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[PDF] Top 20 The Effects of The Reminiscence Program on The Elderly with Depression

Has 10000 "The Effects of The Reminiscence Program on The Elderly with Depression" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "The Effects of The Reminiscence Program on The Elderly with Depression".

The effects of psychological factors on elderly of depression scale and Electroephalography

The effects of psychological factors on elderly of depression scale and Electroephalography

... Lee, “A study on Comparison of Cognitive Function and Depression among the Aged in the Living with Family, the Aged in the Institution, and the Elderly People Living Alone”, master [r] ... See full document


The effects of pain, sleep, and depression on quality of life in elderly people with chronic pain

The effects of pain, sleep, and depression on quality of life in elderly people with chronic pain

... Yang, "The effects of chronic musculoskeletal pain and depression on health-related quality of life by gender in community-dwelling older adults." Journal of Korean Academy of Co[r] ... See full document


An empirical approach to analyzing effects of disease and activity limit on depression prevalence rate in the elderly depending on stress experience: KNHANES Data Analysis

An empirical approach to analyzing effects of disease and activity limit on depression prevalence rate in the elderly depending on stress experience: KNHANES Data Analysis

... Lewinsohn 등(1998)의 실험에서도 스트레스에 노출을 시킨 후 6개월 후에 우울증 유병 노인의 비율이 그렇지 않는 노 인들보다 6배 정도 높게 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라 스트레스가 있을 때에는 스트레스가 없는 경우의 어떠한 건강수준 유형보다 우울증 경험이 높아지 는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 질병 및 활동제약과 관련된 고연 령층 우울증에서 인지된 스트레스 수준이 매우 중요한 역 할을 한다는 ... See full document


Effects of elderly people's Frail prevention program on subjective health status, depression, physical fitness and quality of life for in Senior Center Participation of the Elderly

Effects of elderly people's Frail prevention program on subjective health status, depression, physical fitness and quality of life for in Senior Center Participation of the Elderly

... Department of Nursing Science, Youngsan University 요 약 본 연구는 J시 보건소의 노인 허약 예방프로그램이 지역사회 경로당 이용 노인의 주관적 건강상태, 우울, 체력 및 삶의 질 에 미치는 효과를 검증하기 위한 비동등성 대조군 전․후 시차 설계를 이용한 ... See full document


The intervention effects of the Clean Diet program on the health promotion attitudes and the physiological indices of an elderly

The intervention effects of the Clean Diet program on the health promotion attitudes and the physiological indices of an elderly

... groups of 30 subjects each. The Clean Diet Program was only applied to the test group, and the differences in self-efficacy, depression, health behavior, subjective perception of ... See full document


A Preliminary study for the evaluation of the effects of EFT-I(EFT program for insomnia) for insomnia in the elderly

A Preliminary study for the evaluation of the effects of EFT-I(EFT program for insomnia) for insomnia in the elderly

... Form of Geriatric Depression Scale, SGDS) 16) 대상자의 우울을 측정하기 위해 본 연구에서 는 1983년 Yesavage et al이 개발한 단축형 노인 우울 척도 (Short Form of Geriatric Depression Scale, SGDS)를 1999년 조맹제 등이 번역한 도 구를 사용하였다 ... See full document


Comparison of rhythmic and non-rhythmic aerobic exercises on depression and balance in the elderly

Comparison of rhythmic and non-rhythmic aerobic exercises on depression and balance in the elderly

... include elderly male subjects who are not accustomed to rhythmic movements to observe if the same effects are ...since the improve- ment of balance ability is related with ... See full document


Effects of cognitive rehabilitation program for the elderly with mild dementia

Effects of cognitive rehabilitation program for the elderly with mild dementia

... purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive programs on cognitive function improvement in patients with mild ...patients with mild dementia. The ... See full document


Development and effects analysis research of mental health importment program for elderly women

Development and effects analysis research of mental health importment program for elderly women

... purpose of this research is to construct a program for mental health of elderly women and to verify its ...verify the effectiveness of this research, a garden cultivation ... See full document


A phenomenological study on the meaning of presence of elderly participants in an exercise-music program

A phenomenological study on the meaning of presence of elderly participants in an exercise-music program

... Compared with the elderly’s en- joyment beliefs and enjoyment styles in a positive relation- ship with the meaning of life [31], it is thought that the eld- erly’s ... See full document


The effects of an animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program on depression and self-esteem of adolescents as victims of school violence

The effects of an animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program on depression and self-esteem of adolescents as victims of school violence

... living with human beings, dogs could provide emo- tional stability or play a therapeutic role for human ...victims of school violence, 6 were assigned to the experimental group that was provided ... See full document


The effects of two different visual feedback exercise tools based on rehabilitative ultrasound imaging in the elderly

The effects of two different visual feedback exercise tools based on rehabilitative ultrasound imaging in the elderly

... in the elderly population, which engages in less than one-fifth of the recommended physical activity for older people ...weakens with old age [2]. In particular, the quadriceps ... See full document


The effects of fall prevention exercise program on the community-dwelling elderly

The effects of fall prevention exercise program on the community-dwelling elderly

... 변영희(2006)와 전미양(2002)의 연구에서 낙상을 예방하는 운동프로그램을 개발 하는 연구들이 있었으나 집단으로 할 수 있는 율동 및 댄스 프로그램의 유산소 운 동을 개발하는데 국한되어 일상생활에서 스스로 운동을 꾸준히 실천할 수 있는 재 가노인들을 위한 운동프로그램이 없는 점이 미흡하다. 노인이 적당한 활동체력을 유지하고 건강[r] ... See full document


Influence of elderly drinkers' subjective health perception on the change in the trajectory of depression

Influence of elderly drinkers' subjective health perception on the change in the trajectory of depression

... 2 IDEA Institute of aging 요 약 본 연구는 음주노인의 종단자료를 사용하여 주관적 건강인식의 변화가 우울 변화 궤적에 미치는 영향을 분석한 서술 조사 연구이다. 본 연구는 고령화연구패널조사 1차(2006), 2차(2008), 3차(2010), 4차(2012) 자료를 모두 통합하여 균형패널를 구축하였으며, 최종 분석대상자는 네 시점 모두에서 응답한 음주노인 총 ... See full document


Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the 2030 Diabetes Camp program on  depression, anxiety, and stress among diabetic patients.

Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the 2030 Diabetes Camp program on depression, anxiety, and stress among diabetic patients.

... 본 연구 대상자의 스트레스에 치료적 방법 외에 경제적 부담, 여성이 관련 변수로 확인되었다. 경제적 부담이 없는 경우 스트레스가 덜한 것으로 나타났으나 본 연구 대상자의 약 80%는 당뇨병관리로 인한 경제적 부담을 느끼고 있어 Table 6. Variables predicting stress of the subjects (n = 29) ... See full document


A Study for Numeracy program Development of the elderly generation

A Study for Numeracy program Development of the elderly generation

... 본 연구는 후기성인들의 경험에 기반하여 후기성인을 위한 산술을 수리문해 측면에서 재정의함으로서, 비형식적인 후기성인학습자들의 문제해결과정을 정교한 수학적 문제해결 해결로 정당화시킬 수 있도록 후기성인학습자의 수학적 정교화에 기여할 수 있었다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다.. Ⅰ.[r] ... See full document


Comparison of the activities of daily living and sleep according to the presence depression in the elderly

Comparison of the activities of daily living and sleep according to the presence depression in the elderly

... destination of this study is a convenience sample of 301 people age 65 and older to use each one elderly welfare center D, M received a structured questionnaire for one-on-one interviews ... See full document


The effects on the adult obesity program processing of the national health insurance corporation.

The effects on the adult obesity program processing of the national health insurance corporation.

... 4)본 연구에서 비만프로그램이 실시되는 중간에 음주 유·무,수면시간 등이 측정이 되지 않아,명확한 음주,수면에 결과를 얻기가 어렵고,비만 프로그램의 기간이 수면과 음주에 대한 체중감소를 비교하기에는 단기간 이란 점이 제한점으로 남는다... 2)성인 비만자에 대한 비만관리 프로그램 실시 12주 후 술을 마시는 사람과 마시지 않는 사람[r] ... See full document


The effect of the multi intervention program applying to dementia elderly

The effect of the multi intervention program applying to dementia elderly

... 4) 노인 삶의 질 척도(Geriatric Quality of Life-Dementia; GQOL-D) GQOL-D는 대한노인정신의학회에서 치매노인이 스 스로 지각하는 삶의 질을 자유롭게 보고할 수 있도록 고 안되었다. 신체, 심리적 건강, 독립성의 수준, 사회관계, 환경 및 종교 등을 측정하는 13개 문항과 건강 및 전반적 인 삶의 만족도를 측정하는 각각 1개의 문항 등 총 ... See full document


Association between sleep quality and depression in the elderly after a stroke

Association between sleep quality and depression in the elderly after a stroke

... investigate the level of depression in the elderly after stroke and to determine the relationship between sleep quality and post stroke ...110 elderly people aged 60 or ... See full document


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