• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

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박영립 r한국

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전시 북한주민의 지위와 보호앙안에 대한 고질

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An Analysis on Status and Protection of North Koreans in Wartirne:

Case Study on Possible Eruption of War in Korean Peninsula

Son. Young-hyun . Choi. Ha-eun

Kyung Hee University Law School Department of Law

A North Korean defedor. upon entering South Korean territory. acquires South Korean citizenship. That is beeause the territory of North Korea is considered an unoccupied territory of the South by the Southern regime. At the same time. however. North Koreans residing in their homeland are regarded as members of anti -government organization. Such dual status of North Koreans ean also be found in various South Korean policies aimed at resettlement of North Koreans

The abovementioned dual status can be problematic when war occurs in Korean Peninsula. Hypothetieally at wartime. r,않idents of the

cu미ed Northern territory are regarded as South Korean tizens. while at the same time


-r국제업무J 6집 제2

being residents of the occupied territory. The ambivalence not only affeets the North Koreans but also influences the application of international law.

1f one puts emphasis on North Koreans as residents of occupied territory.

then the treatment of North Koreans will be determined according to intemational humanitarian lawas the war will be regarded as an international armed confliet. At the same timethe exercise of South Korean governmenfs sovereign power in the Northern territory will be deemed groundless. In other words. territory of the North will be viewed as part of a sovereign stateseparate from the South. 1f such is how the Korean War-more precisely. the Second Korean War-procæds. North Korean residents can receive humane treatment of intemationa1standard: but. the establishment of perpetual peace. i.e. the unificationwill yet again be postponed.

On the other hand. if an emphasis is put on North Koreans as South Korean citizensonly parts of international humanitarian law can be applied in the Korean Peninsulasince the military coiet willregarded as a non-internationa! one. Along with that comes a higher probability of international community recognizing South Korean sovereignty in the Northern territory.

Concern with this scenario is a possibility that North Korean human rights might not be fully protected due to limited application of international humanitarian law. However‘as the residents will be recognized as South Korean citizens. they will be subject to the South Korean lawunder which the scope of proteetion is broader. At the same time. the assimilation process may reduce further confliets from arising.

As anyzed above. more peaceful resolution to a war in Korean Peninsula can be drawn if the confliet is recognized as a non-international clash of arms. In order for that to happenthe South Korean government has to have capacity to autonomously carry out military operations. while getting recognition from the internationa! community of the special relations between the North and the South. For such optimum to be drawn. South Korean

전시 북한주민의 지위와 보호방gl대한고항

government ’s preparation is essential. Also. in order to draw consent from neighboring countries for stabilization of the Northa method of multinational participation is called for.

Key words Korean Peninsula in Wartime. Non-intemationa1 Arrned Confljct.

International HumaJÚtarian Law. Protection of North Koreans.

Status of North Koreans


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