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시간의 흐름에 따라 평균경사도가 감소하고 있으며 또한, 평균경사도가 감

K-Ar 절대연대를 기준으로 할 때 제3분출기에 형성되었으리라고 추정되는 스코리아콘은 높은오름, 붉은오름(0.161Ma), 자배봉, 칡오름, 괴수치, 아끈 다랑쉬, 도두봉, 대록산, 소수산봉, 법정악(0.167Ma), 큰칡오름, 거문오름(물 찻), 성불오름, 모라이악, 병곳오름, 녹남봉, 까끄래기, 궁산(0.190Ma), 족은 칡오름, 가시악, 쇠머리알오름이다. H/WB

-Wc이 0.112보다 작아서 제2분출

기에 형성되었으리라고 추정되는 스코리아콘은 거린오름과 보롬이오름이 다.

참 고 문 헌

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A Study on the Morphology and Development of Scoria Cone Slope in Cheju Island

Hyun, Kyung-Hee

Geography Education Major

Graduate school of Education, Cheju National University Cheju, Korea

Supervised by Professor Kim, Tae-Ho

This research is to search for the characteristics of the slope shape and the chronological process of the slope development using the 49 scoria cones in Cheju Island, and based on the findings, to examine the formation sequence and time of the scoria cones in Cheju Island.

The scoria cones examined in the research are 81m in average height(H), 615m in average basal diameter(WB), 213m in average crater diameter(Wc) and 19.80°in average cone slope angle(θave). According to the results to examine the characteristics of their slope shapes, there are very close correlations between basal diameter and height and between the difference between basal diameter and crater diameter(WB

-Wc) and height, and there is an ordinary correlation

between basal diameter and crater diameter.

The formation age of the scoria cones is correlated negatively with the ratio of height to the difference between the crater diameter and the

basal diameter(H/WB

-Wc), with the average cone slope angle, and with

the maximum cone slope angle. Accordingly, as the formation age grows older,




the average cone slope angle and the maximum cone slope angle become smaller and the decreasing rate becomes smaller as well.

Considering based on the regression equation of the formation age and H/WB

-Wc, it is estimated that, if H/W


-Wc is more than 0.183,

the scoria cones are formed in the Fourth Eruption Period(the present∼

120 thousand years ago), if H/WB

-Wc is between 0.112∼0.183, the

scoria cones are formed in the Third Eruption Period(120 thousand years ago∼370 thousand years ago), and if H/WB

-Wc is less than

0.112, the scoria cones are formed in the Second Eruption Period(370 thousand years ago∼600 thousand years ago). When the examined scoria cones are classified according to their formation age based on



-Wc and K-Ar absolute age measurement data, the scoria cones

presumably formed in the Fourth Eruption Period are Byungak(0.035Ma), Darangsh(0.049Ma), Kumorm, Sameuyangorm and so on. The scoria cones presumably formed in the Third Eruption Period are Bulgunorm(0.161Ma), Dodubong, Bubjungak(0.167Ma), Noknambong and so on, and the scoria cones presumably formed in the Second Eruption Period are Georinorm and Borumiorm.

감사의 글

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대학원 재학동안 마음으로 많이 성원해주시고 배려해주신 대정여고 선 생님들에게 감사드립니다. 서로 격려하며 함께 학문의 길을 걸어온 동료 대학원생들 김영철 선생님, 김정숙 선생님, 김지수 선생님에게도 고마운 마 음을 전합니다.

그리고, 항상 아름다운 매력으로 다가와 이제는 마음의 친구가 된 이 논문의 주인공 제주의 오름들에게 고마운 마음을 전합니다.

끝으로 이 논문을 쓰는 동안 물심양면으로 도와주고 마음껏 연구할 수 있는 여건을 만들어주고 지원을 아끼지 않은 부모님, 남편과 아이들 주연, 성현, 남훈에게 커다란 사랑과 고마움을 드립니다.

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