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Differences in Unmet Healthcare Needs by

In the Korean labor market, due to the proliferation of precarious employment and long working hours, there is a problem where workers do not have access to use medical care despite their need for medical treatment due to economic burden or lack of personal time. In particular, polarization and inequality of the labor market by gender is getting worse. This study aims to analyze the difference in unmet healthcare needs according to workers’ employment status and gender by reflecting the characteristics of the labor market in Korea. We used the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 2015 and 2016 and targeted 6,174 workers aged 19 years or older. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the effect of workers’ employment status on unmet healthcare needs, and a stratified analysis was performed to compare gender differences. As a result, men were found to have more unmet healthcare needs in non-regular workers (OR = 1.519, CI = 1.052-2.194) and self-employed and unpaid family workers (OR = 1.499, CI = 1.015-2.214) than in regular workers, while women had fewer unmet healthcare needs in non-regular workers (OR = 0.653, CI = 0.477-0.893) than in regular workers. These results indicate that polarization by employment status and gender can lead to inequality in medical utilization. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a policy basis to improve unmet healthcare needs by employment status that varies according to gender and to devise a plan to increase workers’ access to medical care utilization.

Keywords: Unmet Healthcare Needs, Employment Status, Gender, Inequality

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