions of 'will' cannot be matched with exclamatory sentences because speakers show their strong feelings in them. When '-Get-' is used with connective endings, there are the cases of being constrained. The connective endings that can or is okay not to be connected to '-Get-' include -Go (고) and -(Eu(으))Myeo (며)(List).' The connective endings that can have suitable sentences when they must be connected to '-Get-' include ‘-Eu(으)na(나), -Jiman (지만), -Neundae (는데) / -Eu(으), and ndae (ㄴ데)’ used as the meanings of 'confrontation and contrast' and ‘-Eu(으)ni니, -Eu(으)nikka(니까), and -Eu (으)meuro(므로)’ done as the meanings of 'reason and causes.' The rest connective endings that cannot be connected to '-Get-' include ‘-Eu (으)Myeonseo(면서), -Myeo(며), -Ja(자), -Jamaja(자마자)’, used as the meaning of 'simultaneous' and ‘-Go(고), -Aseo(아서)/Eoseo(어서)’ done as the meanings of 'chronological sequence', and ‘-Daga(다가)’ done as the meaning

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