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[PDF] Top 20 The Relationship between Emotional labor, Burnout, Job satisfaction of nurses at long term care hospital

Has 10000 "The Relationship between Emotional labor, Burnout, Job satisfaction of nurses at long term care hospital" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "The Relationship between Emotional labor, Burnout, Job satisfaction of nurses at long term care hospital".

The Relationship between Emotional labor, Burnout, Job satisfaction of nurses at long term care hospital

The Relationship between Emotional labor, Burnout, Job satisfaction of nurses at long term care hospital

... 따라서 직무만족은 간호사의 이직과 간호사가 제공하는 환자간호의 질에 직접적 인 영향을 주는 변수로서 간호행정가나 관리자들이 간호조직의 생산성 향상을 위해 가장 중요하게 고려해야 할 변수 중 하나이다(이해정, 황선경, 2002). 선행 연구 대부분이 종합병원 및 대학병원에서 근무하는 간호사를 대상으로 한 반면 노 인요양병원에 근무하는[r] ... See full document


Convergent relationship between emotional labor, burnout, Job satisfaction and turnover intention in the dental hygienists

Convergent relationship between emotional labor, burnout, Job satisfaction and turnover intention in the dental hygienists

... 2 Dept. of Dental hygiene, Gimcheon University 요 약 본 연구에서 치과위생사를 대상으로 감정노동이 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 감정노 동 수준에 따른 직무만족도와 이직의도의 변화정도를 파악하고자 실시하였다. 연구는 대전, 대구 지역에 근무 중인 치과위생사 300명을 대상으로 2016년 4월부터 2016년 11월 까지 ... See full document


Effects of emotional labor, job stress and burnout on somatization in nurses : In convergence era

Effects of emotional labor, job stress and burnout on somatization in nurses : In convergence era

... identify the influence of emotional labor, job stress and burnout on somatization of nurses live in convergence ...387 nurses in D hospital. The ... See full document


Effect of Long-term Care Worker's Person-Centered Care on Service Quality of long term care facility -Focusing on mediating effects of long term care worker's emotional labor and job satisfaction-

Effect of Long-term Care Worker's Person-Centered Care on Service Quality of long term care facility -Focusing on mediating effects of long term care worker's emotional labor and job satisfaction-

... Division of Social Work, Grauduate School of Chosun University 2 Division of Administration & Social Welfare, Chosun University 요 약 본 연구에서는 요양보호사의 인간중심케어와 직무만족, 감정노동, 서비스 질 간의 관계를 ... See full document


The relationship between emotional labor and job burnout, and the mediating effect of social support in Social Welfare Agency

The relationship between emotional labor and job burnout, and the mediating effect of social support in Social Welfare Agency

... In order to verify and achieve the purposes mentioned above, questionnaire data were gathered and analysed from 349 employees of social welfare agency in western [r] ... See full document


Mediating effects of burnout and moderating effects of organizational support on the relationship between emotional dissonance and job satisfaction in dental hygienists

Mediating effects of burnout and moderating effects of organizational support on the relationship between emotional dissonance and job satisfaction in dental hygienists

... 소진과 직무만족도 간의 관계에서 자아탄력성과 임금만족도의 조절효과를 그래프로 도출한 결과, 소진 이 낮은 상태에서, 자아탄력성과 임금만족도가 높은 집단은 직무만족도가 더 높았지만, 전반적으로 자아 탄력성( ego resilience 3 )과 임금만족도( wage satisfaction 3 )가 높을수록 소진이 직무만족도에 미치는 부[r] ... See full document


Relationship between emotional labor and burnout among dental hygienists

Relationship between emotional labor and burnout among dental hygienists

... Job burnout was adopted from Maslach burnout inventory(MBI). Job stress was adpoted from instrument of Chang. Results: The emotional labor has a significant positive relation to the jo[r] ... See full document


compare the level of job stress, burn-out and job satisfaction between intensive care unit nurses and general unit nurses

compare the level of job stress, burn-out and job satisfaction between intensive care unit nurses and general unit nurses

... 소진은 사람들과의 밀접한 관계를 오랜 시간 유지하면서 정서적으로 부담이 되 는 결과의 산물로 정신적, 육체적, 심리적 인 고갈 상태를 조래함으로서 대상자에 게 부정적인 감정을 가지게 되는 것을 말하며 결국 심리적으로 업무와 분리되 거나, 대상자에게 무관심하게 되거나 냉 소적이고 경직된 반응을 보임으로써 스 트레스에 방어적으로 대처하[r] ... See full document


Convergence study on the relationship between happiness, clinical nursing personality and job satisfaction perceived by small and medium hospital nurses

Convergence study on the relationship between happiness, clinical nursing personality and job satisfaction perceived by small and medium hospital nurses

... Department of Nursing, Konyang University 요 약 본 연구는 간호사의 행복감, 임상간호인성 및 직무만족도와의 관계를 파악하고 직무만족도 영향요인을 확인하여 임상 현장에서 간호서비스의 질 향상과 간호사의 직무만족도 향상을 위한 프로그램의 개발의 기초자료를 제공하고자 ... See full document


Lived experiences toward moral distress among long-term care hospital nurses: A phenomenological approach

Lived experiences toward moral distress among long-term care hospital nurses: A phenomenological approach

... Conclusion: Sufficient labor supply, environmental improvements, programs for improving interpersonal skills, education and counseling on end-of-life care, and recognition improvement [r] ... See full document


The relationship of surface acting in emotional labor, emotional support from supervisor, colleagues, parents and burnout of teachers in kindergartens and day care centers

The relationship of surface acting in emotional labor, emotional support from supervisor, colleagues, parents and burnout of teachers in kindergartens and day care centers

... teachers in kindergartens and day care centers 이영미(Lee, Young-Mi)*․민하영(Min, Ha Yeoung)** 이 연구는 영유아 보육․교육기관의 교사의 표면적 정서노동과 직무소진의 관 계에서 시설장, 동료교사, 학부모의 정서적 지지가 상호작용 효과를 갖는지를 탐 색하였다. 조사대상은 영유아 보육․교육기관의 교사 208명 이었으며 ... See full document


The effects of emotional labor and job burnout of the ski resort workers on service level

The effects of emotional labor and job burnout of the ski resort workers on service level

... purpose of this study was empirically to reveal the effects of emotional labor and job burnout of the ski resort workers on service ...For the study, ... See full document


Influence of emotional labor on job burnout in dental hygienists: the moderating effect of employee support

Influence of emotional labor on job burnout in dental hygienists: the moderating effect of employee support

... Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of emotional labor on job burnout in dental hygienists based on the moderating effect of employee support.. Methods:[r] ... See full document


Relationship between emotional labor, burnout and turnover intention in the dental hygienists

Relationship between emotional labor, burnout and turnover intention in the dental hygienists

... 치과의료 시장은 서비스 산업의 발전과 더불어 발전되고 있다. 감정노동의 하위영역인 감정표현에서 대학병원이나 종 합병원, 치과의원이 감정표현에 대한 정도가 더 높은 것으 로 나타났다. 이는 치과위생사의 업무 특성 상 환자들과 밀 접한 관계를 유지해야 함에 따라 병원의 규모가 큰 종합병 원이나 대학병원의 경우 더욱 많은 환자[r] ... See full document


Relationship between job stress, burnout, and job satisfaction of beauty workers

Relationship between job stress, burnout, and job satisfaction of beauty workers

... Through the above results, job stress and burnout should be lowered in order to increase the job satisfaction of beauty workers, and in particular, job stress m[r] ... See full document


Nursing work environment, awareness & practice for patients medical information protection in long-term care hospital nurses.

Nursing work environment, awareness & practice for patients medical information protection in long-term care hospital nurses.

... 연구의 목적 본 연구는 요양병원 간호사의 간호근무환경, 환자의 의료정보 보호에 대한 인 식과 활동 정도를 파악하는 것으로 구체적인 목적은 다음과 같다.. (1) 요양병원 간호사의 간호근무환경, 의료정보 보호인식과 의료정보 보호활동 의 정도를 파악한다.[r] ... See full document


The Effect of the Beauty salon worker's emotional labor, job stress, job burnout and social support on turnover intention

The Effect of the Beauty salon worker's emotional labor, job stress, job burnout and social support on turnover intention

... and the younger, the lower education levels, and the fewer days off, the higher turnover intention. Second, directors, designers and the staff had emotional labor, job stress, job burno[r] ... See full document


The effects of the job embeddedness and job satisfaction on intention to stay in hospital nurses

The effects of the job embeddedness and job satisfaction on intention to stay in hospital nurses

... 재직의도와 관련된 국내의 선행연구를 살펴보면 간호 근무환경을 긍정적으 로 생각하고 극복력과 직무만족도가 높을수록 종합병원 간호사의 재직의도가 높다고 하였으며(김순이, 2018), 직무배태성이 높고 간호전문직관이 높을수록 종합병원 간호사의 재직의도가 높다고 하였다( 최숙영, 이미애, 2018 ).. 이는 간호인력 부족문제가 주목받[r] ... See full document


The effects of emotional labor and stress on job satisfaction in oral health professional

The effects of emotional labor and stress on job satisfaction in oral health professional

... 구강보건 분야에서 의료소비자들의 질 높은 의료서비 스요구를 효율적으로 충족시키기 위해서는 무엇보다도 조직원인 치과위생사가 자신의 직업에 만족할 수 있도 록 하는 것은 매우 중요한 일이다 17). 그러므로 치과 의료기관 종사자들의 감정노동 과 스트레스가 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 관련 요인에 대한 면밀한 분석이 요구된다. 현재 치과 의[r] ... See full document


A Study on Eco-systemic Factors that affect the job satisfaction of the care givers who involved in long-term care service center

A Study on Eco-systemic Factors that affect the job satisfaction of the care givers who involved in long-term care service center

... purpose of this study is to examine the eco-systemic factors that affect the care givers‘ job satisfaction, and to attain the real data that is useful for increasing ... See full document


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