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A Study on the Alternatives of Heightening the

‘Interculturality’ at Multicultural Education in the University -Through the Development of the Model

of Teaching-learning Experience

Selection-Yeong-Kyeong Kim*

Abstract_This study aimed at developing a teaching - learning experience model as an multicultural educational practice plan of university that can contribute to the enhancement of intercultural competence. This is according to the char-acteristics demand on re-establishing directions of current for the multi-cultural education by the change of views on multicultural conditions in multicultural society.

The results of the study are as follows.

The level of cultivation of intercultural education in multicultural education curriculums of university is very low and it shows that the curriculum opera-tion of multicultural educaopera-tion of university does not reflect the new value of interculturalism. So in this study, to improve the characteristics of multicultural education, the model of teaching - learning experience which is implemented as analysis -> design -> execution -> evaluation was made up and which intertwined with characteristics of multicultural subjects to propose contents to be considered in the process of applying the teaching-learning experience model. In the analysis stage, the analysis of the components of the class was ordered by focusing on the intercultural perspective. In the design process, we proposed to reorganize the intercultural culture in the logic model of teaching model, education principle, and teaching method. In the implementation stage, we emphasized that inter -

* Catholic University of Daegu, Professor, Geography Education Major in Department of Social Educa-tion, yeonk@cu.ac.k

cultural education learning model, principle of inter - cultural education, inter - cultural education method planned in analysis and design stage should be applied and maintained as intercultural situation in actual education field. In the evaluation, it was persuaded that using intercultural competence assessment index and there should be an attempt to reconstruct the related education model, the principles and methods of education, for the introduction of related programs into the classroom.

Keywords_ University, Multicultural Education, Interculturalism, Teaching-learning Experience model

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