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1. 논문

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Issues on the Introduction of Private Investigation System as a New Career

Lee, Sang-Won ․ Jang, Hyun-Seok

Recently news media reported that Korean government was considering the introduction of private investigation system positively. The changing current of society effects on the public peace environment, which protect our lives and prosperity. With the introduction of private investigation system, new jobs will be created. Also economic growth can be expected because of the newly created jobs. However, there is a concern on the possible invasion of individual privacy with the private investigation system. any studies examined the necessity of private investigation system in South Korea. Private investigation system can generate additional security service from the private sector and might bring changes in the traditional police activities.

Therefore, the Korean National Police Agency also pays a close addition to the private investigation system.

This paper examines three main issues in legislating the law for the private investigation system. The work range of private investigator, supervising authority, and methods for the protection of privacy were examined by reviewing of previous literature, analyzing foreign cases and examining the proposed laws in the parliament. Based on those analysis, this paper recommended an appropriate way of legislation.

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