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마지막으로 앞으로의 원도심 및 도시문화 마케팅은 지역주민을 중심으로 한 지방정부와 지역전문가 그룹이 서로 의견을 교환하여 지역주민이 스스로 개발에 참여할 수 있는 내성적 개발형태가 되어야 할 것이다.


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A Study of Cultural Resource Survey and Cultural Marketing Strategies

- With Emphasis on Yongdam-dong, Jeju

City-Hwang Gook Kim

Department of Public Administration


(Supervised by professor Hwang, Kyung Su)

Each country around the world is actively introducing place marketing technique using regional cultural resources. The tourist programs using regional cultural resources are considered as precious resources that introduce and promote the original culture of each region. However, Korea is still focusing on the tourist programs and the original cultural resources of each region are destroyed by reckless development just to show off.

Not only the tourist market of the world in the 21st Century, but also the tourist market of Korea, introduces and evaluates tourist programs in real-time via SNS, Blogs, mobile Apps, and Websites. This means that the tourist market must evolve fast to keep up with the flow of time. It is necessary to emphasize the stories and images of cultural spaces in the cities and create stories to tell to make the cultural spaces into places to experience and culturally communicate beyond mere sightseeing.

Therefore, branding the places through cultural marketing is an important factor to read the trends of contemporary era where the tourism consumers decide their destinations. As sightseeing tours of the 2000s are shifting to real-time tourism via SNS and mobile Apps, cultural tourism programs that actively connect to the urban culture of each city would lead the change of new tourism.

This study analyzed the marketing strategies of Yongdam-dong, Jeju City, Jeju Special Self-governing Province using the Marketing Mix 7P Technique (7P including 4P, which are product, price, place, and promotion, combined with people, physical evidence, and process). Also, the strategies for the four types of culture were classified into Type I for place-contemporary products, Type II for individual-contemporary products, Type III for individual-succeeded products, and Type IV for place-succeeded products, to systematically analyze the composition of cultural products.

As a result, it was concluded that it is necessary to organize programs with local experts and residents and provide budget in order to develop urban (place) marketing with the local residents. Also, it is necessary to promote policies for the local residents to develop the culture and resources contributive to each region.

For the regional development it is necessary to organize a group of regional cultural marketing experts and/or advisors for the local residents to discover the originality and identity of their region and plan for the development of regional culture. This would create distinct cultural spaces in each region and improve the local residents' ability to plan and suggest policies to develop a unique culture for each community.

Finally, urban and cultural marketing in the future should be intrinsically developed for the local residents to exchange opinion with the local government and regional expert group and participate in the development process.

Keywords: Cultural Marketing, Regional Development, Regional Residents, Place Marketing, Support for Regional Culture

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