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은 연구자에 따라 맵핑을 다이어그램의 한 종류로 포함하기도 하지만, 맵핑은

구한 조경가는 제임스 코너가 유일하다. 본 연구는 현대 조경의 시각화 매체로 서 맵핑을 고찰하며, 맵핑에 대한 개념을 검토하고 현대 조경에서 활용할 수 있 는 방법을 실천적 사례와 함께 제시하였다. 그리고 이 같은 관점으로 맵핑을 통 해 서울역 고가 프로젝트에 몇 가지 제언을 할 수 있었다.

인용 문헌

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12 호산 빌딩 13 16 6 44 67 58

50 대우재단빌딩 옆문 233 284 130 801 897 862

89 Family Mart 467 498 407 1,210 1,829 2,176

127 즐겨찾기 안마 64 80 32 228 500 256

1-3. 유동인구 조사 보고서 원자료(식별번호 52번)의 예

2. 서울시 상권 분석 데이터

2-1. 상권 분석 구역의 구분

2-2. 상권분석 데이터: 7구역*

1) 공간 정보의 구분

*소상공인시장진흥공단 데이터를 바탕으로 재구성

2) 업종의 변화: 2000-2014년

no. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 비고

1 한식

2 카페/커피전문점 1969

3 종합소매점

4 제외 지층

29 한식 한식 한식 1992

30 분식 한식 한식

분식 1998

일식/수산물요리 1975

카페/커피전문점 1987

31 유흥 유흥 닭/오리요리 닭/오리요리 1967

32 분식 분식

유흥 한식 1996

33 카페/커피전문점 패스트푸드

한식 별식/퓨전요리 1987


Mapping as a Visualization Media for Landscape Architecture


Advised by Prof. PAE JEONG-HANN

Department of Landscape Architecture The Graduate School, Seoul National University

As a visualization medium, mapping is important for understanding urban contexts. In the landscape architecture, mapping has been used in landscape planning and design. Since Ian McHarg invented ‘the layer cake’ method, there have been no further inventions with regard to mapping methods. Nowadays, in order to understand urban contexts, we need to reestablish the importance of mapping. It is high time for a rediscovery of mapping as a visualization medium in urban dynamics of time and space.

In contemporary landscape architecture, mapping has unique features that distinguish it from other visualization media. As a classic tool, mapping was used to analyze a site context by the composition of natural, human, and social aspects.

The other role of mapping has been unveiling the site’s context that we can find out by using other media. Thirdly, as a generative tool, mapping is involved in a design process.

This study focuses on the mapping’s potentialities and argues for a wider use

of mapping in contemporary landscape architecture. Mapping diverges from other visualization media for several reasons, namely: mapping provides space information, it can have subjective aspects depending on the mapper, and the user can participate in the mapping process. Among those features, the most important potentiality is that mapping can visualize unseen contexts. We can see the unseen things by “mapping”.

To suggest a useful application of mapping in contemporary landscape architecture, a substantial review of previous research in the field has been undertaken and a mapping method has been proposed in the present study.

Among the theoretical aspects overviewed in Chapter II, various visualization media, such as maps, diagrams, and infographics, have been considered and then compared to mapping.

In Chapter III, applications of mapping in landscape architecture are overviewed. To this end, selected essays by landscape architects and competitions are considered. Furthermore, three major roles of mapping in landscape architecture are formulated, namely: the analyzing role, the representing role, and the generating role. The analyzing role of mapping is understanding the context of the site; the representing role is unveiling the hidden context in the site; the generating role relates to the functions of mapping when it is involved in the design process.

In Chapter IV, the Seoul station elevated road project is visualized by using mapping. The goal of Seoul station elevated road project is transferring the elevated road to park. The project is important because we changed the use of the elevated road from infrastructure to a public park. Also, the project is located in the center of city. Therefore, the analyzing, representing, and generating

functions of mapping could be employed.

In conclusion, the strengths of mapping, its role in contemporary landscape architecture, and its power for reading the urban context are discussed. Overall, this study highlights the potentialities of mapping that have emerged since the invention of the ‘layer cake’ method.

Keywords: landscape architecture design, visualization media, mapping, Seoul station elevated road project

Student Number: 2013-21154

문서에서 현대 조경의 시각화 매체로서 맵핑 (페이지 121-145)

관련 문서