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[PDF] Top 20 The Relationship between Late-life Depression and Resilience

Has 10000 "The Relationship between Late-life Depression and Resilience" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "The Relationship between Late-life Depression and Resilience".

The relationship between perceived Social support, Self-concept and Ego-resilience of middle-school students

The relationship between perceived Social support, Self-concept and Ego-resilience of middle-school students

... 그리고 중학생이 지각하는 사회적 지지와 자아개념이 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향력은 사회적 지지보다는 자아개념의 비중이 더 크게 나타났다.. Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the relationship among Social support, Self-concept and E[r] ... See full document


Ego resilience, Empathic Ability and Interpersonal relationship ability in Nursing Students

Ego resilience, Empathic Ability and Interpersonal relationship ability in Nursing Students

... Chung, “Relations on Self-esteem, Empathy and Interpersonal Relationship for Reinforcing Competence in Communication of Nursing Students”, The Journal of Korean academic society of nu[r] ... See full document


Convergence Study on the Moderating Effects of Ego-resilience on the relationship between Jobscape and Psychological Welfare of the Employees in Tourism Industry

Convergence Study on the Moderating Effects of Ego-resilience on the relationship between Jobscape and Psychological Welfare of the Employees in Tourism Industry

... Y, Seo, “The Effects on the Organization Conflicts Influence to Hotel Employees' Psychological Burnout based on Individual Characteristics and Organizational Characte[r] ... See full document


The relationship between social support and ego-resilience perceived by pre-service early childhood teachers: two-year, three-year and four-year

The relationship between social support and ego-resilience perceived by pre-service early childhood teachers: two-year, three-year and four-year

... A Study on the Relationship of Perceived Job Stress, Teacher Efficacy, Social Support and Organizational Effectiveness in Early Childhood Education Teachers.. Unpubli[r] ... See full document


The study on the convergence relationship of emotional intelligence, learning flow and academic resilience of dental hygiene students

The study on the convergence relationship of emotional intelligence, learning flow and academic resilience of dental hygiene students

... for the purpose of studying the relationships among emotional intelligence, learning flow and academic resilience of dental hygiene department ...analyzing the results, this report ... See full document


Effectors of emtional intelligence, humor sense, and ego resilience on adjustment to the college life of nursing students

Effectors of emtional intelligence, humor sense, and ego resilience on adjustment to the college life of nursing students

... Hong, “The mediating effect of humor on the relationship between perceived stress and depression in college students”, Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, vol.. J[r] ... See full document


A Study of relationship between health promoting lifestyle, depression, quality of life among middle aged women

A Study of relationship between health promoting lifestyle, depression, quality of life among middle aged women

... The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health promoting lifestyle, depression and quality of life among middle aged women. This fact[r] ... See full document


The relationship between workplace violence, depression, burnout, subjective health status, job and life satisfaction of physical therapists in South Korea

The relationship between workplace violence, depression, burnout, subjective health status, job and life satisfaction of physical therapists in South Korea

... score and standard deviation for workplace vio- lence in each subscale was examined along with the partic- ipants’ general and job ...to the physical therapists in other groups, the ... See full document


The relationship between sense of humor, stress and depression in the nursing students

The relationship between sense of humor, stress and depression in the nursing students

... 따라서 유머감각은 우울과 스트레스 같은 부 정적인 정서를 감소시키고 이러한 부정적 상태를 예방하기 위한 방안으로 유머의 사용과 활용을 증진할 수 있는 교육 및 프로그램이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.. 또한, 유머감각과 스트레스 및 우울에 대한 관계 연구를 간호 대학생뿐만 아니라 학업 및 실습에 스트레스 강도가 높은 다른 대상자로 확대하[r] ... See full document


Longitudinal relationship between depression and parents' child-rearing attitudes for adolescent

Longitudinal relationship between depression and parents' child-rearing attitudes for adolescent

... 방임과 우울 사이의 교 차관계 또한 남녀 학생 모두 강한 정적인 관계를 가지며, 부모의 방임이 청소년의 우울에 미치는 영향보다 우울이 방임에 미치는 영향이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다.. 집단간 경 로계수의 비교에서는 모든 경로에서 남학생보다 여학생의 경로가 더 강한 정적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.[r] ... See full document


Exploring the relationship between demographics of cycle tourists and the quality of life

Exploring the relationship between demographics of cycle tourists and the quality of life

... of the largest and fastest growing segments of the tourism industry, sport tourism refers to travel to play sports, watch sports, or to visit a sport attraction including both competitive and ... See full document


The relationship between emotional empathy and depression: Focused on the mediating effect of self criticism

The relationship between emotional empathy and depression: Focused on the mediating effect of self criticism

... grief and the negative aspects, they might lack the capacity to interact with outside ...With the intention to determine whether depressives might have certain characteristics regarding ... See full document


Comparison of depression and oral health-related quality of life between the military personnel and public

Comparison of depression and oral health-related quality of life between the military personnel and public

... 문(Yoo and Kim, 2013)의 직업유형 대분류 따라 관 리자, 전문가 및 관련 종사자, 사무 종사자, 서비스종 사자, 판매종사자, 농림어업숙련 종사자, 기능원 및 관 련 기능 종사자, 장치·기계조작 및 조립 종사자, 단순 노무 종사자, 그리고 직업군인으로, 총 10개의 ... See full document


Study about the relationship between self-esteem, depression and stress of students according to school system

Study about the relationship between self-esteem, depression and stress of students according to school system

... 2.3.3 우울 우울은 심리적으로 건강하지 않다는 대표적인 척도라 고 할 수 있다 9) . 본 연구에서는 Zung이 개발한 자가평가 우울척도(Zung Self-rating depression scale : SDS)를 사용하였다. 총 20문항으로 Likert 4점 척도로 사용하여 항상 그렇다에 4점, 아니다에 1점을 부여하여 점수가 높 을수록 우울정도가 높음을 나타낸다. ... See full document


Moderating effects of perceived parental empathy in the relationship between depression and eating problems in male adolescents

Moderating effects of perceived parental empathy in the relationship between depression and eating problems in male adolescents

... 둘째, 부모 공감 척도가 5개의 하위 요인(정서지각, 관 점수용, 공감적 정서반응, 냉담한 정서반응, 과민한 정서 반응)으로 이루어졌고 이 하위척도가 개별적으로 의미하 는 바가 다르며 공감적 태도의 세부적인 부분을 살펴봄 으로써 청소년의 우울 및 섭식문제에 영향을 미치는 부 모의 태도를 자세히 알아보고자 하였다.. 그러나 부모 공 [r] ... See full document


A study on the relationship between psychological separation from their parents and depression of high school students

A study on the relationship between psychological separation from their parents and depression of high school students

... In the relation between psychological separation from mother and depression, boys showed negative correlation in attitude independence and girls showed negative corr[r] ... See full document


The relationship between physical·mental health and life stress in dental hygiene freshman

The relationship between physical·mental health and life stress in dental hygiene freshman

... Methods : A self-reported questionnaire of 45 questions was filled out by 207 dental hygiene students in Gyeongnam from December 9 to 11, 2013. Conclusions : In order to reduce the ps[r] ... See full document


Gender difference in relationship between health-related quality of life and work status

Gender difference in relationship between health-related quality of life and work status

... investigate the important moderating factors of work status and quality of life in addition to gender, such as the employment status of the spouse and the presence of a ... See full document


Mediating effect of social support on the relationship between self-efficacy and adjustment to university life

Mediating effect of social support on the relationship between self-efficacy and adjustment to university life

... examined the mediating effects of social support on the relationship between self-efficacy and adjustment to university ...support and adjustment to university life were ... See full document


Family function mediates the relationship between internet addiction prior to entering the military and maladjustment in military life

Family function mediates the relationship between internet addiction prior to entering the military and maladjustment in military life

... Kang, “The Effect of Father's Rearing Attitude On Enlisted Soldier's Adjustment to Military Life and Psychological Well-Being”, Department of Counseling Psychology T[r] ... See full document


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