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VI. 참고문헌

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= A B ST R A C T =

E xercise ty p e & m etab olic sy n d ro m e p rev alen ce accord in g to th e p rop ortion of carb oh y d rate to total calo ries in K o rean ad u lts

So o H y u n g L ee G rad u ate Sch o ol of

P u b lic H ealth Y on sei U n iv ersity

(D irected b y P rofessor C h u n g m o N am M .D , P h D )

High carbohydrate diet has been known to be correlated with increase in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. In the recent meta-analysis study, it showed that resistance exercise training appears to enhance insulin sensitivity in a wide range of study groups(diabetes and obesity). Therefore we wished to declare the correlation between exercise type(including resistance exercise) and metabolic syndrome in the case of high carbohydrate diet groups that is suspected of high insulin resistance. Data was obtained from 5,422 Korean adults aged over 19 years old from The Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES Ⅲ), 2005.

As a result, moderate intensity physical activity was related to lower metabolic syndrome odds raio irrespective of carbohydrate intake. But in high carbohydrate diet groups, resistance exercise training was associated with lower metabolic syndrome odds ratio or more distinctly

than moderate intensity physical activity. This result of resistance exercise may be owing to lower triglyceride and blood pressure among the components of metabolic syndrome. The main limitations of our study are reverse causality possibility in an observational study and insufficient objective exercise intensity meaurements. Further well designed experimental research is warranted to determine the effectiveness of resistance exercise training.

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